Re: Pali Word by Word 2004/08 [032]

From: Ong Yong Peng
Message: 4382
Date: 2004-02-25

Dear Nina and friends,

I think you are right about "no" being an emphatic. I have attempted
the complete segment of the paragraph which contains the sentence.
This is real hard, and there are certain words I am not very sure of.
Please help up.

Eva.m vutte, nigrodho paribbaajako bhagavanta.m etadavoca, "idha
maya.m, bhante, addasaama bhagavanta.m sumaagadhaaya tiire
moranivaape abbhokaase ca`nkamanta.m, disvaana eva.m avocumhaa -
'sace gotamo ima.m parisa.m aagaccheyya, ima.m ta.m pañha.m
puccheyyaama - ko naama so, bhante, bhagavato dhammo, yena bhagavaa
saavake vineti, yena bhagavataa saavakaa viniitaa assaappattaa
pa.tijaananti ajjhaasaya.m aadibrahmacariyan'ti? Aya.m kho no,
bhante, antaraakathaa vippakataa; atha bhagavaa anuppatto"ti.

Eva.m vutte,
thus / said
Thus these were said,

eva.m (adv.) thus.
vutta (p.p. of vadati) said.

nigrodho paribbaajako bhagavanta.m etadavoca,
Nigrodha / wanderer / [to] the Blessed One / said this
Nigrodha the Wanderer said this to the Blessed One,

paribbaajako (m.) a wandering religious mendicant.
bhagavanta.m (acc. of bhagavant) the Blessed One.
etad (dem. pron.) this.
avoca (3rd sing. aor. of vatti) said.
etadavoca = etad+avoca : said this.

"idha maya.m, bhante,
right here / we / venerable Sir
"We, right here, venerable Sir,

idha (adv.) in this place, here.
maya.m (per. pron.) we.
bhante (voc.) venerable Sir.

addasaama bhagavanta.m sumaagadhaaya tiire moranivaape abbhokaase
saw / the Blessed One / Sumagadha's / on riverbank / at Moranivapa /
in open air / walking
saw the Blessed One walking in the open air at Moranivapa, by the
riverbank of Sumagadha.

addasaama (1st plur. preterite of dassati) saw, perceived.
tiira (n.) shore, riverbank.
abbhokaasa (m.) open air.
ca`nkamanta (pres. part. of ca`nkamati) walking up and down.

disvaana eva.m avocumhaa -
having seen / thus / said
Having seen (him), thus, (we) said -

disvaana (ger. of dassati) having seen.
avocumhaa (1st plur. aor. of vatti) said.

'sace gotamo ima.m parisa.m aagaccheyya,
if / ascetic / Gotama / this / [to] assembly / would come
'If the ascetic Gotama would come to this assembly,

sace (ind.) if. (m.) ascetic.
ima.m (n. of aya.m dem. pron.) this.
parisaa (f.) assembly.
aagaccheyya (optative of aagacchati) would come.

ima.m ta.m pañha.m puccheyyaama -
this / him / question / (we) would ask
we would ask him this question -

ta.m (dem. pron.) him.
pañha (n.) question.
puccheyyaama (1st plur. of pucchati) would ask.

ko naama so, bhante, bhagavato dhammo,
who / name / he / venerable Sir / the Blessed One's / teachings
What is it called, venerable Sir, the teachings of the Blessed One,

ko (intr. pron.) who?
naama (n.) name.
so (dem. pron.) he.
bhagavato (gen. of bhagavant) of the Blessed One.
dhammo (m.) teachings.

yena bhagavaa saavake vineti,
wherein / the Blessed One / disciples / trains
wherein the Blessed One trains (his) disciples,

yena (adv.) wherein.
bhagavaa (nom. of bhagavant, m.) the Blessed One.
saavaka (m.) disciple.
vineti (v.) trains.

yena bhagavataa saavakaa viniitaa assaappattaa pa.tijaananti
ajjhaasaya.m aadibrahmacariyan'ti?
wherein / by the Blessed One / disciples / trained / comfort
obtained / acknowledge / intention / principles of moral life
wherein the disciples trained by the Blessed One, having obtained
comfort, acknowledge the intention (is) the principles of a moral

bhagavataa (ins. of bhagavant) by the Blessed One.
viniitaa (p.p. of vineti) trained.
assaappatta (adj.) comfort obtained(?) (PED patta3).
pa.tijaananti (v.) acknowledge.
ajjhaasaya (m.?) intention, desire, wish.
aadibrahmacariya (m.) principles or fundamentals of moral life (PED

Also, what does "the Blessed One is accomplished" mean?

Yong Peng.

--- In, nina van gorkom wrote:
I think the *no* may not be a negation, but just emphatic, meaning:
>> Aya.m kho no, bhante, antaraakathaa vippakataa; atha bhagavaa
>> anuppatto.
This is only a suggestion, I am not sure and like to be corrected:
This indeed, venerable Sir is the conversation that was interrupted
and unfinished; and then, the Blessed One is accomplished.

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