From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 4353 Date: 2004-02-18
Pali Primer Exercise 22
Translate into English
19. Tumhe bhuupaalaa amaccehi ca pa.n.ditehi ca sama.nehi ca
anusaasitabbaa hotha.
you / kings / by ministers and / by wise men and / by monks and
/ to be instructed / are
You kings are to be instructed by ministers, wise men and monks.
20. Upaasakena pu.t.tho paƱho pa.n.ditena vyaakaatabbo hoti.
by lay person / asked / question / by wise man / to be
explained / is
The question asked by the lay person is to be explained by a
wise man.
21. Bhuupaalassa uyyaane vasantaa migaa ca sakunaa ca luddakehi
na hantabbaa honti.
king's / in park / living / deer and / birds and / by hunter
/ not to be killed / are
Deer and birds living in the king's park are not to be killed
by hunters.
22. Kusala.m ajaanitvaa paapa.m karontaa kumaaraa na akkositabbaa,
te sama.nehi ca pa.n.dehi ca sappurisehi ca anusaasitabbaa.
good / not having known / evil / committing / boys / should
not be scolded / they / by monks and / by wise men and / by
virtuous men and / should be advised
Boys who commit sin without knowing what is wholesome should
not be scolded, they should be advised by monks, wise men and
virtuous men.
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