Hi Nina,

Cone lists aamanta as an absolutive form of aamanteti (alt form of
aamantetvaa) 'having consulted, taken leave of, spoken to,
addressed'. So it could be 'having asked' in some contexts. It might
be more common in the negative form anaamanta (or anaamantaa)
'without having asked permission', 'without having consulted'.

I can look at the next part of the question tomorrow morning.

hope this helps,


>I am studying a part of the Yamaka (sixth Book of Abhidhamma) and have the
>word aamanta. There are questions and fater each one there is: aamanta. PED
>gives: asking, asked, invited (from aamanteti, or aa+mant). Can it be: I am
>asking? What does Cone say?