From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 4040 Date: 2003-12-29
Pali Primer Exercise 17
Translate into English
21. Maa tva.m suva.n.napatta.m vikki.nitvaa khagge ki.naahi.
do not / you / golden bowl / having sold / swords / buy!
You do not sell the golden bowl and buy swords.
22. So bha.n.daani ca khetta.m ca ca puttaana.m datvaa
geha.m pahaaya bhavitu.m cintesi.
he / (household) articles and / field and / cattle and /
to sons / having given / house / having left / monk /
to be / intended
Having given (household) articles, the field and the cattle
to (his) sons, he intended to leave the household and become
a monk.
23. Dhammena jiivantaa sappurisaa mige na maaresu.m.
righteously / living / good men / not / killed
Living righteously, the good men did not kill deer.
24. Aha.m sopaana.m aaruhi.m, te sopaanamhaa oruhi.msu.
I / stairs / climbed / they / from stairs / descended
I climbed the stairs, they came down from the stairs.
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