From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 3978 Date: 2003-12-21
Pali Primer Exercise 16
Translate into Pali
8. Let the parrots fly taking fruits with their beaks.
suvaa / uppatantu / gahetvaa / phalaani / tu.n.dehi
Tu.n.dehi phalaani gahetvaa suvaa uppatantu.
9. Sons, do not commit sins, live righteously.
puttaa / maa karotha / paapa.m / jiivatha / dhammena
Puttaa, maa tumhe paapa.m karotha, dhammena jiivatha.
10. May the disciples of the Buddha get alms and robes.
saavakaa / Buddhassa / labhantu / daanaani ca / ciivaraani ca
Buddhassa saavakaa daanaani ca ciivaraani ca labhantu.
11. Let the children come out of the house and see the moon
rising from the mountain.
daarakaa / nikkhamma / gehasmaa / passantu / canda.m /
udenta.m / pabbatamhaa
Gehasmaa nikkhamma daarakaa pabbatamhaa udenta.m canda.m
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