From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 3970 Date: 2003-12-20
Pali Primer Exercise 16
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4. Let the sons climb the mountain to see lions, deer and birds.
puttaa / aaruhantu / pabbata.m / passitu.m / siihe ca / mige ca
/ ca
Puttaa siihe ca mige ca ca passitu.m pabbata.m aaruhantu.
5. Do not cut trees in forests if you wish to protect deer.
maa chinaahi / rukkhe / araññesu / sace / tva.m / iccha /
rakkhitu.m / mige
Sace tva.m mige rakkhitu.m iccha maa araññesu rukkhe chinaahi.
6. Let the child not come down the stairway, he will fall.
daarako / maa oruhatu / sopaanamhaa / so / patissati
Maa daarako sopaanamhaa oruhatu, so patissati.
7. Let the farmer plough the fields and sow seeds, let him not kill
kassako / kasitvaa / khettaani / vapatu / biijaani / so / maa
hanatu / aje
Kassako khettaani kasitvaa biijaani vapatu, maa so aje hanatu.
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