From: Jim Anderson
Message: 2562
Date: 2003-05-06
> Dear Jim and all,Warder,
> op 03-05-2003 17:48 schreef Jim Anderson op jimanderson_on@...:
> Could
> > this not be a genitive absolute construction as described by
> > p. 58 or Duroiselle, no. 603?423
> >
> > pathaviisama~nhi te, raahula, bhaavana.m bhaavayato, . . . -- M I
> >development
> > For while (or when, as) you, Rahula, are developing the
> > that is like the earth, . . .agent. the
> N: I think it is likely, because the sentence has more than one
> other being: the impressions, etc. phassaa.Offlist, Teng Kee has raised an interesting point about the correct
> J: I'm not too clear on a number of parts in the sentence. I findplacement
> > 'develeping the development' awkward in English. Also, the
> > of the 'na' before 'pariyaadaaya' instead of before '.thassanti'seems
> > unusual to me.means,
> N: I think na is for both. I compared the Co:
> <citta.m na pariyaadaaya .thassantiiti ete phassaa uppajjitvaa
> As to the words, they do not overcome the mind and persist, this
> after these impressions have arisen,overcome..
> tava citta.m antomu.t.thigata.m karonto viya
> while the mind just makes as it were a clenched fist >
> I compared with the Thai, and avoiding the awkward: having not
> they do not persist, the Thai uses:they do not overcome the mind,but here
> is not translated: and do not persist, .thassanti.I'm inclined to think that the 'na' in the sutta passage is intended
> And there is also this in the Co:
> pariyaadaaya gahetvaa .thaatu.m na sakkhissanti,
> here we have gahetvaa and then at end: na sakkhissanti. I take theIn the
> gahetvaa: after (the mind) has seized them... ??they do not remain.
> subco: this adds :pariggahetvaa, as a gloss to gahetvaa:given for
> <gahetvaati kusalappavattiyaa okaasadaanavasena pariggahetvaa.
> As to the words, having taken hold of, because of the opportunity
> a skilful life, after he has comprehended. >It is difficult for me too. I'm not yet sure who or what is grasping
> This is difficult for me. What is the gahetvaa, who is doing it.
> Earlier in the Co. it was stated; Rahula had to develop vipassanapa~n~naa.
> The meaning is just as in the Elephant's Footprint Discourse, wherethe
> monk, after he has learnt the elements, is not disturbed by painfulbodily
> impressions nor by harsh is:
> By the way if you have time, I stared so long on tava (in the Co.),
> just, only, indeed, but the ta: ta.m? Because indeed, or becausejust?