Dear Nina and friends,

thanks. 'Pali Day by Day', 'Pali Word by Word' and 'Sutta
Translation' will remain as part of the mailing list. In fact, I have
no plans yet to start a regular feature for the discussion forum
under construction. 'All Things Pali Discussion Group' is just the
name I came up with for this mailing list in 2001.

I enjoy the commentary translations you put up, and they are of the
right 'portion' for reading. Thanks. And if possible, we can work on
the Discourse on the Elephant's Footprint as the next sutta for

Yong Peng.

--- In, nina van gorkom wrote:
> This is really wonderful. I do enjoy beginners, one has to keep at
the grammar, repeating, and also I like the more advanced you
propose. I am getting excited about all your plans. I will keep to
Email, web is time consuming for me, but thanks anyway for your and
Piya's offer to help. Pali day by day, this, I hope continues just on
Email? I am not familiar with the name All things Pali discussion,
but this is from your web?
> I enjoy continuing with Co notes and trans, but really very
slowly. I will stay behind to your sutta tran. Anyway, we should
often go back to our text I feel, so that we profit from it to the
most. Such pointed reminders in them. Rereading texts helps to get to
the deep meaning.
> I also like very much your ideas of cross reference to suttas for
further explanations. What a good reminder for me. I get so busy and
involved with different projects, I do not read enough suttas.
> The Co to the Mahaaraahulovaada sutta reminds me of a cross
reference to the Discourse on the Elephant's Footprint. When I have
time I will do so.