Dear Yong Peng,
This is really wonderful. I do enjoy beginners, one has to keep at the
grammar, repeating, and also I like the more advanced you propose. I am
getting excited about all your plans. I will keep to Email, web is time
consuming for me, but thanks anyway for your and Piya's offer to help. Pali
day by day, this, I hope continues just on Email? I am not familiar with the
name All things Pali discussion, but this is from your web?
I enjoy continuing with Co notes and trans, but really very slowly. I will
stay behind to your sutta tran. Anyway, we should often go back to our text
I feel, so that we profit from it to the most. Such pointed reminders in
them. Rereading texts helps to get to the deep meaning.
I also like very much your ideas of cross reference to suttas for further
explanations. What a good reminder for me. I get so busy and involved with
different projects, I do not read enough suttas.
The Co to the Mahaaraahulovaada sutta reminds me of a cross reference to the
Discourse on the Elephant's Footprint. When I have time I will do so.
With much appreciation,

op 08-02-2003 07:38 schreef Ong Yong Peng <ypong001@...> op

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