Dear Frank,
What I find worrying is that I (seem to) understand this better than
I do ablatives, feminine demonstrative pronouns etc. used to describe
I would really appreciate it if Robert Eddison or Dimitry could give
us all hints about the english Metalanguage of Pali grammar (please?)
when discussing points.

In Pali@..., frank kuan <fcckuan@...> wrote:
> (from Dave Barry)
> Q. As far as grammar, what is the difference between
> ''bring'' and ``take''?
> A. ''Bring'' is a prehensile imprecation that must be
> used in the vindictive tense:
> EXAMPLE: ``Earl should of never brung Silly String to
> the viewing.''
> Whereas ''take'' is used in fraternal exhortations:
> EXAMPLE: ``Take a gander at THEM headlamps!''
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