Re: Pali Primer - Lesson 16

From: John Kelly
Message: 585
Date: 2001-11-28

A comment on the lesson 16 exercises:

Translate to English.
>8. Tumhe diipe jaaletvaa vihaarasmi.m ruupaani
> oloketha.
> Ans: Having lit the lamps, you look at the murals in
> the monastery.
Your choice of the word "murals" for "rupaani" is
interesting. The answer key did the same. Yet, the
glossary in the Primer indicates that "ruupa" means
"form, object", as did a dictionary I referred to.
Where did "mural" come from?

Regards to all,
--- Ong Yong Peng <ypong001@...> wrote:
> A Quick Glance
> This lesson covers the following topic:
> The Imperative
> 3rd Person: [sing.] pacatu [plur.] pacantu
> 2nd Person: [sing.] paca, pacaahi [plur.] pacatha
> 1st Person: [sing.] pacaami [plur.] pacaama
> [ Abbreviations ]
> nom. - nominative case
> acc. - accusative case
> ins. - instrumental case
> abl. - ablative case
> dat. - dative case
> gen. - genitive case
> loc. - locative case
> voc. - vocative case
> masc. - masculine gender
> neut. - neuter gender
> sing. - singular
> plur. - plural
> indec. - indeclinable
> Exercise 16:
> Translate into English:
> 1. Bhuupaalaa dhammena diipa.m paalentu.
> bhuupaalaa = kings (nom.)
> dhammena = righteously
> diipa.m = island (acc.)
> paalentu = may rule
> Ans: May kings rule the island righteously.
> 2. Maa manusso bhaayatu, sace so sacca.m jaanaati,
> bhaasatu.
> maa = not
> manusso = man (nom.)
> bhaayatu = may fear
> sace = if
> so = he
> sacca.m = truth (acc.)
> jaanaati = knows
> bhaasatu = let speak
> Ans: May the man not fear, if he knows the truth,
> let him speak.
> 3. Tumhe paapa.m karonte putte ovadatha.
> tumhe = you
> paapa.m = evil
> karonte = doing
> putte = sons (acc.)
> ovadatha = advise
> Ans: You advise the sons doing evil.
> 4. Sugato dhamma.m desetu, saavakaa ca upaasakaa ca
> vihaarasmi.m
> nisiidanti.
> Sugato = Buddha (nom.)
> dhamma.m = doctrine (acc.)
> desetu = may preach
> saavakaa = disciples (nom.)
> ca = and
> upaasakaa = lay devotees (nom.)
> ca = and
> vihaarasmi.m = monastery (loc.)
> nisiidanti = sit
> Ans: May the Buddha preach the dhamma, disciples and
> lay devotees
> sit/are sitting in the monastery.
> 5. Maa te paapakammaani katvaa manussalokamhaa
> cavitvaa narake
> uppajjantu.
> maa = not
> te = they
> paapakammaani = evil deeds (acc.)
> katvaa = having done
> manussalokamhaa = human world (acc.)
> cavitvaa = having departed
> narake = purgatory (loc.)
> uppajjantu = may be born
> Ans: May they not do evil deeds and be born in
> purgatory having
> departed from the human world.
> 6. Maa coraa kassakaana.m maarentu.
> maa = not
> coraa = thieves (nom.)
> kassakaana.m = farmers' (gen.)
> = oxen (acc.)
> maarentu = may kill
> Ans: May thieves not kill oxen of the farmers.
> 7. Maa tva.m sunakha.m aamasaahi, so ta.m .daseyya.
> maa = not
> tva.m = you
> sunakha.m = dog (acc.)
> aamasaahi = touch
> so = it
> ta.m = you
> .daseyya = might bite
> Ans: Do not touch the dog, it might bite you.
> 8. Tumhe diipe jaaletvaa vihaarasmi.m ruupaani
> oloketha.
> tumhe = you
> diipe = lamps (acc.)
> jaaletvaa = having lit
> vihaarasmi.m = monastery (loc.)
> ruupaani = objects/murals (acc.)
> oloketha = look at
> Ans: Light the lamps and look at the murals in the
> monastery.
> Ans: Having lit the lamps, you look at the murals in
> the monastery.
> 9. Tumhe asappurise aamantetvaa dhammena jiivitu.m
> anusaasatha.
> tumhe = you
> asappurise = wicked men (acc.)
> aamantetvaa = having addressed
> dhammena = righteously
> jiivitu.m = to live
> anusaasatha = admonish
> Ans: Address wicked men and admonish (them) to live
> righteously.
> Ans: Having addressed wicked men, you admonish
> (them) to live
> righteously.
> 10. Putta, maa tva.m paapamitte upasa"nkama.
> putta = son (voc.)
> maa = not
> tva.m = you
> paapamitte = evil friends (acc.)
> upasa"nkama = approach
> Ans: Son, do no approach evil friends.
> 11. Sace tumhe sacca.m bhaasitu.m ussaheyyaatha,
> tumhe sappurisaa
> bhaveyyaatha.
> sace = if
> tumhe = you
> sacca.m = truth (acc.)
> bhaasitu.m = to speak
> ussaheyyaatha = try
> tumhe = you
> sappurissa = good men (nom.)
> bhaveyyaatha = will become
> Ans: If you try to speak the truth, you will become
> good men.
> 12. Sace tva.m khipeyyaasi, kaakaa ca
> saku.naa ca aakaasa.m
> uppateyyu.m.
> sace = if
> tva.m = you
> = stones (acc.)
> khipeyyaasi = throw
> kaakaa = crows (nom.)
> ca = and
> saku.naa = birds (nom.)
> ca = and
> aakaasa.m = sky (acc.)
> uppateyyu.m = will fly
> Ans: If you throw stones, crows and birds will fly
> into the sky.
> 13. Maa daaraka paaniiya.m pivitvaa patta.m bhinda.
> maa = not
> daaraka = child (voc.)
> paaniiya.m = water (acc.)
> pivitvaa = having drunk
> patta.m = bowl (acc.)
> bhinda = break
> Ans: Child, do not break the bowl after drinking
> water.
> 14. Maa coretvaa gacchantaa coraa
> samudda.m tarantu.
> maa = not
> = gold (acc.)
> coretvaa = having stolen
> gacchantaa = going
> coraa = thieves (nom.)
> samudda.m = sea (acc.)
> tarantu = let cross
> Ans: Let not the robbers who are going after
> stealing gold cross the
> sea.
> 15. Upaasaka, maa putte akkosaahi, sama.nehi
> saddhi.m mantetvaa putte
> anusaasaahi.
> upaasaka = lay devotee (voc.)
> maa = not
> putte = sons (acc.)
> akkosaahi = scold
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