KB> I started of with a week-long Vipassana meditation retreat at
KB> Santisukharama (Kota Tinggi, Johor, Malaysia). It's of the Mahasi
KB> method, under the guidance of Ven. Sujiva (Malaysian), who's now
KB> mostly in European countries. That's how I really got into this
KB> Buddhist thing, by the way. Last year when I went to Burma, I
KB> found another method, thought by Shwe Oo Min Sayadaw, which seems
KB> to suit my temperament better. It almost identical to the Mahasi,
KB> except a few points:
KB> 1. It emphasizes more on the mind, rather than the body.
KB> 2. Labelling is discouraged.
KB> 3. No fixed reporting method, as required in Panditarama. Be free
KB> to covey your experience in the way that suits you. If the teacher
KB> needs to know more, he'll ask.
KB> 4. No super slow movement, as required in Chammyay. Move at a
KB> calm, natural speed.
Is there any text with the description of this method? Looking for
works of Shwe Oo Min Sayadaw on the Internet, I found only his picture
at the Mahasi Sayadaw website in Burma.
In fact Satipatthana sutta instructs rather to discern (jaanaati) 'I
am going', etc., than to label the action.
I would be very grateful for any information in this area.
Mettena cittena,
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