Pali Primer - Lesson 12

From: Ong Yong Peng
Message: 545
Date: 2001-10-30

A Quick Glance

This lesson covers the following topic:

Present Tense, Active Voice
3rd Person: [sing.] + ati [plur.] + anti
2nd Person: [sing.] + asi [plur.] + atha
1st Person: [sing.] + aami [plur.] + aama

[ Abbreviations ]
nom. - nominative case
acc. - accusative case
ins. - instrumental case
abl. - ablative case
dat. - dative case
gen. - genitive case
loc. - locative case
voc. - vocative case
masc. - masculine gender
neut. - neuter gender
sing. - singular
plur. - plural
indec. - indeclinable

Exercise 12:

Translate into English:

1. Tva.m mittehi saddhi.m rathena aapa.namhaa bha.n.daani aaharasi.
tva.m = you
mittehi = friends (ins.)
saddhi.m = with (indec.)
rathena = vehicle (ins.)
aapa.namhaa = shop (abl.)
bha.n.daani = goods (acc.)
aaharasi = bring (2nd person, sing.)
Ans: You bring goods from the shop in the vehicle with friends.

2. Aha.m udakamhaa padumaani aaharitvaa vaa.nijassa dadaami.
aha.m = I
udakamhaa = water (abl.)
padumaani = lotuses (acc.)
aaharitvaa = having brought
vaa.nijassa = merchant (dat.)
dadaami = give (1st person, sing.)
Ans: I, having brought lotuses from the water, give them to the

3. Tumhe sama.naana.m daatu.m ciivaraani pariyesatha.
tumhe = you (plur.)
sama.naana.m = monk (dat.)
daatu.m = to give
ciivaraani = robes (acc.)
pariyesatha = search (2nd person, plur.)
Ans: You search for the robes to give to the monk.

4. Maya.m sagge uppajjitu.m aaka"nkhamaanaa siilaani rakkhaama.
maya.m = we
sagge = heaven (loc.)
uppajjitu.m = to be born
aaka"nkhamaanaa = hoping
siilaani = precepts (acc.)
rakkhaama = protect (1st person, plur.)
Ans: We hoping to be born in heaven protect precepts/practise virtues.

5. Te dhamma.m adhigantu.m ussahantaana.m sama.naana.m daana.m
te = they
dhamma.m = doctrine (acc.)
adhigantu.m = to understand
ussahantaana.m = trying
sama.naana.m = monks (dat.)
daana.m = alms
dadanti = give (3rd person, plur.)
Ans: They give alms to monks trying to understand the doctrine.

6. So ara~n~namhi uppatante passitu.m pabbata.m aaruhati.
so = he
ara~n~namhi = forest (loc.)
uppatante = flying = birds (acc.)
passitu.m = to see
pabbata.m = mountain (acc.)
aaruhati = climbs (3rd person, sing.)
Ans: He climbs the mountain to see birds flying in the forest.

7. Maya.m sugatassa saavake vanditu.m vihaarasmi.m sannipataama.
maya.m = we
sugatassa = Buddha's (gen.)
saavake = disciples (acc.)
vanditu.m = to worship
vihaarasmi.m = monastery (loc.)
sannipataama = assemble (1st person, plur.)
Ans: We assemble in the monastery to worship the Buddha's disciples.

8. Aagacchanta.m taapasa.m disvaa so bhatta.m aaharitu.m geha.m
aagacchanta.m = coming
taapasa.m = hermit (acc.)
disvaa = having seen
so = he
bhatta.m = rice (acc.)
aaharitu.m = to bring
geha.m = house (acc.)
pavisati = enters (3rd person, sing.)
Ans: Having seen the hermit coming, he enters the house to bring rice.

9. Aha.m udaka.m oruyha braahmanassa dussaani dhovaami.
aha.m = I
udaka.m = water (acc.)
oruyha = having descended
braahmanassa = brahmin's (gen.)
dussaani = clothes (acc.)
dhovaami = wash (1st person, sing.)
Ans: I descend into water and wash the brahmin's clothes.

10. Tva.m gehassa dvaara.m vivaritvaa paaniiya.m pattamhaa aadaaya
tva.m = you (sing.)
gehassa = house's (gen.)
dvaara.m = door (acc.)
vivaritvaa = having opened
paaniiya.m = drinking water (acc.)
pattamhaa = bowl (abl.)
aadaaya = having taken
pivasi = drink (2nd person, sing.)
Ans: You open the door of the house, take drinking water from the
bowl and drink.

11. Aha.m hira~n~na.m pariyesanto diipamhi aavaa.te kha.naami.
aha.m = I
hira~n~na.m = gold (acc.)
pariyesanto = searching
diipamhi = island (loc.)
aavaa.te = pits (acc.)
kha.naami = dig (1st person, sing.)
Ans: I dig pits in the island searching for gold.

12. Phalaani khaadantaa tumhe rukkhehi oruhatha.
phalaani = fruits (acc.)
khaadantaa = eating
tumhe = you (plur.)
rukkhehi = trees (abl.)
oruhatha = descend (2nd person, plur.)
Ans: You, who are eating fruits, descend from trees.

13. Paasaa.nasmi.m .thatvaa tva.m canda.m passitu.m ussahasi.
paasaa.nasmi.m = rock (loc.)
.thatvaa = having stood
tva.m = you (sing.)
canda.m = moon (acc.)
passitu.m = to see
ussahasi = try (2nd person, sing.)
Ans: Having stood on the rock, you try to see the moon.

14. Maya.m manussalokamhaa cavitvaa sagge uppajjitu.m aaka"nkhaama.
Ans: We, having departed from the human world, hope to be born in

15. Tumhe ara~n~ne vasante mige sarehi vijjhitu.m icchatha.
Ans: You (plur.) wish to shoot with arrows deers living in the forest.

16. Maya.m uyyaane carantaa sunakhehi saddhi.m kii.lante daarake
Ans: We, walking in the park, see children playing with dogs.

17. Tva.m rukkhamuule nisiiditvaa aacariyassa daatu.m vattha.m
Ans: You (sing.), having seated at the foot of the tree, sew a cloth
to give to the teacher.

18. Maya.m pu~n~na.m icchantaa sama.naana.m daana.m dadaama.
Ans: We, wishing for merit, give alms to monks.

19. Tumhe sacca.m adhigantu.m aarabhatha.
Ans: You (plur.) begin to understand the truth.

20. Tva.m giita.m gaayanto rodanta.m daaraka.m rakkhasi.
Ans: You (sing.), singing a song, protect the crying child.

21. Maya.m hasantehi kumaarehi saha uyyaane naccaama.
Ans: We dance in the park with boys who are laughing.

22. So paaniiya.m pivitvaa patta.m bhinditvaa maatulamhaa bhaayati.
Ans: He, having drunk water and broken the bowl, fears the uncle.

23. Paasaada.m upasa"nkamanta.m disvaa bhuupaalassa citta.m
Ans: Having seen the monk approaching the palace, the king's mind is

24. Maya.m ara~n~na.m pavisitvaa ajaana.m pa.n.naani sa.mharaama.
Ans: We enter the forest and collect leaves for goats.

25. Khetta.m rakkhanto so aavaa.te kha.nante varaahe disvaa
paasaa.nehi paharati.
Ans: Protecting the field, he, having seen pigs digging pits, hits
them with stones.

Translate into Paali:

1. I call the child who is stroking the dog's body.
Ans: Aha.m sunakhassa kaaya.m aamasanta.m daaraka.m paakosaami.

2. We try to learn the truth speaking with the monks who assemble in
the monastery.
Ans: Maya.m vihaare sannipatantehi sama.nehi saha bhaasantaa sacca.m
adhigantu.m ussahaama.

3. Sitting in the park you (plur.) eat fruits with friends.
Ans: Uyyaanasmi.m nisiidantaa tumhe mittehi saha phalaani bhu~njatha.

4. Tva.m aasanamhi nisiiditvaa khiira.m pivasi.
5. Maya.m vane gantvaa carante mige passitu.m gehasmaa nikkhamaama.
6. Aha.m dhamma.m adhigantu.m icchaami.
7. Pabbatasmi.m .thatvaa maya.m samuddamhi patanta.m candassa
aaloka.m passaama.
8. Aha.m maggasmaa kassakassa saka.ta.m aaka.d.dhaami.
9. Tumhe aasanesu nisiidatha, aha.m gehamhaa paaniiya.m aaharaami.
10. Maya.m biijaani khaadante passantaa khettesu aahi.n.daama.
11. Aha.m suukare hananta.m asappurisa.m ovadaami.
12. Tva.m geha.m upasa"nkamanta.m sappa.m passitvaa bhaayasi.
13. Aha.m ara~n~nasmaa nikkhamantehi narehi pa~nhe pucchaami.
14. Rodanta.m daaraka.m disvaa maya.m maggasmi.m gacchanta.m vejja.m
15. Aha.m siilaani rakkhanto sama.naana.m daana.m dadanto daarakehi
saha gehamhi vasaami.
16. Sappurisaa paapakammaani bhaayantaa sagge uppajjanti.
17. Laabha.m labhitu.m aaka"nkhantaa maya.m nagarasmaa bha.n.daani
18. Maya.m rukkhamuulasmi.m .thatvaa udakena pupphaani aasi~ncaama.
19. Aha.m udakena patte dhovitvaa vejjaaya dadaami.
20. Sacca.m pariyesanto aha.m geha.m pahaaya vihaara.m pavisaami.
21. passitu.m icchantaa tumhe uyyaane sannipatatha.
22. Aha.m kaakassa tu.n.dasmaa patanta.m phala.m passaami.
23. Tva.m samudda.m taritvaa diipamhaa assa.m aaharasi.
24. Aha.m aapa.nasma diipa.m aaharitu.m gehamhaa nikkhamaami.
25. Pi.taka.m aadaaya aha.m dha~n~na.m sa.mharitu.m khetta.m

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