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Kimden: Polat Kaya
Gönderme tarihi: Saturday, August 02, 2003 4:01 PM
Konu: [bcn_2003] LYCURGUS was Turkish "ULU KÖR GÖZ"



(Copyright © 2003 Polat Kaya)

Dear friends,

In my previous writings I talked about the trinity Sky-God religion of
ancient Turanians where the trinity comprised of a creator Sky Father
God (Ata Tengri in Turkish), a Sun God (Gun Tengri in Turkish) and a
Moon God (Ay Tengri in Turkish).  In that trinity religion, the Turanians
regarded the Sun and the Moon as the eyes of the creator Sky Father
God himself.  The Sun was regarded as the seeing right eye of God while
the Moon was regarded as the blind left eye of God.  The Sun was
both the "FIRE EYE" (Turkish "KOR-GÖZ") and the "SEEING EYE" (Turkish
"GÖR-GÖZ") of Sky-Father-God.  The Sky-Father-God was able to "see"
because his right eye (i.e., the Sun) lit everything up so that they could
be seen. The Moon, on the other hand, not having any light of its own,
was the "BLIND EYE" (Turkish "KÖR GÖZ") of Sky-Father-God.  Since the
Moon was regarded as an EYE (GÖZ ) of God, and that eye was blind (KÖR),
God himself was also regarded as BLIND-EYE ("KÖRGÖZ").  In this sense,
God (Sky-Father) could be regarded as having only one eye.  And that
eye was Turkish "O-GÖZ" meaning "THAT EYE" and referring to the Sun.
The creator God and his working Eye (i.e., the Sun with its intense light
and heat) could not be separated from each other.  Thus the name
"O-GÖZ" (i.e., the Sun) translates to "OGÖZ", "OGUZ" and "OGUS".  Hence
God (Sky Father) was also OGUZ.  Embedded in this concept was the
notion that the creator Sky God was made of intense light and heat.
For the ancient Turanians, the SUN was the second deity that was
worshipped after the Sky God himself.  The Moon was the third deity.

In ancient Turanian culture, God had many names attributed to him.
In accordance with ancient Turanian name-giving traditions, these
Sky God names were taken on by rulers in their titles to exalt themselves.

The Latin word "cognamen", meaning "surname" or "family name", is
from the Turkish expression "KÖG-NAMIN" meaning "your sky name" or
"your root name" (KÖK-NAMIN).  Roman emperors were assuming the
cognamen of AUGUSTUS - which is known to represent God himself.
The name AUGUSTUS is from "AUGUST", meaning "majestic", "grand",
"imposing", "eminent" and "of high birth or rank", etc., which is actually
an anagram of Turkish name "OGUZ-ATA" referring to the Sky Father God
and the Sun and the Moon.  There can be nothing more majestic or
grander than that.  Since the early Romans were also "pagans", that is,
believing in the ancient Turanian Sky-God religion ("OGUZ-ATA"), they
were elevating themselves by assuming a title derived from Turkish

Now we come to the main topic of this essay, which is, the name of
LYCURGUS  as found in Homer's Iliad  epic stories. The Greek version
of the name Lycurgus is given as LUKOURGOZ  [1] in one word. Note that
the Greek version does not use Y but rather U - indicating that Y is
actually a U in many cases as I have been saying.

G. S. Kirk, in his book entitled, "The Nature of Greek Myths," writes
the following as an ancient mythological story: [2].

"Nor did the son of Dryas, strong Lycurgus, last for long, because he
strove against the heavenly gods.  Once on a time he chased the nurses
of raving Dionysus over a holy Mount Nysa;  and they all together cast
their sacred rods on the ground, under the blows of manslaying
Lycurgus' ox-goad, and Dionysus took a flight and sank into the waves
of the salt sea, the Thetis received him terrified in her bosom, for
strong trembling possessed him when the man threatened him. With
Lycurgus the easy-living gods were afterwards enraged, and the SON OF
KRONOS MADE HIM BLIND; nor did he last for long once he became the
enemy of all the immortal gods. (Iliad 6, 130 ff.).  Lycurgus is a
Thracian, and it is interesting that the opposition tales range from
Thrace, in the very north-east of Greece, through Thebes and
Orchomenus in its center, to Argos in the Peloponnese. "  

In this explanation of G. S. Kirk, we see that Greek God ZEUS, the son
of KRONOS, was enraged with the Thracian LYCURGUS and thus blinded
him. Also, Lycurgus must have been a godly personality himself in
order to be able to associate with ZEUS.

In Turkish, a blind person is called "KÖR GÖZ". Lycurgus is blind too.
And therefore he is "KÖR GÖZ" also. When the Greek version of the name
LUKOURGOZ (Lycurgus ) is slightly rearranged as "ULUKORGOZ" by moving
the second "U" to the front of the word, it is absolutely obvious that
it is from Turkish expression "ULU KÖR GÖZ" meaning "Great Blind Eye".
Thus "Lycurgus" is unquestionably a Turkish expression that has been
dressed up in Greek clothes.

The story also says very clearly that  "Lycurgus" was a Thracian -
meaning that he was a "TURK" or someone who is very closely related
to Turks.  Of course since "ULU KÖR-GÖZ" ("Lycurgus") refers to both
the ancient Turkish Sky-Father-God and the ancient Turkish Moon-God
(because both can be regarded as blind), then by definition he was
necessarily a Turkish deity of the ancient Thracians (Turks). This also
shows conclusively that the ancient Thracians were Turkish speaking
peoples as the name "Thracia", anagrammatized from Turkish "TURK ÖYÜ"
meaning "house of Turks", also indicates.  In Arabic "ETRAK" also means
"Turks".  THRACIA and ETRAK are linguistically related words.

>From all this, it becomes crystal clear that the
so-called Indo-European
name LUKOURGOZ (Lycurgus ) was actually a usurped word by way
of anagram from Turkish.  It seems that the ancient Greek "mythology"
generators (i.e., writers, translators, etc.) were quite busy in taking
the ancient Turanian deities, legends, riddles and mythological
stories, etc., altering and embellishing them, and then claiming them
as their own.  Similarly, they took Turkish words and expressions and
anagrammatized them into Greek words and names.  This game has
been well played and propagated up to present times thus enabling the
ancient Greeks to claim a distinct language of their own plus a grand
"Greek" mythology which displaced and obliterated the original
Turanian mythology that it was taken from.

Historical sources also mention a certain Lycurgus who is said to be a
Spartan lawgiver although there is another later Athenian orator and
statesman by the same name. "A Dictionary of Ancient History" [3]
edited by Graham Speake writes the following about the Spartan

"Lygurgus was, for the Spartans, the wise lawgiver who had established
all Sparta's institutions in a coherent system, a view still reflected
in Xenophon's Lacedaemonian Constitution.  He is supposed to have been
royal blood, though not a king, and to have consulted Delphy or Crete
in framing his laws.  Historically, however, he is a shadowy figure
Plutarch's Life of Lycurgus admits at the outset: 'Concerning Lycurgus
the lawgiver nothing whatsoever can be said which is not disputed';
and conflicting traditions point to a range of possible dates between
and 776 BC (all of them probably too early for the actual reforms
attributed to him).In reality, his function was to guarantee the
antiquity and invariability of Spartan society and to offer a rallying
cry for concervative reformers."

The above passage, in one hand, refers to a real person i.e., supposedly
a Spartan lawgiver, but in the other hand could also refer to a
mythological personification of a deity. Peter Green, in his book
entitled "Ancient Greece" [4] provides a picture of the bust of this
Spartan lawgiver named LYCURGUS which I have attached to this
writing.   From this picture, it is readily seen that LYCURGUS was a
blind man.  Thus his name Lygurgus ("Ulu Kör Göz" in Turkish, meaning
"Great Blind Eye" in English) is very appropriate because he is a great
man and a blind man - as his Turkish name indicates. Additionally,
if the name was referring to a mythological deity, it would be referring
to the Thracian (Turkic) Sky-God - which is also great and blind in one
eye as explained above.

This picture provides visible evidence that corroborates the correctness
of my analysis of the so-called ancient Greek names being mostly made
up names from the Turkish language, i.e., LUKOURGOZ (Lygurgus) from
Turkish "ULU KÖR GÖZ".

This Lycurgus discussion provides very important evidence indicating:
a) that Turkish is a very ancient language; and b) that Greeks
anagrammatized Turkish words and phrases into Greek words and names.
Additionally, it can be extrapolated that since the ancient Greeks
anagrammatized this one name from Turkish into Greek, they actually
did many more.  I have said before and I will say again, many of the
Greek mythological names (and the Greek language as depicted in
dictionaries) are full of words that have been anagrammatized from

The Greek alphabet is one of the most ingeniously designed deceptive
alphabets particularly suitable for anagrammatizing Turkish into
Greek.  Many letters of this alphabet have multiple identities that
can replace the letters of the original Turkish text without being
noticed.  For example, the final letter Z (letter "zita") in the Greek
spelling of the name LUKOURGOZ is actually a multi-identity letter
which can replace Turkish letters such as S, Sh, Ç and Z in the
original Turkish source text that is being anagrammatized.  In this
case, the Z in LUKOURGOZ actually represents the Z in Turkish GÖZ.

We can also confidently say that since ancient Greeks anagrammatized
Turkish into Greek, so too did the Latins and the Semitics, and other
Indo-Europeans languages as these languages contain many words
indicating that they are from Turkish. 

Finally, to sum up, this evidence shows us that when the name
LYCURGOS (LUKOURGOZ) was being coined in ancient Greece
(Yunanistan) and Thracia,, i.e., the Balkans, at least during the
2nd millenium B.C., Turkish was there and was in full bloom.


[1]      George C. Divry, "English - Greek and Greek-English Desk
Dictionary, D. C. Divry, Inc., Publishers, New York, 1988,  p. 578.

[2]      G. S. Kirk, " The Nature of Greek Myths", Penguin Books, 1974, p. 129.

[3]      Graham Speake (Editor), "A Dictionary of Ancient History",
Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, UK, 1994, p. 381.

[4]      Peter Green, "A Concise History Of Ancient Greece to the Close of
the Classical Era", Thames and Hudson, 1979, p. 68-69.

Best wishes to all,

Polat Kaya

Aug 2, 2003

"Biz Cevirmenlere N'oluyor!" bilgi toplulugu, allingus Profesyonel Yabanci Dil Cozumleri Ltd. Sti.'nin bir girisimidir.

Kurulus Bildirisini bolgesinde okuyabilirsiniz.  Mayis 2001

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