From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 14415
Date: 2019-06-12
> Annat sumar eftir á alþingi sagði Þórðr upp gerðunum.The next summer Þórð pronounced his judgements at the
> The next summer after the All-Thing, Thordr gave the
> verdict. (CV GÖRÐ IV: segja upp gerð, to pronounce or to
> give verdict as umpire)
> [The] next summer after at [the] Althing Þórðr delivered
> the-arbitration.
> Sú var gerð hans á hendr Þorvaldi, at hann skyldi faraIt was his judgement against Þorvald that he should travel
> utan þá samsumars ok vera utan fimm vetr, nema hann færi á
> fund páfa ok sættist við hann ok fengi þat af honum, at
> hann væri utan þrjá vetr.
> Such was his verdict against Thorvaldr, that he should go
> abroad in the same summer and stay out of the country five
> years, except (if) he went to a pope meeting and made
> peace with him and got that from him, that he would stay
> abroad three years. (Z. hönd 1: á hendr, against)
> That (fem sg dem art) was his arbitration against
> Þorvaldr, that he should journey abroad then
> in-the-same-summer, and be (stay) abroad five winters,
> unless he should/would-journey to a meeting of (ie go to
> visit) [the] pope and come-to-terms with him and
> should/would-obtain that from him, that he should/would-be
> (stay) abroad three winters. (ie an offer of a two winter
> discount conditional on visiting the pope).
> En er hann kæmi út ok hefði svá í brott verit, þá væriAnd if he came out to Iceland and had been away thus [i.e.,
> heimil vist hans í Vatnsfirði, bústaðr ok
> þingmannavarðveizla, en Þorvaldr skyldi vera óheilagr
> milli Vatnsfjarðar í Breiðafirði ok Stiga í Ísafirði ok
> allir þeir menn, er fóru til aftöku Hrafns, ok skyldu
> aldri koma í þetta takmark, nema þeir yrði sæhafa nauðgir,
> þá skyldu þeir fara á brott fullum dagleiðum.
> But if he came out (of exile) and had so been away, then
> he would certainly stay at his home in Vatnsfirth, abode
> and a person attending entertainment at an assembly, but
> Thorvadlr whould be outlawed between Vatnsfirth in
> Breidafirth and Stiga in Isafirth and all the men who went
> to Hrafn's slaying, and they should never come to this
> boundary, except they would be unwilling(ly) driven out of
> their course, they they should go away a full day's
> journey.
> But (And) when he should/would-come out (ie return to
> Iceland) and should/would-have been thus away, then his
> abode would-be entitled [to him] in Vatnsfjörðr, a
> dwelling-place and [the] keeping-of-liegemen, but Þorvaldr
> should be outlawed (<úheilagr>) between Vatnsfjörðr in
> Breiðafjörðr and Stigi (Ladder?) in Ísafjörðr, - and all
> those persons (men) who journeyed to [the] slaying of
> Hrafn, - and [they] should never come into (ie cross) this
> boundary, unless they became (ie were) driven-off-course
> against [their] will, then they should journey away on a
> full day´s-journey.
> Allir menn skyldu vera ór þingi frá Þorvaldi, þeir erAll those people who were settled in Súgandafjörð and west
> byggðum váru í Súgandafirði ok vestr þaðan, í því
> takmarki, sem áðr var tját.
> All men should be out of the assembly about Thorvaldr,
> they who had settled in Sugandafirth and thence west, in
> that boundary which previously was related.
> All persons (men) should be (ie stay) out of [the]
> district [<þing>, Z3?) away-from Þorvaldr, those who were
> with an abode in Súgandafjörðr (‘Sucking’-fjord ?) and
> west from-there, [with]in that boundary, which already was
> related.
> Þessir fjórir menn skyldu utan fara ok koma aldrigi út:These four men were to travel abroad and never come [back]
> Þorgils Austmaðr, Steingrímr Ásgeirsson, Þórðr Gunnarsson,
> Bárðr Bárðarson, ok vera ór Vestfirðingafjórðungi at inum
> næsta hálfum mánuði þaðan frá, er þeir spyrði gerðina.
> These four men should go abroad and never come out (to
> Iceland): Thorgil Austmadr, Steingrimr Asgeirson, Thordr
> Gunnarson, Bardr Bardson, and be out of Bestfirthfhordung
> at the next half month thence forth, when they found out
> about the arbitration.
> These four persons (men) should journey abroad and come
> never out (ie return to Iceland): Þorgils [the] Easterner,
> Steingrímr Ásgeirr’s-son, Þórðr Gunnarr’s-son, Bárðr
> Bárðr’s-son and be (stay) out-of [the] Quarter of [the]
> West-Fjord’s folk during the next half month from that
> [time], when they were-informed-of the-arbitration.
> Þeir Bjarni djákn ok Kolbeinn Bergsson skyldu vera sekirBjarni [the] deacon and Kolbein Bergsson were to be outlawed
> um allt land nema í Austfjörðum.
> Deacon Bjarni and Kolbeinn Bergson should be outlawed
> across all the country except in Austfiord.
> They Deacon Bjarni and Kolbeinn Berg’s-son should be
> condemned-to-outlawry throughout all [the] land except in
> Austfirðir ([the] East Fjords).
> Ormr Skeggjason skyldi eigi vera í Dýrafirði ok eigi íOrm Skeggjason was not to be in Dýrafjörð and not in
> Ísafirði.
> Ormr Skeggjason should not stay in Dyrafirth and not in
> Isafirth.
> Orm Skeggi’s-son should not be (stay) in Dýrafjörðr and
> not in Ísafjörðr.
> Þórðr Steinsson skyldi ok svá sekr sem Ormr.Þórð Steinsson was also to be outlawed like Orm.
> Thordr Steinson should also (be) so sentenced as Ormr.
> Þórðr Steinn’s-son should also condemned-to-outlawry like
> Ormr.
> Allir menn aðrir skyldu hafa slíka sekt sem Þorvaldr ánAll other men were to have similar penalty to Þorvald
> utanför ok gjalda þó fé, þrjú hundruð fyrir mann, til þess
> at þeim sé landvært.
> All the other men should have such guilt as Thorvaldr
> without (the requirement to) travel abroad and yet pay
> money, three hundred per man, to that to them would be
> residency in a country open to them.
> All other persons (men) should have a similar penalty as
> Þorvaldr without [the] journey-abroad and pay nevertheless
> money, three hundred for a (per?) person (man), until [it]
> be open-for-residency-in-the-country for them. (ie until
> they were free to reside in the country again, ie
> presumably when the period of their outlawry was over).
> En með þessum mannsektum gerði Þórðr fyrir víg HrafnsAnd together with these penalties to the person [as distinct
> hundrað hundraða.
> But with these penalties Thordr judged for Hrafns slaying
> 10,000.
> But (and) with these penalties-paid-in-one’s-person, Þórðr
> fixed-a-fine of a hundred hundreds (h = 120) for [the]
> slaying of Hrafn.
> Þat fé skyldi gjalda í gulli eða silfri, en því at einsThat fine was to be paid in gold or silver, and other
> annat fé, ef þeim, er við tæki, þætti þat eigi verra.
> That money should be paid in gold or silver, but that at
> some other money, if they, who would receive, thought it
> not worse.
> [One] should pay that money in gold or silver, but (and)
> only in that case (see <því at eins> under <einn>, Z7)
> other money/property, if to those, who would receive [it],
> that would-seem (would be reckoned) not worse.
> Fyrir afhögg við Sturlu váru gervir þrír tigir hundraða,For the mutilation of Sturla thirty hundreds were imposed as
> fyrir afhögg Þórðar Vífilssonar þrír tigir hundraða, fyrir
> fjörráð við Pétr Bárðarson þrír tigir hundraða.
> For the mutilation against Sturli they were fined 3,000,
> for Thordr Vifilson's mutilation 3,000, for plotting
> aginst the life of Petr Bardarson 3,000.
> For [the] hewing-off (mutilation) against Sturla thirty
> (three tens of) hundreds (h = 120) was fixed (as the
> fine), for [the] hewing-off (mutilation) of Þórðr
> Vífill’s-son thirty (three tens of) hundreds (h = 120),
> for [the] plotting-against-the-life of Pétr Bárðr’-son
> (three tens of) hundreds (h = 120).
> Fyrir aðild vígsakar eftir Hrafn váru gervir þrír tigirFor the prosecutorship in the suit for the killing of Hrafn
> hundraða til handa Magnúsi Þórðarsyni, systursyni Hrafns,
> er vígsakaraðilinn var, því at synir Hrafns váru þá svá
> ungir, at þeir máttu eigi vera vígsakaraðilarnir.
> For chief prosecutor in a suit for manslaughter in
> accordance with Hrafn were fined 3,000 for Magnus
> Thordarson, Hrafn's nephew, who was the procutor, because
> Hrafn's sons were then so young they they could not be the
> prosecutor.
> For [the] prosecutorship of [the] manslaughter-suit
> vis-à-vis Hrafn (three tens of) hundreds (h = 120) was
> fixed on behalf of Magnúss Þórðr’s-son, nephew
> (sister’s-son) of Hrafn, who was
> the-manslaughter-suit-prosecutor, because Hrafn’s sons
> were then so young, that they could not be
> the-manslaughter-suit-prosecutors (plural).
> Þessi tvau hundruð hundraða guldust eftir því, sem ÞórðrThese two hundred [i.e., 240] hundreds were paid as Þórð
> Sturluson vildi.
> This 20,000 was paid for that, as Thordr Sturluson wanted.
> These two hundred hundreds (must be tólfroett, ie h = 120,
> for the sums to add up ) were-paid vis-à-vis that, as
> Þórðr Sturla’s-son wanted.