Re: Hrafns Saga 19F

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 14415
Date: 2019-06-12

> Annat sumar eftir á alþingi sagði Þórðr upp gerðunum.

> The next summer after the All-Thing, Thordr gave the
> verdict. (CV GÖRÐ IV: segja upp gerð, to pronounce or to
> give verdict as umpire)

> [The] next summer after at [the] Althing Þórðr delivered
> the-arbitration.

The next summer Þórð pronounced his judgements at the

> Sú var gerð hans á hendr Þorvaldi, at hann skyldi fara
> utan þá samsumars ok vera utan fimm vetr, nema hann færi á
> fund páfa ok sættist við hann ok fengi þat af honum, at
> hann væri utan þrjá vetr.

> Such was his verdict against Thorvaldr, that he should go
> abroad in the same summer and stay out of the country five
> years, except (if) he went to a pope meeting and made
> peace with him and got that from him, that he would stay
> abroad three years. (Z. hönd 1: á hendr, against)

> That (fem sg dem art) was his arbitration against
> Þorvaldr, that he should journey abroad then
> in-the-same-summer, and be (stay) abroad five winters,
> unless he should/would-journey to a meeting of (ie go to
> visit) [the] pope and come-to-terms with him and
> should/would-obtain that from him, that he should/would-be
> (stay) abroad three winters. (ie an offer of a two winter
> discount conditional on visiting the pope).

It was his judgement against Þorvald that he should travel
abroad then that same summer and remain abroad for five
years unless he travelled to meet the pope and reconciled
himself with him and was granted by [‘received from’] him
[i.e., the pope] that he [= Þ.] remain abroad for three
years [i.e., for only three years].

> En er hann kæmi út ok hefði svá í brott verit, þá væri
> heimil vist hans í Vatnsfirði, bústaðr ok
> þingmannavarðveizla, en Þorvaldr skyldi vera óheilagr
> milli Vatnsfjarðar í Breiðafirði ok Stiga í Ísafirði ok
> allir þeir menn, er fóru til aftöku Hrafns, ok skyldu
> aldri koma í þetta takmark, nema þeir yrði sæhafa nauðgir,
> þá skyldu þeir fara á brott fullum dagleiðum.

> But if he came out (of exile) and had so been away, then
> he would certainly stay at his home in Vatnsfirth, abode
> and a person attending entertainment at an assembly, but
> Thorvadlr whould be outlawed between Vatnsfirth in
> Breidafirth and Stiga in Isafirth and all the men who went
> to Hrafn's slaying, and they should never come to this
> boundary, except they would be unwilling(ly) driven out of
> their course, they they should go away a full day's
> journey.

> But (And) when he should/would-come out (ie return to
> Iceland) and should/would-have been thus away, then his
> abode would-be entitled [to him] in Vatnsfjörðr, a
> dwelling-place and [the] keeping-of-liegemen, but Þorvaldr
> should be outlawed (<úheilagr>) between Vatnsfjörðr in
> Breiðafjörðr and Stigi (Ladder?) in Ísafjörðr, - and all
> those persons (men) who journeyed to [the] slaying of
> Hrafn, - and [they] should never come into (ie cross) this
> boundary, unless they became (ie were) driven-off-course
> against [their] will, then they should journey away on a
> full day´s-journey.

And if he came out to Iceland and had been away thus [i.e.,
according to the judgement], his home in Vatnsfjörð would be
at his disposal, [both] dwelling place and responsibility
for his assembly-men, but Þorvald would be outlawed between
Vatnsfjörð in Breiðafjörð and Stigi [‘ladder; steep ascent’]
in Ísafjörð, and [also] all those men who travelled to the
slaying of Hrafn, and they should never come inside this
boundary unless they were unwillingly driven off course,
[and] then they should travel away by all-day journeys
[i.e., as speedily as they reasonably could].

> Allir menn skyldu vera ór þingi frá Þorvaldi, þeir er
> byggðum váru í Súgandafirði ok vestr þaðan, í því
> takmarki, sem áðr var tját.

> All men should be out of the assembly about Thorvaldr,
> they who had settled in Sugandafirth and thence west, in
> that boundary which previously was related.

> All persons (men) should be (ie stay) out of [the]
> district [<þing>, Z3?) away-from Þorvaldr, those who were
> with an abode in Súgandafjörðr (‘Sucking’-fjord ?) and
> west from-there, [with]in that boundary, which already was
> related.

All those people who were settled in Súgandafjörð and west
from there, within the boundary that was previously related,
were not to be Þorvald’s assembly-men.

My initial inclination was to treat <þing frá Þorvaldi> as
the object of <ór>, but it appears to be a little more
idiomatic than this. Baetke has <segjask í þing með e-m>
‘become someone’s assembly-man’, and in Njála I found this:

Mǫrðr segir: „Hér eru tekin upp ný goðorð ok
fimtardómslǫg, ok hafa menn sagt sik ór þingi frá mér ok í
þing með Hǫskuldi.“

Mörð says: ‘New goðorðs and a fifth court have been
established here, and people have declared themselves out
of allegiance to me and into allegiance with Höskuld.’

That is, they’ve said that they are no longer Mörð’s
assembly-men and are now Höskuld’s.

The geographical restrictions in the judgement are clearly
intended to keep members of two potentially hostile groups

On its face <Súgandafjörðr> is ‘sucking fjord’, but
Landnámabók says that the original settler there was
<Hallvarðr súgandi>, so it is actually ‘Súgandi’s fjord’,
from his byname. Interestingly enough, <Súgandi> also
appears a few times as a forename.

> Þessir fjórir menn skyldu utan fara ok koma aldrigi út:
> Þorgils Austmaðr, Steingrímr Ásgeirsson, Þórðr Gunnarsson,
> Bárðr Bárðarson, ok vera ór Vestfirðingafjórðungi at inum
> næsta hálfum mánuði þaðan frá, er þeir spyrði gerðina.

> These four men should go abroad and never come out (to
> Iceland): Thorgil Austmadr, Steingrimr Asgeirson, Thordr
> Gunnarson, Bardr Bardson, and be out of Bestfirthfhordung
> at the next half month thence forth, when they found out
> about the arbitration.

> These four persons (men) should journey abroad and come
> never out (ie return to Iceland): Þorgils [the] Easterner,
> Steingrímr Ásgeirr’s-son, Þórðr Gunnarr’s-son, Bárðr
> Bárðr’s-son and be (stay) out-of [the] Quarter of [the]
> West-Fjord’s folk during the next half month from that
> [time], when they were-informed-of the-arbitration.

These four men were to travel abroad and never come [back]
out to Iceland: Þorgils Austmaðr [‘Easterner, Norwegian’],
Þórð Gunnarson, Bárð Bárðarson — and to stay out of the
Vestfirðings’ Quarter starting at the next half month from
the time that they heard of the judgement.

> Þeir Bjarni djákn ok Kolbeinn Bergsson skyldu vera sekir
> um allt land nema í Austfjörðum.

> Deacon Bjarni and Kolbeinn Bergson should be outlawed
> across all the country except in Austfiord.

> They Deacon Bjarni and Kolbeinn Berg’s-son should be
> condemned-to-outlawry throughout all [the] land except in
> Austfirðir ([the] East Fjords).

Bjarni [the] deacon and Kolbein Bergsson were to be outlawed
over the whole country except in Austfirðir [the ‘East

> Ormr Skeggjason skyldi eigi vera í Dýrafirði ok eigi í
> Ísafirði.

> Ormr Skeggjason should not stay in Dyrafirth and not in
> Isafirth.

> Orm Skeggi’s-son should not be (stay) in Dýrafjörðr and
> not in Ísafjörðr.

Orm Skeggjason was not to be in Dýrafjörð and not in

> Þórðr Steinsson skyldi ok svá sekr sem Ormr.

> Thordr Steinson should also (be) so sentenced as Ormr.

> Þórðr Steinn’s-son should also condemned-to-outlawry like
> Ormr.

Þórð Steinsson was also to be outlawed like Orm.

> Allir menn aðrir skyldu hafa slíka sekt sem Þorvaldr án
> utanför ok gjalda þó fé, þrjú hundruð fyrir mann, til þess
> at þeim sé landvært.

> All the other men should have such guilt as Thorvaldr
> without (the requirement to) travel abroad and yet pay
> money, three hundred per man, to that to them would be
> residency in a country open to them.

> All other persons (men) should have a similar penalty as
> Þorvaldr without [the] journey-abroad and pay nevertheless
> money, three hundred for a (per?) person (man), until [it]
> be open-for-residency-in-the-country for them. (ie until
> they were free to reside in the country again, ie
> presumably when the period of their outlawry was over).

All other men were to have similar penalty to Þorvald
without the journey abroad and to pay money to boot, three
hundreds a man, in order that they might stay in the

> En með þessum mannsektum gerði Þórðr fyrir víg Hrafns
> hundrað hundraða.

> But with these penalties Thordr judged for Hrafns slaying
> 10,000.

> But (and) with these penalties-paid-in-one’s-person, Þórðr
> fixed-a-fine of a hundred hundreds (h = 120) for [the]
> slaying of Hrafn.

And together with these penalties to the person [as distinct
from fines] Þórð set a fine of a hundred [i.e., 120]
hundreds for the slaying of Hrafn.

This is actually 120 <hundrað>s, where this second <hundrað>
is a unit of value, originally that of 120 ells of wadmal;
here, however, I think that we’re dealing with 120 hundreds
in silver, each being 20 ounces.

> Þat fé skyldi gjalda í gulli eða silfri, en því at eins
> annat fé, ef þeim, er við tæki, þætti þat eigi verra.

> That money should be paid in gold or silver, but that at
> some other money, if they, who would receive, thought it
> not worse.

> [One] should pay that money in gold or silver, but (and)
> only in that case (see <því at eins> under <einn>, Z7)
> other money/property, if to those, who would receive [it],
> that would-seem (would be reckoned) not worse.

That fine was to be paid in gold or silver, and other
valuables only in case those who received [it] did not think
it worse [i.e., other forms of payment were acceptable only
with the agreement of the recipient].

> Fyrir afhögg við Sturlu váru gervir þrír tigir hundraða,
> fyrir afhögg Þórðar Vífilssonar þrír tigir hundraða, fyrir
> fjörráð við Pétr Bárðarson þrír tigir hundraða.

> For the mutilation against Sturli they were fined 3,000,
> for Thordr Vifilson's mutilation 3,000, for plotting
> aginst the life of Petr Bardarson 3,000.

> For [the] hewing-off (mutilation) against Sturla thirty
> (three tens of) hundreds (h = 120) was fixed (as the
> fine), for [the] hewing-off (mutilation) of Þórðr
> Vífill’s-son thirty (three tens of) hundreds (h = 120),
> for [the] plotting-against-the-life of Pétr Bárðr’-son
> (three tens of) hundreds (h = 120).

For the mutilation of Sturla thirty hundreds were imposed as
a fine, for Þórð Vífilsson’s mutilation thirty hundreds,
[and] for the plot against the life of Pétr Bárðarson thirty

> Fyrir aðild vígsakar eftir Hrafn váru gervir þrír tigir
> hundraða til handa Magnúsi Þórðarsyni, systursyni Hrafns,
> er vígsakaraðilinn var, því at synir Hrafns váru þá svá
> ungir, at þeir máttu eigi vera vígsakaraðilarnir.

> For chief prosecutor in a suit for manslaughter in
> accordance with Hrafn were fined 3,000 for Magnus
> Thordarson, Hrafn's nephew, who was the procutor, because
> Hrafn's sons were then so young they they could not be the
> prosecutor.

> For [the] prosecutorship of [the] manslaughter-suit
> vis-à-vis Hrafn (three tens of) hundreds (h = 120) was
> fixed on behalf of Magnúss Þórðr’s-son, nephew
> (sister’s-son) of Hrafn, who was
> the-manslaughter-suit-prosecutor, because Hrafn’s sons
> were then so young, that they could not be
> the-manslaughter-suit-prosecutors (plural).

For the prosecutorship in the suit for the killing of Hrafn
thirty hundreds were granted into the hands of Magnús
Þórðarson, the son of Hrafn’s sister, who was the prosecutor
in the suit for manslaughter, because Hrafn’s sons were then
so young that they were not able to be prosecutors in a suit
for manslaughter.

> Þessi tvau hundruð hundraða guldust eftir því, sem Þórðr
> Sturluson vildi.

> This 20,000 was paid for that, as Thordr Sturluson wanted.

> These two hundred hundreds (must be tólfroett, ie h = 120,
> for the sums to add up ) were-paid vis-à-vis that, as
> Þórðr Sturla’s-son wanted.

These two hundred [i.e., 240] hundreds were paid as Þórð
Sturluson wished.

And the major fines enumerated above do come to 240
hundreds: 120 hundreds for the slaying of Hrafn, another
3·30 = 90 hundreds on account of Sturla, Þórð, and Pétr, and
30 hundreds more for Magnús. This figure does not include
the minor fines of 3 hundreds each imposed on the other 24
men involved.


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