From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 14410
Date: 2019-06-04
> Sá atburðr varð undir virkinu, þar sem ljósit hafði séztThat event occurred below the stronghold, there where the
> um vetrinn áðr.
> That incident took place below the stronghold, where the
> light had been seen during the year before.
> That event (or attack, <atburðr>, Z1 or 4) happened under
> the-stronghold, there where the-burning-light had
> been-seen the-winter before.
> Þar var þá leir, er Hrafn var höggvinn, en um sumaritThere was then clay where Hrafn was killed, and the next
> eftir var þar grænn völlr.
> Clay was then there, where Hrafn was beheaded, and during
> the next summer a green meadow was there.
> There was then mud, where Hrafn was beheaded, but during
> the-summer after a green field was there.
> Þorvaldr lét höggva fót undan Sturlu Bárðarsyni ok ÞórðiÞorvald had a leg [or possibly foot] cut from under Sturla
> Vífilssyni.
> Thorvaldr had a foot cut off from under Sturli Bardarson
> and Thordr Vifilson.
> Þorvaldr caused to hew (smite) a leg (with foot attached)
> from-under Sturla Bárðr’s-son and Þórðr Vífill’s-son.
> Þessir atburðir urðu annan dag viku í annarri vikuThese events occurred on the second day of the week in the
> langaföstu, átta nóttum eftir Matthíasmessu.
> These incidents took place another day of the week in the
> second week of Lent, 8 nights after St. Matthew's mass.
> These events happened on the second day of [the] week in
> [the] second week of Lent [lit: Long-Fast), eight nights
> after Matthíasmessa (St. Matthew’s Mass)
> Þá rænti Þorvaldr bæinn á Eyri öllu lausafé, því er innanThen Þorvald robbed the farm at Eyrr of all movable property
> veggja var, vápnum ok klæðum, húsbúnaði, búsgagni ok mat.
> Then Thorvaldr robbed the farm at Eyri (of) all the
> movable property, that which was inside walls, weapons and
> clothes, house furniture, household utensiels and food.
> Then Þorvaldr plundered the-farm at Eyrr of all
> movable-property, that which was within [the] walls,
> weapons and clothes, house-furnishings, household-utensils
> and food.
> Í því ráni tóku þeir sólarstein góðan ok kyrtil brúnaðanIn that robbery they took a good sunstone and a dark brown
> með búnaði.
> In that robbery they took a good lodestone and a brown
> tunic with ornaments.
> In that plundering, they took a good lode-stone and a
> dark-coloured kirtle with ornaments (<búnaðr>, Z4 =
> <búningr>, Z4)
> Þá gripi hafði Guðmundr byskup átta ok gefit Hrafni.Bishop Guðmund had owned those valuable objects and given
> Bishop Gudmundr had owned those costly things and given to
> Hrafn.
> Bishop Guðmundr had owned those treasures (ie the
> ornaments) and given [them] to Hrafn.
> Þeir tóku ferju eina, er kirkjan átti, ok báru þar á þannThey took a ferry boat that the church owned and carried
> fjárhlut, er þeir ræntu.
> They took a large boat, which the church owned, and
> carried there that property, which they plundered.
> They took a ferry-boat, one which the-church owned, and
> bore there-on that property, which they plundered.
> Ok er þeir váru á braut farnir með skipit ok fjárhlutinn,And when they had travelled away with the ship and the
> þá fundu heimamenn á Eyri sólarsteininn þar, er þeir höfðu
> eykinn búit, því at þeir höfðu honum í brott kastat ok
> kölluðu vera hégetil.
> And when they were away with the ship and the property,
> then servants at Eyr found the lodestone there, when they
> had prepared a small ferry-boat, because they had thrown
> it away and they called is (?) flint. (Not sure I 100%
> understand what CV says under eikr: þar er þeir höfðu
> eykinn búit—ought to be read ‘eikjuna,’ vide eikja)
> And when they were (had) journeyed away with the-ship and
> the-property, then [the] household-folk at Eyrr found
> the-lodestone there, where they had made-ready
> the-ferry-boat (presumably <eykr> = <eikja>, where a
> ´beast of draught’ = ‘a ferry-boat’, the ‘draught’ in this
> case being ‘the depth of water needed for a boat to be
> able to float’ -otherwise probably simply a scribal
> error, see CV) because they had cast it away and called
> [it] to be (ie mistakenly regarded it as) flint
> (<hégeitill>).
> Svá ok kyrtilinn höfðu þeir eftir látit ok kölluðu veraLikewise they had left the tunic behind and said that it was
> vaðmálsslopp, ok eigi fengu þeir sét á búninginn.
> So also they had later called the tunic forsaken (?) and
> they called is a wadmal-gown, and they didn't get seen at
> the ornaments. (??)
> Also they had left (<láta>, Z3) the-kirtle behind
> (<eptir>, Z.iii.2) and called [it] to be (ie mistakenly
> regarded it as) a wadmal-gown (for a priest), and they
> were-not-able (fá + pp, Z7) to behold (ie they overlooked)
> the-ornaments.
> Þenna atburð virðu menn svá, at því mætti þeir þessa gripiPeople evaluated this occurrence thus, that therefore they
> eigi í brott hafa, er Guðmundr byskup hafði átt.
> Men estimated this incident so: because they could not
> have this costly thing away, which Bishop Gudmundr had
> owned. (??)
> Persons (men) assigned a value to this occurrence (or
> gesture, <atburðr>, Z1 or 4) such, that for that (reason)
> they might not (ie would not be permitted to, <mega>, Z2)
> take (<hafa>, Z7) these treasures away, which Bishop
> Guðmundr had owned.
> Þat vár it sama fór Þorvaldr eftir páska í annat sinn íAfter Easter that same spring Þorvald travelled a second
> Arnarfjörð ok rænti þá marga þingmenn Hrafns.
> That same spring, Thorvaldr went after Easter a second
> time to Arnarfiord and then robbed many of Hrafn's
> Thing-men.
> That spring, the same (one), Þorvaldr journeyed after
> Easter a second time to Arnarfjörðr and plundered those
> many liegemen (‘Thing-men’) (as <marga> is weak, I think
> <þá> must be a dem. art.) of Hrafn.
> Pétr Bárðarson lét drepa þingmann Þorvalds, þann erPétr Bárðarson had an assembly-man of Þorvald’s killed, him
> Hermundr hét.
> Petr Bardarson had Thorvaldr's Thing-man killed, the one
> named Hermundr.
> Pétr Bárðr’s-son caused to kill that liegeman of Þorvaldr,
> who was-called Hermundr.
> Sá hafði verit í andskotaflokki við Hrafn.He had been in the adversarial host against Hrafn.
> That one had been in a band of enemies against Hrafn.
> That-one (ie He) had been in [the] band of adversaries
> against Hrafn.
> Þorvaldr sendi orð Kár munki Geirmundarsyni, at hannÞorvald sent word to Kár [the] monk Geirmundarson that he
> skyldi leita um sættir við frændr Hrafns.
> Thorvaldr sent word to friar Kar Giermundarson, that he
> should try to effect peace with Hrafn's relatives.
> Þorvaldr sent word to Kárr [the] monk Geirmundr’-son, that
> he should try-to-effect agreements with [the] kinsmen of
> Hrafn.
> Þá var settr sáttarfundr þessa málaferla at ráði ÞórðarThen a peace meeting for this litigation was set up with the
> Sturlusonar ok Kárs munks á Þingeyri í Dýrafirði.
> Then was set a peace-meeting (about) this litigation at
> the advice of Thordar Sturluson and friar Kar at the Eyr
> assembly in Dyrafirth.
> Then was set a peace-meeting of these law-suits (gram
> plural) by [the] advice of Þórðr Sturla’s-son and Kárr
> [the] monk at Þingeyri (place-name, I was there briefly in
> 1999) in Dýrafjörðr.
> Þá var sætzt á þessi mál á þann veg, at Þórðr SturlusonThen an agreement was reached in these cases in that way,
> skyldi gera um þessi mál öll, þann veg sem hann vildi.
> Then this case was settled at that way: that Thordr
> Sturluson should do concerning this matter, that way as he
> wanted.
> Then [it] was come-to-terms in these cases (plural) in
> that way, that Þórðr Sturla’s-son should arbitrate in all
> these cases, that way as he wanted.
> Tólf menn handsöluðu fyrir Þorvald fégjöld, svá sem ÞórðrTwelve men made over (such) fines on behalf of Þorvald as
> vildi gera, ok til þeirar sýknu Þorvalds, sem Þórðr vildi
> vera láta.
> Twelve men confirmed by shaking hands a fine for
> Thorvaldr, so as Thordr would want to make, and to their
> day on which lawsuits are permitted of Thorvaldr, as
> Thordr wanted to be set.
> Twelve persons (men) made-over-by-handshake fines (plural)
> for Þorvaldr, such as Þórðr wanted to assign, and to that
> acquittal (declaration of innocence, presumably variant of
> <sykna>, Z1) of Þorvaldr, which Þórðr wanted to cause to
> be.