Hrafns Saga 16 + 17A / Alan's Translation

From: Alan Thompson
Message: 14364
Date: 2019-03-19

Here’s my translation



16. Þorvaldr varð sekr um hvaltöku.
16 Þorvaldr became condemned-to-outlawry (sekr, Z2) concerning a whale-taking.

Eftir um vetrinn kom hvalr norðr á Strandir á land Hrafns, en sá maðr, er fann hvalinn, fór ok sagði Þorvaldi hvalkvámuna.  
After during the-winter a whale came north to Strandir (’Strands’) onto [the] land of Hrafn, but (and) that person (man) who found the-whale, journeyed to Þorvaldr and said (related) the-whale-stranding (lit: coming, fem acc. sg).

Þá gerði Þorvaldr þat ráð, at sá, er fundit hafði hvalinn, skyldi segja, at hvalrinn hefði komit á almenninga ok hefði hann þar fest lögfesti hvalinn. 
Then Þorvaldr made that plan, that that-one (ie, he, dem pron) who had found the-whale, should say, that the-whale had come onto public-land and he had there secured (festa, Z1) the-whale with a legal-mooring (lögfestr, CV, fem, jo-stem)

En þat gegndi engu. 
But (And) that amounted to (gegna, Z4) nothing. (ie nothing came of that plan.)

Þá fór Þorvaldr til með sína menn ok lét skera hvalinn ok flutti heim til sín, en sumum hvalnum skipti hann með mönnum sínum. 
Then Þorvaldr journeyed to [it] with his people (men), and caused to flense the-whale and conveyed [it] home to his [place], but (and) he shared some whale with his people (men).

Nú er Hrafn spurði þetta, þá sendi hann menn suðr um land til fundar við Hall, lögsögumann, mág sinn, ok Þorvald, bróður hans, ok hafði ráð við þá, hversu hann skyldi þetta mál leiðrétta við Þorvald. 
Now when Hrafn got-wind of this, then he sent people (men) south across land to a meeting with (ie to see) Hallr, [the] law-speaker, his brother-in-law (ie husband of Hrafn’s sister Herdís), and Þorvaldr, his (ie Hallr’s) brother, and had (ie took) counsel (eiga ráð við e-n, Z1) with them, how he should rectify this matter with Þorvaldr.

En þeim sýndist þat ráð, at Þorvaldr væri sóttr ok þeir menn, er tekit höfðu hvalinn, ok Hrafn byggi til mál á hendr þeim til Dýrafjarðarþings ok sækti þá þar at lögum. 
But (And) that counsel (advice) seemed to them, that Þorvaldr should-be prosecuted (pp. of soekja, Z8), and those people (men), who had taken the-whale, and Hrafn should-prepare a case against (á hendr, Z) those for (ie to be prosecuted at) [the] assembly of Dýrafjörðr, and prosecute (soekja, Z8) them there according to law.

Sendimenn Hrafns kómu aftr til fundar við hann með þeim ráðum, sem þeir höfðu til lagt. 
(The] messengers of Hrafn  came back to a meeting with (ie to see) him with that counsel (advice), which they (ie Hallr and Þorvaldr) had put forward (proposed, suggested).

Um sumarit eftir bjó Hrafn mál til um hvaltökuna á hendr Þorvaldi ok þeim mönnum öllum, sem at hvalskurðinum höfðu verit ok neytt höfðu hvalinn. 
During the-summer-after Hrafn prepared [the] case concerning the-whale-taking against Þorvaldr and all those people (men), who had been at the-whale-flensing and had made-use-of the-whale.

Sturla hét maðr, sonr Bárðar Snorrasonar ok Þórdísar Sturludóttur. 
[There] was a person (man) called Sturla, son of Bárðr Snorri’s-son, and Þórdís Sturla’s-daughter

Hann hafði mál á hendi. 
He had a case in hand (whatever that means?).

Á því þingi varð Þorvaldr sekr ok níu menn aðrir, er at hvaltökunni höfðu verit.
At that assembly, Þorvaldr became condemned-to-outlawry and nine other persons (men), who had been at the-whale-taking.

17. Önnur atför Þorvalds við Hrafn.
17. Another ( A second) attack of Þorvaldr against Hrafn.

Eftir um sumarit reið Þorvaldr til þings með fjölmenni. 
After during the-summer Þorvaldr rode to [the] assembly with many-people.

Þat sumar fór Hrafn eigi til þings. 
That summer Hrafn journeyed not to [the] assembly.

Sturla Bárðarson fór til þings fyrir hönd Hrafns ok var í flokki Þórðar Sturlusonar ok sagði til sektar Þorvalds at Lögbergi ok þeira manna annarra, er sekir höfðu orðit um hvalmál. 
Sturla Bárðr’s-son journeyed to [the] assembly on-behalf-of Hrafn and was in [the] party of Þórðr Sturla’s-son and said (spoke) in respect of the guilt of Þorvaldr at [the] Law-rock and of those other persons (men), who had become (been) condemned-to-outlawry over [the] whale-case.

Þat sumar fór Hrafn norðr í Ísafjörð ok tók upp sektarfé fyrir þeim mönnum, er sekir höfðu orðit. 
That summer Hrafn journeyed north to Ísafjörðr and chose (collected, identified, seized, lit: took up) [the] forfeited-goods-and-property for those persons (men), who had become (been) condemned-to-outlawry.

Þá er Þorvaldr kom heirn af þingí, safnaði hann mönnum um allan Ísafjörð ok fekk hundrað manna. 
When Þorvaldr came home (typo) from [the] assembly, he gathered people (men) across all Ísafjörðr, and got a hundred (of) persons (men)

Margir fóru nauðigir í þá för með Þorvaldi. 
Many journeyed unwilling (nb: this is an adj rather than an adv) in that journey with Þorvaldr.

Kolbeinn hét fylgdarmaðr Þorvalds. 
A follower of Þorvaldr was-called Kolbeinn.

Hann fór at sendingum þessum ok nökkurir menn með honum til fundar við þann mann, er Ámundi hét. 
He journeyed by reason-of (?) these-messages (what messages?), and some persons (men) with him to a meeting with (ie to see) that person (man), who was-called Ámundi.

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