From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 14315
Date: 2019-01-03
> 11. Utanför Hrafns með Guðmundi byskupsefni.Hrafn’s journey abroad with Bishop-elect Guðmund
> Hrafn's journey abroad with bishop-elect Gudmundr.
> 11. Hrafn’s journey-abroad with Guðmundr bishop-elect.
> Sá atburðr gerðist norðr at Hólum at byskupsstóli, atThat event occurred north at Hólar at [the] episcopal seat
> Brandr byskup tók sótt ok andaðist fjórum nóttum fyrir
> Laurentiusmessu.
> That incident took place north at Holum at an episcopal
> seat, that Bishop Brandr took ill and died four nights
> before Laurentius-mass.
> That incident happened north at [the] episcopal-seat at
> Hólar, that bishop Brandr took ill and died four nights
> before Laurentius-mass (Feast of St Lawrence, 10 August).
> Ok er hann var andaðr, þá var körinn til byskups afAnd when he was dead, Guðmund, son of Ari, son of Þorgeir,
> Norðlendingum Guðmundr, sonr Ara Þorgeirssonar,
> Hallasonar, Ormssonar, Gellissonar, Omssonar, Hallasonar
> ins hvíta.
> And when he had died, Gudmundr was then chosen as bishop
> of Nordlendingum (North-lands), a son of Ara, son of
> Thorgeir, son of Hallr, son of Ormr, son of Gellir, son of
> Omr, son of Hallr the white.
> And when he was dead, then Guðmundr - son of Ari,
> son-of-Þorgeirr, son of Halli, son-of-Ormr, son-of-Gellir,
> son-of-Ormr [typo?], son-of-Halli the White - was chosen
> (ie elected) as bishop of [the] folk of the North-quarter
> (of Iceland).
> Móðir Guðmundar hét Úlfheiðr Gunnarsdóttir.Guðmund’s mother was called Úlfheið Gunnarsdóttir.
> Gudmundir's mother was named Ulfhidr, the daughter of
> Gunnar.
> [The] mother of Guðmundr was-called Úlfheiðr
> daughter-of-Gunnarr.
> Ok er hann var körinn til byskups, þá sendi hann orðAnd when he was chosen to be bishop, he sent word to Hrafn
> Hrafni Sveinbjarnarsyni, at hann skyldi koma á fund hans
> norðr í Miðfjörð.
> And when he had been selected as a bishop, then he sent
> word to Hrafn son of Sveinbjarn, that he should come to
> meet with him northwards in Midfiord.
> And when he was chosen (ie elected) as bishop, then he
> sent word to Hrafn Sveinnbjörn’s-son, that he should come
> to see him (lit: to a meeting of him) north in Miðfjörðr.
> Hrafn fór á fund byskupsefnis, svá sem hann sendi orð til,Hrafn travelled to visit [the] bishop-elect, as he [= G.]
> ok er þeir fundust, þá bað byskupsefni, at hann skyldi
> fara utan með honum, því at honum þótti hann bezt til
> fallinn þeirar ferðar fyrir vizku sakir ok vinsældar, er
> hann hafði utanlendis.
> Hrafn went to meet with the biship-elect, so when he sent
> a message, and when they met, then the bishop-elect asked
> that he should travel abroad with him, because it seemed
> to him best suited their journey for the sake of wisdom
> and friendship, which he had abroad.
> Hrafn journeyed to see (lit: to a meeting of) [the]
> bishop-elect, as he (ie Guðmundr) sent word for such [ie
> for that purpose] (<til>, Z4), and when they
> met-one-another, then [the] bishop-elect asked, that he
> (ie Hrafn) should journey abroad with him (ie Guðmundr),
> because, [it] seemed to him (ie Guðmundr) he (ie Hrafn)
> best fitted for that journey for reasons of wisdom and
> [the] popularity, which he had abroad.
> Var þar ok in mesta vinátta með þeim Hrafni ok GuðmundiThere was also at that point the greatest friendship between
> inum góða, ok því helt, á meðan þeir lifðu báðir.
> There was also the most friendship between Hrafn and
> Gudmunder the good, and that held fast while they both
> lived.
> The greatest friendship was also there (ie also existed at
> that point) between them, Hrafn and Guðmundr the good, and
> that continued (<halda>, Z8, impers with dat), while they
> both lived.
> Frá þessu sagði Guðmundr Svertingsson:Of this Guðmund Svertingsson said:
> Concerning this Gudmundr Svertingson said:
> About this, Guðmundr Svertingr’s-son said:
> Guðmundr bauð inn góði,The mss. disagree on the sixth line, and GPH chooses the
> getk jafnan þess, Hrafni,
> síð mun at enda óðar,
> útferð með sér, lúta.
> Farar leizk flotna stýri
> fallinn bezt inn snjalli
> geira veðrs til góðrar
> gaglnistir forvistu.
> Guðmundr inn góði bauð Hrafni útferð með sér — get ekGuðmund the good offered Hrafn a journey out with him — I
> jafnan þess — síð man lúta at enda óðar. Inn snjalli geira
> veðrs gaglnistir leizk flotna stýri bezt fallinn til
> góðrar forvistu farar.
> Guðmundr inn góði bauð Hrafni útferð með sér.Guðmund the good offered Hrafn a journey out [from Iceland]
> Gudmunder the godi asked Hrafn to travel abroad with him.
> Guðmundr the Good (<góði>, not <goði>) offered Hrafn a
> journey-abroad with him.
> Getk jafnan þess.I always speak of that.
> I always get that.
> I mention (<geta> with gen, Z.ii) that constantly.
> Síð mun lúta at enda óðar.Late will [I] approach [the] end of [the] poem.
> Late will I bow to end poetry.
> Late will [I] be-thankful for (or, perhaps, bow down for,
> <lúta>, Z4?) [the] end (<endi>, noun?) of [the] poetry
> (looks like a genitive ending to me).
> Flotna stýri leizk geira veðrs gangnistir með öllu bezt[The] feeder of spears’ weather’s osprey seemed to seamen’s
> fallinn farar til góðrar forvistu.
> Rudder floats it seemed goar weather (gangnistir??) weith
> all best suited to travel to good leadership.
> [The] warrior (eagle-feeder of [the] wind of spears,
> <gangnistir> nominative, probably = <gjóðnistir> Lexicin
> poeticum, 1931) sought [the] captain (acc of <stýrir> =
> <stýrimaðr>) of seamen (ie the leader of men, chief) best
> fitted withal for journeys on account of good leadership.
> Guðmundur hinn góði bauð Hrafni utanför með sér.Guðmund the good invited Hrafn to a journey abroad with him.
> Gudmundr the good asked Hranfi (to travel) abroad with
> him.
> Guðmundr the good invited (<bjóða> not <bíða>) Hrafn to a
> journey-abroad with him.
> Eg get þess oftlega.I often mention that.
> I get that often.
> I mention (<geta> with gen, Z.ii) that often.
> Seint mun kvæðið enda.The poem will end late.
> Slowly will the poem come to an end.
> Late will [I] the-poem bring-to-an-end (<enda>, verb).
> Höfðingjanum leizt bardagamaðurinn (Hrafn) að öllu leytiIt seemed [<líta>, not <leita>] to the leader that the
> bezt fallinn til fararinnar til góðrar forustu.
> It seemed to the leaders the warrior (Hrafn) that all a
> part best suited for the trips to good leadership.
> The warrior (Hrafn) sought the chief, in every part best
> fitted for the-journey by reason of (<til>, Z4)
> leadership.
> Ok fyrir því at Hrafn var vinr Guðmundar, þá hét hannAnd because Hrafn was Guðmund’s friend, he promised him the
> honum förinni, ok eftir þat fór Hrafn vestan ór fjörðum
> norðr til skips í Eyjafjörð á fund Guðmundar byskupsefnis.
> And because Hrafn was Gudmundr's friend, then he called
> him the trip (?), and after that Hrafn went from the west
> out of north fiords to a ship in Eyjafjord (Island-fiord)
> to meet Biship-elect Gudmundr.
> And for that that (ie because) Hrafn was a friend of
> Guðmundr, then he promised him the-journey (ie promised to
> take the journey), and after that Hrafn journeyed
> from-the-west out-of [the] fjords north to [the] ship in
> Eyjafjörðr to a meeting with Guðmundr bishop-elect.
> Í þeiri för var með Hrafni Tómas Þórarinsson, annarr maðrOn that journey with Hrafn were [‘was’] Tómas Þórarinsson, a
> Þórðr Vermundarson, þriði Eyjólfr Snorrason.
> On their journey with Hrafn was Tomas Thorarinson, second
> a man (by the name of) Thordr Vermundarson, third Eyjolfr
> Snorrason.
> On that journey with Hrafn was Tómas Þórarinn’s-son; a
> second person [was] Þórðr Vermundr’s-son, a third Eyjólfr
> Snorri’s-son.
> Byskupsefni varð feginn Hrafni ok hans förunautum.[The] bishop-elect was glad at the arrival of Hrafn and his
> The Bishop-elect rejoiced (at) Hrafn and his companions.
> [The] bishop-elect was glad of Hrafn and his
> travelling-companions.
> Ok er skip var búit ok veðr gaf til, þá létu þeir í haf.And when [the] ship was prepared and [the] wind was
> And when the ship ("sldp" looks like an OCR error to me)
> was ready and good weather arrived, then they put out to
> sea.
> And when [the] ship was ready and [it] gave wind/weather
> towards [it], (ie they had favourable wind/weather), then
> they put-out to sea.
> Þeim byrjaði erfiðliga um sumarit ok váru lengi úti.They got contrary winds during the summer and were out at
> They got pain and toil wind during the summer and they
> were a long time out.
> [It] blew adversely for them (ie they got adverse winds,
> (<byrja>, impers) during the-summer and [they] were a
> long-time out [at sea]
> Rak þá suðr í haf, svá at þeir höfðu fogl af Írlandi.[They] were driven south over the sea, so that they
> It then drove south in the sea, so that they met with sea
> birds from Ireland. (Z. fugl: hafa f. af landi, to meet
> with land-birds, to be near land)
> [It] drove them south (ie they were driven south) in [the]
> sea, so that they had a fowl (masc sg acc) off Ireland (ie
> they were within 50-70 miles of the Irish coast).
> Allir vinir Hrafns urðu honum fegnir, er hann kom heim, enAll of Hrafn’s friends greeted him joyfully when he came
> hann valdi sínum ástvinum, þeim er hann fundu, góðar
> gjafir.
> All Hrafn's friends rejoiced over him, when he arrived
> home, and he wielded (to) his intimate friends, those who
> he met, good gifts.
> All friends of Hrafn became glad of him, when he came
> home, but (and) he chose (picked out, <velja>) good gifts
> for his dear-friends, those whom he met,
> Svá segir Guðmundr:Thus says Guðmund:
> Gudmundr thus says:
> So says Guðmundr:
> Hverr gekk hyrjar þverrirHere I’ve made two changes, following GPH: <menfergi> for
> hodda brjót at móti,
> hrings es heim kom slöngvir,
> haukstrandar fagnandi.
> En menfergi mörgum
> mótrunnr frömum spjóta,
> æ sé efri skýjum
> ókvalðr, gjafar valði.
> [Option B]Each decreaser of fire of hawk-strand went rejoicing to meet
> Hverr haukstrandar hyrjar þverrir gekk fagnandi at móti
> hodda brjót, es hrings slöngvir kom heim.
> Which (haukstrandar = haukstaldr?) man of fire went
> rejoicing against
> Each generous man (adversary of [the] arm of fire [sword],
> Lexicon Poeticum, 1931) went rejoicing (in good cheer) to
> a meeting of [the] breaker of treasures (ie man), when
> [the] distributor of [the] ring (ie man) came home.
> En menfergir valði gjafar mörgum frömum spjóta mótrunn.And the necklace-destroyer selected gifts for many a
> And/but a man chose many gifts prominent spear (mótrunn?).
> But [the] generous man chose gifts for many a prominent
> (<framr>) ‘meeting-tree’ (presumably this is the dat sg
> form of <mótrunnr> = <mótruðr>, Lexicon Poeticum, 1931) of
> spears (ie warrior)
> Æ sé ókvalðr efri skýjum:May [he] always be untormented above the clouds.
> Would always be un-tormented above the clouds.
> Always [he] would-be untormented above [the] clouds (ie in
> heaven).
> [Option C]Each man went rejoicing to meet the open-handed man when he
> Hver maður gekk fagnandi á móti hinum örláta manni, er
> hann kom heim.
> Which man went rejoicing against the open-handed man, when
> he came come.
> Each person (man) went rejoicing (in good cheer) to a
> meeting with that open-handed (generous) person (man),
> when he came home.
> En hann valdi gjafir mörgum hraustum bardagamanni.And he selected gifts for many a brave warrior.
> And/but he caused many gifts (to be given) to valiant
> warriors.
> But (And) he chose (picked out, <velja>) gifts for many a
> valiant warrior.
> Lifi hann ætíð ókvalinn ofar skýjum.May he live always untormented above the clouds.
> Life he always un-tormented higher up clouds.
> He would-live always untormented (at peace) higher-up than
> (ie above) [the] clouds (ie in heaven).