From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 14300
Date: 2018-12-01
> Ok er Bergþórr frá þetta, at Magnús hafði kveðit vísu,And when Bergþór heard that Magnús had recited a verse, he
> hafði hann týgilig orð um, at eigi mundi svá búit sjatna.
> And when Bergthor heard of this, that Magnus had recited
> (the) poem, he had (týgilig?) word concerning, that would
> so prepared (to) subside (?).
> And when Berþórr heard this, that Magnús had recited a
> verse, he had boastful (<týgilig mól>=<overmodige ord>
> Lexicon poeticum, 1931) words (neut plural) about [it],
> that [it] would not abate as matters stand (ie things
> would not end there)..
> En þau orð spyrr Magnús prestr ok kvað vísu:And Magnús [the] priest hears of those words and recited a
> But priest Magnus hears this word and recited a verse:
> But (And) Magnus [the] priest is-informed-of those words
> (neut plural) and recited a verse.
> Margr mundi sá sendirOur text has <skýja> at the end of the sixth line, but GPH
> sókngífrs numinn lífi,
> linna vangs, fyr löngu,
> lundr, es nú rekr undan,
> ef brynhríðar beiði
> biti týgilig skytja,
> niðr drepr skald, und skildi,
> skeggi, mál sem eggjar.
> Margr mundi sá sókngífrs sendir numinn lífi fyr löngu,I’m going to replace this with GPH’s corresponding version:
> lundr linna vangs, es nú rekr undan, ef týgilig mál biti
> brynhríðar skýja beiði und skildi sem eggjar.
> Many would [be] that sender of [the] battle-troll (ie axe)
> (ie warrior) taken (ie deprived) of [his] life a
> long-time-before (ie long since), tree of the field of
> serpents (is this another kenning for <warrior>?), who
> [it] now drives away (ie who now escapes, <reka>, Z7), if
> boastful speeches bit (cut) [the] craver of [the] clouds
> of battle (‘mail-storm’) (ie warrior) under [his] shield
> like edges [do]. (Fellow) Warrior, many a warrior who now
> escapes, would long since have been deprived of his life
> if boastful speeches cut the warrior under his shield like
> (sword) edges do.
> Skald drepr skeggi niðr.
> [The] scaldic-poet dips (<drepa>, Z.ii.3) [his] beard
> down:
> Margr sendir síkngífrs, sá er nú rekr undan, mundi fyrMany a warrior [sender of axe [battle-witch]], he who now
> lǫngu numinn lífi, linna vangs lundr, ef týgilig mál
> skytja biti brynhríðar beiði sem eggjar — skáld drepr niðr
> skeggi und skildi.
> Margur hraustur drengur mundi fyrir löngu sviptur lífi,Many a brave fellow would long ago have been bereft of life,
> maður minn, sá sem nú er heill á húfi, ef stóryrði bitu
> skildi búinn hermann sem sverðseggjar.
> Many a valiant bold man would before a long deprive life,
> my man, so as now is whole at a hull of a ship (?), if big
> words bit should prepared a warrior as a sword's edge.
> Skáldið drúpir höfði.The skald is downcast [‘bows (his) head’].
> The poet droops from sorrow his head.
> Ok eftir þat er þessar vísur váru kveðnar, þá söfnuðuAnd after these <vísur> were recited, Þorvald and Bergþór
> þeir Þorvaldr ok Bergþórr liði ok gera til Magnúss.
> And after that when these verses were recited, then
> Thorvaldr and Bergthor gathered (their) troops and makes
> for Magnus.
> And after that when these verses were recited, then they,
> Þorvaldr and Bergþórr assemble a host and prepare (make
> ready) for Magnús.
> Ok er hann spyrr þetta, ferr hann á fjall þat, erAnd when he hears of this, he travels to the mountain that
> Sölólfsfell heitir, ok þar eru þau í einum helli, meðan
> þeir Þorvaldr váru í firðinum.
> And when he gets wind of this, he goes to that mountain,
> which is called sale-something-mountain, and they were
> there in a cave, while Thorvaldr and the others were in
> the inlet.
> And when he is-informed-of this, he journeys to that
> mountain, which is-called Sölólfsfell
> (Sölólfr’s-Mountain), and they (Magnús and Jórunn, hence
> <þau>] are there in a certain cave, while they, Þorvaldr
> [and co.] were in the fjord.
> Rannsökuðu þeir víða bæi ok leituðu þeira Magnúss ok fóruThey ransacked farms far and wide and sought them, Magnús
> við þat á braut af heraði, at þeir fundu þau eigi.
> They seached the farm high and low and searched for Magnus
> and company and and went with that away from the district,
> at they didn't find them.
> They ransacked widely [the] farms (acc plural) and
> searched-for them, Magnús [and Jórunn] and journeyed with
> that (ie after doing all that) away from [the] district,
> [so] that they found them (ie Magnús and Jórunn) not.
> Ok eftir þat snerist Jórunn í karlaföt ok fór með MagnúsiAnd after that Jórunn changed into men’s clothing and
> presti suðr á Eyrar á laun ok eftir þat af landi á braut.
> And after that, Jorunn changed herself into men's clothing
> and went with Priest Magnus south to Eyrar in secret and
> after that away from Iceland.
> And after that Jórunn was-changed into men’s-attire, and
> journeyed with Magnús [the] priest south to Eyrar in
> secret and after that away from [the] land (ie from
> Iceland)
> Ok er þau kómu í Nóreg, gerði hann boð til hennar at ráðiAnd when they arrived in Norway, he made her an offer [i.e.,
> Erlends múgamanns.
> And when they arrived in Norwary, he made an offer (of
> marriage?) to her with the consent of Erlend (Foreigner)
> crowd-of-people. (similar to Z. maðr 1: múgr manns, crowd
> of people) (Z. ráð 5: at ráði frænda hernnar, with the
> consent of her kinsmen)
> And when they came to Norway, he made an offer (of
> marriage) to her (or possibly prepared a wedding feast,
> <boð>, Z2, for her) with [the] consent (<ráð>, Z5) of
> Erlendr [the] commoner (lit: man of the common people –
> probably not Erlendr [the] mobster )
> Hann var hirðmaðr Sverris konungs ok frændi Jórunnar.He was a liege man of King Sverrir and Jórunn’s kinsman.
> He was King Sverri's king's-man and a relative of
> Jorunn's.
> He was a king´s-man of King Sverrir and a kinsman of
> Jórunn.
> Magnús var lengi í Nóregi ok gat margt barna við Jórunni.Magnús stayed in Norway for a long time and had many
> Magnus stayed a long time in Norway and had many children
> with Jorunn.
> Magnús was a long-time in Norway and begat many children
> with Jórunn.
> Kali hét maðr, hann var Halldórsson.There was a man called Kali; he was Halldór’s son.
> A man was named Kali; he was the son of Halldor.
> [There] was a man called Kali, he was [the]
> son-of-Halldórr.
> Hann átti Ingiríði Snorradóttur.He married Ingiríð Snorradóttir.
> He married Ingirid, the daughter of Snorri.
> He married Ingiríðir daughter-of-Snorri.
> Hon fífldist frá Kala at þeim manni, er Ljótr hét.She cuckolded Kali with the man who was called Ljót.
> She acted as a seducer against Kali to them a man, who was
> named Ljotr.
> She acted-as-seducer against Kali towards that person
> (man), who was-called Ljótr.
> Hann var sonr Sela-Eiríks.He was Sela-Eirík’s [‘Seal-’] son.
> He was a son of Sela-Eirik.
> He was [the] son of Sela-Eiríkr.
> Ok er þeir Þorvaldr ok Kali urðu þess varir, þá gerðu þeirAnd when Þorvald and Kali became aware of that, they and the
> sát fyrir Ljóti ok sá inn þriði maðr, er Þórðr hét ok var
> Kalason.
> And when Thorvaldr and Kali happened to have a
> presentiment of that, then they set up on ambush for Ljoti
> and the third man, who was named Thordr and was a son of
> Kali. (similar to Z. vara: þess varir mik, at, I have a
> presentiment that)
> And when they, Þorvaldr and Kali, became aware (<varr>,
> adj) of that, then they prepared an ambush ahead-of Ljótr,
> and-also that-one, the third person (man) (ie in the
> ambush party), who was-called Þórðr, and was [the]
> son-of-Kali.
> Ok er þeir fundu Ljót, sóttu þeir hann þrír með vápnum, enAnd when they met Ljót, the three of them [‘they three’]
> hann varðist svá vel, at þeir gátu hann seint sóttan.
> And whe they met (up with) Ljot, they attacked him three
> with weapons, but he defended himself so well, that they
> were slowly able to overcome him. (CV SÆKJA 4: overcome)
> And when they met Ljótr, they, [the] three [of them]
> attacked him with weapons, but (and) he defended-himself
> so well, that they were-able to overcome him [only]
> slowly.
> Þá eggjaði Kali Þorvald, at hann skyldi sækja atThen Kali egged Þorvald on to [‘that he should’] attack
> djarfliga, ok sagði klæki vera, at þeir fengi eigi einn
> mann sóttan.
> Then Kali egged on Thorvaldr, that he should attack
> boldly, and said it is cowardice that they weren't able to
> overcome a single man.
> Then Kali urged Þorvaldr, that he should attack boldly,
> and said [it] to be cowardice, that they were not able to
> overcome one person (man).
> Svá lauk þeira fundi, at þeir vágu Ljót.Their battle ended thus, that they killed Ljót.
> So their battle ended, that they killed Ljot.
> Their meeting (or fight) ended such that they slew Ljótr.
> Um þat víg orti Eilífr vísu:Eilif made a verse about that killing:
> Eilifr composed a verse concerning that slaying:
> About that slaying Eilífr wrote a verse:
> Kali bauð kjark at seljaThe vísa above was missing the last words in lines 1 and 6;
> kaldráðum Þorvaldi,
> nýtik Fjölnis flýti-
> feng, en til var engi.
> Þórðr munat virðum virðask,
> vann á dauðum manni,
> áðr sló á hodda hlæði
> hvikan, með spjót it mikla.
> Kali bauð at selja kjark kaldráðum Þorvaldi, en til varMy translation above actually follows this very closely,
> engi — nýti ek flýti-feng Fjǫlnis. Þórðr munat virðask
> virðum — vann á dauðum manni með spjót it mikla — áðr sló
> hvikan á hodda hlœði.
> Kali bauð at selja kaldráðum Þorvaldi kjark, en engiI take <engi> to refer to <kjarkr> and <vera til> to have
> var til.
> Kali offered to deliver courage (spirit, Lexicon poeticum,
> 1931) to [the] evil-minded Þorvaldr, but [he] was no-one
> towards [it] (ie he may as well have not been there, he
> was not up to the challenge)
> Nýtik flýtifeng Fjölnis.See comments above on <flýtifeng>.
> I derive-benefit from [the] hasty-supply of Fjölnir
> (poetry).
> Þórðr munat virðask virðum, vann á dauðum manni með itEarlier wavering seized treasures’ destroyer.
> mikla spjót.
> Þórðr will-not be-esteemed by men, [he]
> did-a-bodily-injury to a dead person (man) with the great
> spear.
> Áðr sló hvikan á hodda hlæði
> Already [one] slew [the] wavering loader of treasures
> (generous person)
> Kali bauðst til að selja hinum kaldráða Þorvaldi kjark, en<Bauðst til e-s) is simply ‘offered to do something’; here
> hann var enginn til.
> Kali offered his service to deliver Thorvaldr, the
> evil-minded vigor, when he was in a meadow. (CV BJOÐA 2
> reflexive: to offer oneself, volunteer one’s service)
> Kali volunteered-himself to deliver courage (spirit) to<Hann var enginn til> seems to be ‘there was none
> the evil-minded Þorvaldr, but (and) he was no-one towards
> [it] (ie he may as well have not been there, he was not up
> to the challenge)
> Eg yrki fljótgerða vísu.Past tense.
> I composed a fleetly-made (?) verse.
> I compose a quickly-made verse.
> Þórður mun ekki hljóta virðingar manna, því að hann vann áI agree with Alan’s reading.
> dauðum manni með hinu mikla spjóti sínu.
> Thordr will not get man's honor, because he did
> bodily-injury to death a man with his large spear.
> Þórðr will not get [the] esteem of persons (men), because
> he did-a-bodily-injury to a dead person (man) with that
> great spear of his.
> Áður hafði maðurinn verið hikandi.I agree with Rob’s interpretation of <áður>.
> Previously the man had been wavering. (CV hika = hvika =
> to falter, waver, shrinking)
> Already the-person (man) had been wavering (=<hvikandi>)