From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 14289
Date: 2018-11-13
> Mun hann verða skammlífr, en þau börn mín munu lengr lifa,He will be shortlived, and those children of mine will live
> er mönnum mun minna gagn at verða, ok munu þar mín at því
> gjalda.
> He will be short-lived, but my children will live longer,
> which will remind men of being an advantage, and there
> mine will repay that.
> He will become (iebe) shortlived, but they my children (ie
> there will be other of my children who) will live longer,
> who will be of less use to people (men) (<verða e-m at
> gagni> under <gagn>, Z1), and will there suffer-on account
> (<gjalda>, Z3)of me for that.
> Uggir mik, at menn munu meir hafa harm en huggan af minniI fear that folks will get more sorrow than comfort from my
> kynslóð."
> I fear that, that men will have more harm than consolation
> from my progeny."
> (It) fears me that people (men) will have more sorrow than
> comfort from my progeny.”
> Þetta mælti Snorri með mikilli áhyggju ok trúnaði fyrirSnorri said this with great concern and trust to his friend,
> sínum vin, ok sýndist mönnum síðan sem hann hefði þetta
> mælt af nökkurum spakleik, því at litlu síðar réðst
> Hafliði til skips ok fór í brott af landi, en þat skip
> týndist í hafi ok öll skipshöfn, sú er þar var á.
> Snorri said this with much concern and confidence before
> his friends, and it appeared to people later as he had
> spoken this of some prophecy, because a little later
> Haflidi prepared his ship and went away fron Icelenad, but
> that ship and all the crew were lost at sea, those who are
> on (it).
> Snorri spoke this with great concern and trust before his
> friend (sg), and (it) seemed to people (men) after-that
> as-if he had spoken this from some prophecy, because a
> little after-that Hafliði set-sail (lit: went to ship) and
> journeyed away from [the] land, but (and) that ship
> was-lost at sea and all [its] crew, that which was
> there-on.
> Síðan tók Snorri sótt ok andaðist tveim nóttum eftirAfter that Snorri took sick and died two nights after
> Mikjálsmessu.
> Then Snorri took ill and breathed his last two nights
> after Michaelmas.
> After-that Snorri took sick and died two nights after
> Michaelmas.
> En eftir andlát Snorra tóku synir hans við staðfestu okAnd after Snorri’s death his sons, Þórð and Þorvald,
> fjárhlut, Þórðr ok Þorvaldr.
> And after Snorri's death, his sons, Thordr and Thorvaldr,
> received his residence and valuables.
> But (And) after [the] death of Snorri, his sons, Þórðr and
> Þorvaldr, received [his] residence and property.
> Bárðr, bróðir þeira, var þá barn at aldri.Bárð, their brother, was then a child in age.
> Bardr, their brother, was then the age of a child.
> Bárðr, their brother, was then (ie at that time) a child
> as-regards-to age.
> Þórðr var mikill vexti ok liðligr, en Þorvaldr var lítillÞórð was large of stature and handy, and Þorvald was a small
> maðr ok fráligr.
> Thordr was large in stature and adroit, but Thorvaldr was
> a small and swift man.
> Þórðr was large in stature and adroit, but Þorvaldr was a
> little person (man) and quick.
> Ok brátt er þeir höfðu við fjárhlut tekit, urðu þeir eigiAnd as soon as they had received [the] property, they were
> ásáttir um fé.
> And soon when they had received the property, they didn't
> come to terms concerning the money.
> And as-soon-as they had received [the] property, they
> became not agreed (ie a disagreement arose between them)
> about property-and-money.
> Þá fór Þorvaldr í Vigr um vetrinn eftir andlát Snorra okThen Þorvald travelled to Vigr the winter after Snorri’s
> var þar til várs.
> Then Thorvald went to Vigr during the winter after
> Snorri's death, and was there until the spring.
> Then Þorvaldr journeyed to Vigr (Spear) during the-winter
> after [the] death of Snorri and was (stayed) there until
> spring..
> Maðr hét Sveinn ok var Þórólfsson.There was a man called Svein, and [he] was Þórólf’s son.
> A man was named Sveinn and was a son of Thorolf.
> [There] was a person (man) called Sveinn and [he] was
> Þórolfr’s-son.
> Hann var kvángaðr maðr, ok hét Þóra kona hans.He was a married man, and his wife was called Þóra.
> He was a married man, and his wife was named Thora.
> He was a married person (man), and his wife was-called
> Þóra.
> Hon var Bárðardóttir, Snorrasonar, Bárðarsonar ins svarta.She was [the] daughter of Bárð, son of Snorri, son of Bárð
> She was a daughter of Bardor, son of Snorar, son of Bardar
> the black.
> She was [the] daughter of Bárðr, son of Snorri, son of
> Bárðr the black.
> Móðir Þóru hét Jóreiðr.Þóra’s mother was called Jóreið.
> Thora's mother was named Joreidr.
> [The] mother of Þóra was-called Jóreiðr.
> Hon var Oddleifsdóttir.She was the daughter of Oddleif.
> She was a daughter of Oddleif.
> She was [the] daughter of Oddleifr.
> Jóreiðr var móðir Þorvalds Snorrasonar.Jóreið was the mother of Þorvald Snorrason.
> Joreidr was mother of Thorvald, son of Snorrar.
> Jóreiðr was [the] mother of Þorvaldr Snorri’s-son
> (currently sojourning on Vigr)
> Sveinn var hávaðamaðr mikill ok ódæll.Svein was a great troublemaker and overbearing.
> Sveinn was a very self-assertive man and quarrelsome.
> Sveinn was a great self-assertive-person (man) and
> overbearing (<údæll>).
> Hann gerðist fylgdarmaðr Þorvalds ok var í eynni Vigr meðHe became Þorvald’s follower and was on the island Vigr with
> Þorvaldi.
> He became Thorvald's attendant and stayed on the island
> (?) of Vigr with Thorvald.
> He became [the] follower of Þorvaldr and was on the-island
> Vigr with Þorvaldr.
> Jórunn hét dóttir Snorra.Snorri’s daughter was called Jórunn.
> Jorunn was the name of Snorri's daughter.
> [The] daughter of Snorri was-called Jórunn.
> Hon var Jóreiðardóttir, systir Þóru, konu Sveins.She was Jóreið’s daughter, sister of Þóra, Svein’s wife.
> She was the daughter of Joreidar, Thoru's sister, Svein's
> wife.
> She was [the] daughter of Jóreiðr, sister of Þóra, wife of
> Sveinn.
> Þat mæltu sumir menn, at Sveinn legði á hana þokka.Some people said that Svein took a liking to her.
> Some men said that, that Sveinn imposed enmity on her.
> Some people (men) spoke that, that Sveinn took a liking
> (<þokki, Z2>) to her (Jórunn, that is).
> En er Þórðr Snorrason frá þaðan orðróm, þá lagði hannAnd when Þórð Snorrason heard [the] gossip from there, he
> óþokka á Svein fyrir allt saman, orðlag þat, er á var með
> þeim Jórunni, ok hávaða þann ok óspekt, er hann hafði.
> But when Thordr Snorrason heard that report, then he
> allotted dislike to Svien for all together, that way of
> speaking, which was to Jorunni and others, and that noise
> and uproar, which he had.
> But (And) when Þórðr Snorri’s-son [heard, missing text?]
> [the] report about [that] from-there, then he took a
> disliking (<úþokki>, cf <þokki>, Z2>) to Sveinn for all
> together (ie due to a combination of all things): that
> report, that [it] was ‘on’ between them, Jórunn [and
> Sveinn] (ie that they were having an affair, having it
> on?), and that loud-self-assertion and
> lack-of-peacefulness, which he (ie Sveinn) had.
> Þórðr Snorrason var eigi sammæddr við Þorvald.Þórð Snorrason was not from the same mother as Þorvald.
> Thordr Snorrason did not have the same mother as Thorvald.
> Þórðr Snorri’s-son was not of-the-same-mother as Þorvaldr.
> Steinunn hét móðir hans Ingjaldsdóttir.His mother was called Steinunn Ingjaldsdóttir.
> His mother was named Steinunn, Ingjald's daughter.
> His mother was-called Steinunn daughter of Ingjald.
> Um várit eftir andlát Snorra áttu þeir Þórðr ok ÞorvaldrIn the spring after Snorri’s death Þórð and Þorvald held a
> fund í Vatnsfirði at skilja með sér, hvárr hafa skyldi
> staðfestu eða goðorð.
> During the spring after Snorri's death, Thordr and
> Thorvaldr had a meeting in Vatnsfirth to part, each should
> have a residence or dignity and authority of a goðorð.
> During the-spring after [the] death of Snorri, they Þórðr
> and Þorvaldr had a meeting in Vatnsfjörðr to decide
> (<skilja>, Z7) amongst themselves, who should have [the]
> residence or [the] ‘goði-ship’
> Til þess fundar kom Sveinn með Þorvaldi.Svein came to the meeting with Þorvald.
> Svein came to that meeting with Thorvald.
> To that meeting came Sveinn with Þorvaldr.