From: rob13567
Message: 13869
Date: 2017-02-21
Hringr konungr bað Herrauð fara fyrir sik, en kveðst skyldu geyma brúðar hans á meðan, ok skyldu þeir þá vera sáttir um allt þat, sem þeira hafði í millum farit.
King Hringr asked Herraudr to go before him, and said for himself they should mind his brother in the meantime, and they should then be at peace concerning all that, as they had gone between themselves.
Herrauðr gerði nú sem hans faðir beiddi ok fóru þeir Bósi með þeim bræðrum með fimm hundruð manna ok fundu Harald konung.
Herraudr did now as his father asked, and Bosi and he went with the brothers with 499 men and met King Harald.
Í þessi orrostu fell Haraldr konungr ok með honum fimmtán konungar annars hundraðs, sem segir í sögu hans, ok margir aðrir kappar, þeir sem konungum váru meiri.
King Harald fell in this battle, and with him 15 of the King's second hundred (??), as is told in his saga, and many other champions, as they were more of the king's (??).
Þar fellu þeir Dagfari ok Náttfari, en þeir Herrauðr ok Bósi urðu báðir sárir ok kómust þó báðir ór bardaganum.
Dagfari and Nattfari fell there, and both Herraudr and Bosi became wounded and yet both came to the end out of the fight.
Þá höfðu orðit þau umskipti í Gautlandi, sem síðar mun sagt verða, meðan þeir váru í burtu.
The changes had then happened in Gautland, as will be told later, while they were away.
10. Fall Hrings konungs.
King Hring's Death
Nú af því, at eigi má í senn segja meir en eitt, þá verðr nú þat at skýra, sem fyrr hefir borit í sögunni, ok er þar nú til at taka fyrst, at Hleiðr, systir Goðmundar konungs, hvarf í burt af Glæsivöllum.
Now, therefore, it can't at the same time say more than any, then it now happens to explain, as previously has been told in the saga, and is there now to take up first, that Hleidr, King Godmundar's sister disappeared away from Glaesvollum.
Ok sem konungr saknar hennar, lætr hann leita hennar bæði á sjó ok landi, ok kunni hana engi upp at frétta.
And as the king feels her loss, he has her searched for, both on land and sea, and was not able to find out anything about her.
Þeir bræðr váru þá með konungi, Hrærekr ok Siggeirr.
The brothers, Hraekr and Siggeirr were with the king.
Konungr bað Siggeir bindast fyrir um eftirleit Hleiðar ok vinna þat til eiginorðs við hana.
The king asked Siggeir to take charge of Hleidar's search and make hismelf worthy of marriage to her. (Z. vinna 12: v. til e-s = to make oneself worthy of, deserve)
Siggeirr kvaðst ætla, at þat mundi eigi auðvelt at finna hana, ef hofgyðjan á Bjarmalandi vissi ekki til hennar.
Siggeirr said for himself to intend (to), that it wouldn't be easy to find her, if the priestess at Bjarmaland didn't know about her.
Þeir bjuggust nú ór landi ok höfðu fimm skip ok fóru til Bjarmalands ok fundu Hárek konung ok sögðu honum sín erendi, en hann bað þá fara til hofsins ok kvað eigi mundu laust fyrir liggja, ef Jómali eða gyðjan vissu ekki til hennar.
They now made themselves ready (to go) from land, and they had 5 ships and went to Bjarmaland and met King Harek and told him about their mission, and he asked them to go to the temple and said it wouldn't be easy to seize upon, if Jomal or didn't know about her. (CV. lauss: liggja laust fyrir = to sit loose, to be easy to seize upon)
Þeir fóru nú til hofsins ok fundu þar öskudyngjuna, ok sást engi örmul neins þess, er þar átti at vera.
They now went to the temple and found there the heap of ashes, and no traces were seen of that, which had been there.
Fóru þeir nú um skóginn ok kómu til byggða Hóketils karls ok fréttu eftir, hvárt þau vissu ekki til, hverr hofinu hefði grandat.
They now went across the forest and arrived at old man Hoketil's place and asked about, whether they didn't know, who had done harm to the temple.