From: rob13567
Message: 13862
Date: 2017-02-13
"Ekki hefi ek meira í veð at setja en sjálfa mik," segir hún, "ef þat er vili frænda minna."
"I don't have more to give in pledge than myself," she says, "if that is my relatives' wish." (Z. veð: setja e-t í veð = to pledge, to give in pledge)
"Eigi mun ek til þeira giftingar leita," segir Herrauðr, "ok vil ek hér engan undandrátt í hafa, því at ek þykkjumst í engu þér varboðinn ok skal leysa þik sem áðr."
"I will not seek for their (permision for) marriage," says Herraudr, "and I want here to have no evasion, because it seemed to me you (were) underrated, and I shall free you as before."
"Eigi veit ek þann mann," segir hún, "at ek vil heldr eiga en þik, af þeim sem ek hefi sét."
"I don't know the man," she says, "that I would rather have than you, from those whom I have seen."
Þeir leysa hana nú.
They now free her.
Herrauðr spyrr, hvárt hún vill heldr fara heim með þeim ok geri hann brúðlaup til hennar eða senda hana austr til bróður síns ok sjái hún hann aldri síðan.
Herraudr asks, whether she would rather go home with them and he marry her or send her east to her brother and she would never see him again.
En hún kjöri at fara með honum, ok lofaði hvárt öðru trú sinni.
And she chose to go with him, and promised whether next her word of honor.
Eftir þat báru þeir út gull ok gersemar ór hofinu, en síðan lögðu þeir eld í hofit ok brenndu upp at ösku, svá at enga örmul sá nema öskuna, ok fóru síðan burt með þat, sem þeir höfðu fengit, ok léttu eigi fyrr en þeir kómu til Hóketils karls ok dvöldust þar eigi lengi ok gáfu honum fé mikit ok báru á mörgum hestum gull ok gersemar til skips, ok urðu menn þeira þeim fegnir.
After that they carried out (the) gold and treasures out of the temple, and then they set fire to the temple and burned (it) to ashes, so that no traces were seen except the ashes, and they went away with that, as they had taken and didn't stop until they arrived at commoner Hoketil and didn't stay there long and they gave him much wealth and carried on many horses (the) gold and treasures to the ship, and their men were delighted with their arrival. (Z. feginn (though not exactly))
9. Frá Brávallabardaga.
9. Concerning Bravall's Battle
Þessu næst sigldu þeir burt af Bjarmalandi, sem byr gaf, ok er þá eigi getit um ferð þeira, fyrr en þeir kómu heim í Gautland, ok höfðu þeir þá tvá vetr í burt verit.
Thereafter they sailed away from Bjarmaland, when they got a favorable wind, and is then not spoken about their journey before they arrived home in Gautland, and they they had been away two years. (Z. geta II 2: geta um e-t, to speak about)
Þeir gengu nú fyrir konung, ok færði Bósi honum eggit, ok var þá brotin rauf á skurninu, ok váru þar í tíu merkr gulls, ok hafði konungr skurnit fyrir borðker.
They now went before the king, and Bosi brought him the egg, and it was then broken a hole in the egg shell, and 10 marks of gold were in there, and the king had the egg shell for a cup at (his) table.
Bósi gaf konungi þat kerit, er hann tók af Jómalanum, ok váru þeir nú sáttir.
Bosi gave the king that vessel, which he took from Jomalanum, and they were now at peace.
Í þenna tíma kómu þeir til hirðar konungs Dagfari ok Náttfari, bræðr drottningar, ok váru þeir sendir af Haraldi konungi hilditönn í liðsbón, því at þá var settr tími til bardagans á Brávöllum, er mestr hefir verit á Norðrlöndum, sem segir í sögu Sigurðar hrings, föður Ragnars loðbrókar.
At this time they came to the King's men Dagfari and Nattfari, the queens brothers, and they were sent from King Harald "Battle-tooth" in assistance, because then was set a time for the battle at Bravollum, and most had been in Northlands, as is told in the saga of the ring of Sigurdr, Ragnar's father "Shaggy Breeks."