Bosa Saga 2 A

From: Alan Thompson
Message: 13781
Date: 2016-11-02

Here’s my translation



2. Ætt Bósa ok uppfóstr.
2. Pedigree of Bósi and upbringing (fostering)

Maðr er nefndr Þvari ok var kallaðr Bryn-Þvari. 
(There) is a person (man) named Þvari and was called Bryn-Þvari

Hann bjó skammt frá konungs atsetum. 
He dwelt a short distance from (the) king’s residence(s).

Hann hafði verit víkingr mikill inn fyrri hlut ævi sinnar, ok þá er hann var í víkingu, mætti hann skjaldmey einni, er Brynhildr hét. 
He had been a great viking (sea-rover) in the (hinn) early part of his life, and then he was a-sea-roving, he met a certain amazon (lit: shield-maiden), who was-called Brynhildr.

Hún var dóttir Agnars konungs ór Nóatúnum. 
She was (the) daughter of King Agnarr out-of Nóatún (Ship-Enclosures, noí + tún).

Þau börðust, ok bárust sár á Brynhildi, þangat til at hún var óvíg. 
They fought-each-other, and wounds happened to Brynhildr (ie she received wounds), until (that time that) she was unable-to-fight (úvígr).

Tók Þvari hana þá til sín ok mikinn fjárhlut með henni. 
Þvari then took her to himself  and a great share-of money (singular) (CV) with her.

Hann lét græða hana at heilu, ok var hún síðan hnýtt ok bömluð, ok var hún því kölluð Brynhildr baga. 
He caused to heal her to health (ie fully), and she was after-that crippled (knýttr) and bömluð (deformed?), and she was therefore called Brynhyldr baga (clumsy, awkward).

Þvari gerði brúðlaup til hennar, ok sat hún á brúðbekk með hjálm ok brynju, en þó váru ástir þeira góðar. 
Þvari wed (lit:made a wedding feast for) her, and she sat on (the) bride’s-bench with helmet and coat-of-mail, but (and) nevertheless their mutual-love (plural) was good.

Lagði Þvari þá af hernað ok settist í bú, ok áttu tvá sonu, ok hét Smiðr inn eldri; hann var eigi mikill maðr vexti, manna fríðastr sýnum ok slyngr við allar íþróttir ok svá hagr, at hann lagði á allt gerva hönd. 
Þvari laid off (ie gave up) harrying and settled-himself on a farm, and (they) had two sons, and the elder was-called Smiðr; he was not a large person in stature, most-handsome of persons (men) in appearance (lit: to sight) and clever with all accomplishments and so skilful that he laid on everything an accomplished hand (ie he was an adept at all things).

Bósi hét annarr sonr þeira. 
Their second son was-called Bósi.

Hann var mikill vexti ok sterkr at afli, dökklitaðr ok ekki mjök fríðr ok líkr móður sinni at skaplyndi ok sköpun, kátr var hann ok keskimáll ok þráfylginn því, sem hann tók upp, ok eigi mjök fyrirleitinn við hvern sem hann átti. 
He was large in stature and strong of physical-strength, dark-coloured (complexioned) and not much (very) handsome and like his mother in disposition and making (shaping, his make-up?), he was cheerful and witty-spoken (facetious, kerski-máll, CV) and persevering in that, which he took up (chose, tried his hand at?), and not much (very) circumspect with whomsoever he had to deal (do, fight, have intercourse (not sexual!) (eiga við e-n, Z10).

Móðir hans unni honum mikit, ok var hann kenndr við hana ok kallaðr Bögu-Bósi. 
His mother loved him greatly, and he was associated (linked in people´s minds) with her and called Bögu (clumsy, awkward?)-Bósi.

Hafði hann ok margar tiltekjur til þess bæði í orðum ok verkum, at honum var þetta sannnefni.
He had also many things-that-he-took-up both in words and deeds to that (end), that this was appropriately-named for him (ie he lived up to his nick-name)

Busla hét kerling. 
(There) was an old-woman called Busla.

Hún hafði verit frilla Þvara karls. 
She had been (the) mistress of (the) old-man Þvari.

Hún fóstraði sonu hans. 
She fostered (reared) his sons (plural).

Hún kunni margt í töfrum. 
She knew much in sorcery (= taufr)

Smiðr var henni miklu eftirlátari, ok nam hann margt at henni. 
Smiðr was much more indulgent (comparative) towards her, and he learnt (nema, Z7) much from her.

Hún bauð Bósa at kenna honum galdra, en Bósi sagðist eigi vilja, at þat væri skrifat í sögu hans, at hann ynni nokkurn hlut með sleitum, þann sem honum skyldi með karlmennsku telja. 
She offered to Bósi to teach him sorcery, but Bósi said-of-himself not to want that that should-be written in his history (ie that he should be known for that), that he should-gain any-thing by subterfuge, that which should count for manhood (valour) for him

Mjök var nær um aldr þeira Herrauðar konungssonar ok karlssona, ok var vingott með þeim, ok var Bósi jafnan í konungsgarði, ok lögðu þeir Herrauðr lag sitt saman.
Much was near concerning the age of them (ie they were of very similar ages), Herrauðr (the) king´s-son and (the) old-man´s-son, and (there) was friendliness between them, and Bósi was always in (the) king’s-stronghold, and they, Herrauðr (and Bósi) entered into fellowship (lit: placed their companionship together).

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