Re: Gull-Thoris Saga 17B + 18A

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 13729
Date: 2016-08-24

> Eftir það leitar Hallsteinn um sættir með þeim Styrkári og
> Þóri.

> After that Hallstein tries to effect peacemaking between
> Styrkar and Thorir.

> After that Hallsteinn tries to get a settlement between
> them Styrkar and Thorir.

> After that Hallsteinn tries-to-get agreements
> (reconciliations, settlements) between them, Styrkár and
> Þórir.

After that Hallstein tries to effect a reconciliation
[‘reconciliations’] between Styrkár and Þóri.

> Varð það að sætt að víg þeirra Helga skyldu á standast
> heimsókn og fjörráð við Þóri.

> The settlement came to pass that Helgi's and the others'
> slaying should correspond to (i.e., be balanced by) the
> attack on his house and life-seeking by Thorir.

> It happened as to settlement that their slaying of Helgi
> should stand opposite the home attack and plotting against
> Thorir’s life.

> That became an agreement (verða at e-u, Z8) that (the)
> slayings (plural) of them, Helgi (and co) should
> correspond to (be offset against) (the) attack-on-the-home
> and plot-against-the-life of Þórir.

It was agreed that the slaying of Helgi and his companions
should answer to the attack on Þóri’s home and plot against
his life.

> Síðan var saman jafnað mannalátum öðrum og bættur skakki.

> Next it was equally equated the one the loss of men and
> compensates a disproportion.

> Afterwards the other manslaughter together equalized and
> disproportion (?) attoned for.

> After-that (the) other losses-of-men’s-lives was (were)
> compared (set off one against the other) and (the)
> disparity (ie between the losses on each side) made-up-for
> (boeta, Z2).

After that other deaths were set off against one another and
the disparity compensated.

> Hallur var ekki í þessi sætt og fer hann suður yfir fjörð.

> Hallr was not in this settlement, and he goes south over a
> fiord.

> Hallr was not in this settlement and he went south over
> the fjord.

> Hallr was not (involved) in this agreement and he journeys
> (present) south along (the) fjord.

Hall was not party to this agreement, and he travels south
across the fjord.

> Er hann í Fagradal með Steinólfi um hríð.

> He stays in Fagradale with Steinolfr a while.

> He stays in Fairdale with Steinolfr for a time.

> He is (stays) in Fagradalr (Fair-Dale) with Steinólfr for
> a while.

He stays in Fagradal with Steinólf for a while.

> Þeir bera nú saman ráð sín og gaf Hallur það ráð til að
> þeir sætu um líf Ketilbjarnar, kvað hann þá mest aðra hönd
> af Þóri ef honum yrði nokkuð, héldu nú njósnum um hvern
> tíma Ketilbjörn væri heima í Tungu.

> They now consult together, and Hallr gave that advice that
> they seek Ketilbjorn's life, he told them most (of)
> Thorir's other hands if it happened to him (???), they
> kept watch concerning when Ketilbjorn would be at home in
> Tungu. (Z. bera 8: bera saman ráð sín = to consult
> together)

> They consult together and Hallr gave that advice that they
> sit in ambush regarding Ketilbjorn’s life, said him to be
> most on the other hand(?) of Thorir if it became at all
> (possible?) to him, kept now scouting about each time
> Ketilbjorn was at home in Tongue.

> They now consult together and Hallr gave that counsel
> towards (it) that they should-watch for an opportunity
> concerning (the) life of Ketilbjörn (sitja um e-t, Z8),
> declared him the greatest other hand (?) of Þórir if
> something happened to him, should now keep watch during
> each time Ketilbjörn was at-home in Tunga (Tongue)

They now consult together, and Hall gave that advice, that
they should seek Ketilbjörn’s life; [he] said then that he
[= K.] [was] almost Þóri’s second hand if anything happened
to him; [they] now kept watch concerning what time
Ketilbjörn would be at home at Tunga.

In other words, Þóri would be harmed greatly by Ketilbjörn’s

> En það var háttur Ketilbjarnar þá er hann var heima að
> hann hélt njósnum ofan til Bæjar.

> But it was Ketilbjorn's habit when he was at home that he
> kept watch down to the Farm.

> And it was Ketilbjorn’s custom then when he was at home
> that he kept watch down towards Farms.

> But (And) that was (the) custom of Ketilbjörn (then) when
> he was at-home that he kept watch down to Boer.

And it was Ketilbjörn’s custom when he was at home that he
kept watch down towards Bœr.

> Með honum var Ásmundur Naðursson og Vöflu-Gunnar.

> Asmundr Nadurson and Voflu-Gunnar stayed with him.

> With him was Asmundr Nadursson and Voflu-Gunnar.

> With him was Ásmundr Naðurr’s-son and Vöflu-Gunnarr.

With him were [¹was’] Ásmund Naðrsson and Vöflu-Gunnar.

> En um haustið litlu fyrir veturnætur fengu þeir Steinólfur
> og Hallur njósn af því að Ketilbjörn var heima.

> And during the fall, a little before the winter nights,
> Steinolfr and Hallr got news of that that Ketilbjorn was
> at home.

> But during the fall a little before winternights,
> Steinolfr and Hallr got news of it that Ketilbjorn was at
> home.

> But during the-autumn (fall) a little before (the)
> winter-nights they, Steinólfr and Hallr received
> intelligence of that, that Ketilbjörn was at-home

And in the fall a little before the winter-nights [three
days at the beginning of winter] Steinólf and Hall got news
that Ketilbjörn was at home.

> Þeir gengu þá á skip fimmtán saman, Steinólfur og Hallur,
> Loðinn og Galti, fylgdarmenn þeirra.

> They then went to a ship, fifteen altogether, Steinolfr
> and Hallr, Lodinn and Galti, (and) their followers.

> They went then on a ship, fifteen together, Steinofr and
> Hallr, Lodinn and Galti, their followers.

> They went then aboard ship fifteen together, Steinólfr and
> Hallr, Loðinn and Galti and their followers.

They then went aboard ship, fifteen together, Steinólf and
Hall, Loðin and Galti, [and] their followers.

> Þeir róa vestur yfir fjörð og lentu í Laxárós.

> They rowed west over a fiord and landed in Laxaros.

> They row west over the fjord and landed at the mouth of
> Salmon River.

> They row (present) west over (the) fjord and made-land in
> Laxáróss (Salmon-Rover-Mouth).

They row west across the fjord and landed at Laxárós [the
mouth of the Laxá].

> Þar kom til móts við þá Grímur af Völlum og Hergils son
> hans.

> Grimr of Vollum and Hergils his son came to meet with them
> there.

> There (they) came to a meeting with them, Grimr of Volli
> and Hergil, his son.

> There Grímr (nominative) from Vellir (Fields) and Hergils
> his son came to a meeting with (ie to see) them (the
> fifteen)

Grím of Vellir and his son Hergils met them there.

> Þeir voru tíu saman.

> They were 10 altogether.

> They were ten all together.

> They (ie Grímr and co) were ten together.

They were ten altogether.

> Þeir fóru upp til Tungu um nóttina og varð engi maður fyrr
> var við en þeir höfðu tekið bæinn á þeim.

> They travelled up to Tungu during the night, and there was
> no man was rather against when they had taken the farm to
> them. (?)

> They went up to Tongue during the night and no man became
> aware before they had taken their (á þeim?) farm.

> They journeyed up to Tunga (Tongue) during the-night and
> no person (man) became (ie was) aware (varr) of (noticed)
> (it) before they had reached (taka, Z3) the-farm of them
> (?)

They travelled up to Tunga during the night, and no one was
aware of [them] before they had attacked them at the

Baetke s.v. <hús>: <taka hús á e-m> 'jmd. in seinem Hause
überfallen' (attack someone in his house)

> Þar var fyrir Ketilbjörn og Ásmundur Naðursson og þrír
> menn aðrir.

> There was Ketilbjorn in front and Asmundr Nadurson and
> three other men.

> There were beforehand Ketilbjorn and Asmundr Nadursson and
> three other men.

> There was present (fyrir, Z.iii.3) Ketilbjörn and Ásmundr
> Naðurr’s-son and three other (persons).

Present there were [‘was’] Ketilbjörn and Ásmund Naðrsson
and three other men.

> Gunnar hafði riðið áður um daginn vestur á Þórisstaði og
> er hann var þar kominn spyr Þórir hvaðan hann væri að
> kominn.

> Gunnar had previously ridden during the day west to
> Thorir's-stead, and when he had arrived asks Thorir from
> where he had come.

> Gunnar had ridden before during the day west to Thorir’s
> steads and when he had arrived there Thorir asks whence he
> had come.

> Gunnarr had ridden already during the-day west to
> Þórisstaðir (Þórir’s-Steads) and when he was (had) come
> there Þórir (nominative) asks whence he was come.

Gunnar had ridden west to Þórisstaðir earlier in the day,
and when he had arrived, Þóri asks whence he had come.

> "Frá Ketilbirni," segir hann.

> "Away from (?) Ketilbjorn," he says.

> “From Ketilbjorn,” says he.

> “From Ketilbjörn,” days he.

‘From Ketilbjörn,’ he says.

> "Ekki ertu auðnumaður," segir Þórir, "því að svo dreymdi
> mig í nótt að hann mundi þurfa manna við."

> "You are no lucky man," says Thorir, "because I had so
> dreamed (more literally, a dream came to me) tonight that
> he would stand in need of men."

> “You are not a lucky man,” says Thorir, because I dreamt
> during in the night that he would need men with him.”

> “You are not a lucky-man,” says Þórir, “because (it)
> was-dreamed by me thus in (the) night that he (Ketilbjörn)
> would stand-in-need-of persons (men).”

‘You are not a lucky man,’ says Þóri, ‘for last night I
dreamed that he would need men.’

> Gunnar segir: "Það þykir mér undarlegt er þú situr heima,
> kappi slíkur sem þú þykist vera, en hinn kærasti vin þinn
> eigi í hlut og þurfi manna við."

> Gunnar says: "It seems to me wonderful when you sit at
> home, such zeal as you think to be, and the dearest friend
> not in condition and standing in the need of men." (??)

> Gunnar says, “It seems to me remarkable that you sit at
> home, such a champion as you seem to be, when the dearest
> friend of yours is concerned and needs men with him.”

> Gunnarr says: “That seems to me extraordinary when you sit
> (stay) at-home, such a man-of-valour as you
> bethink-yourself to be, but (and) that most-beloved friend
> of yours has a share in (it)? and stands-in-need of men.”

Gunnar says: ‘I think it extraordinary that you sit at home,
a champion such as you think yourself to be, and your
dearest friend is involved and in need of men.’

> Þórir segir: "Hafa skal góð ráð þó að úr refsbelg komi."

> Thorir says: "Take good advice, even if coming from from
> an old fox-skin." (CV belgr II translates this proverb)

> Thorir says, “(It) shall be good advice even though it
> comes out of a fox’s skin.”

> Þórir says: “(One) shall have (take) good advice
> even-though (it) should come out of a fox-skin.”

Þóri says: ‘Good advice should be taken even if it comes
from a fox-skin.’

This is a known proverb with a few minor variants, and
<refsbelg> may be metaphorical for a tricky person.

> Bað hann þá taka Kinnskæ hinn unga.

> He then asks him to take Kinnskae the young.

> Bade him take Kinnskae the younger.

> He asked then to take Kinnskær the young.

He told them to take Kinnskær hinn unga [‘Whitecheek the

> Riðu þeir þaðan sex saman um nóttina, Þórir og Guðmundur
> og Kinnarsynir tveir og Vöflu-Gunnar.

> They ride, six altogether, during the night, Thorir and
> Gudmundr and the two sons of Kinnar, and Voflu-Gunnar. (Is
> one person unnamed? I count only 5.)

> They ride from there six together during the night, Thorir
> and Gundmundr and two of Kinnar’s sons and Voflu-Gunnar.

> They ride from-there six together during the-night, Þórir
> and Guðmundr and two sons-of-Kinn (Cheek) and
> Vöflu-Gunnarr (and Kinnskær the young).

They rode thence during the night, six together, Þóri and
Guðmund and the two Kinnarsynir and Vöflu-Gunnar.

Presumably Gunnar was the sixth. Kinnskær is a horse.

> En úr Múla fór Grímur og þrír menn aðrir.

> And Grimr and three other men traveled from Mula.

> And Grimr and three other men went out of Muli.

> But (And) Grímr journeyed out-of Múli (Mull) and three
> other persons (men)

And Grím travelled from Múli with three other men.

> Þeir riðu nú tíu um nóttina suður yfir Þorskafjörð.

> The ten now ride south during the night beyond
> Thorskafiord.

> They rode now ten during the night south over
> Thorskafjord.

> They ride now, ten, during the-night south along
> Þorskafjörðr (Cod-Fjord).

The ten rode south across Þorskafjörð during the night.


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