From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 13696
Date: 2016-06-04
> Hann reið nú úr Garpsdal og kom á Gróstaði.He rode now from Garpsdal and came to Gróstaðir.
> He rode now out of Garp's-dale and arrived at Grostad.
> He rides now out of Garp’s dale and arrived at Groa’s
> steads.
> He rode (past) now out-of Garpsdalr (Garpr‘s-Dale) and
> came to Gróstaðir (Gróa‘s-Streads)
> Gróa húsfreyja segir honum um skipin.Mistress Gróa tells him of the ships.
> Mistress of the house Groa tells him about the ship.
> Head of household, Groa, tells him about the ship.
> Gróa, mistress-of-the-house, says to him about the-ships
> (neut plural).
> Þórir gaf henni gullbaug en hún sendi þegar mann íÞóri gave her a gold armlet, and she at once sent a man to
> Garpsdal að segja Halldóri að meiri von sé að Þórir þurfi
> manna við.
> Thorir gave her a gold ring/armlet, and she sent at once a
> man to Garp's-dale to tell Halldor that more expectation
> would be that Thorir stood in need of men.
> Thorir gave her a golden ring and she sent a man at once
> to Garp’s dale to tell Halldor that more be anticipated
> that Thorir would stand in need of men.
> Þórir gave her a gold-armlet (ring) but (and) she sent
> at-once a person (man) to Garpsdalr to say to Halldórr
> that (there) was a greater expectation that Þórir
> would-stand-in-need of persons (men).
> Þeir Þórir riðu út með hlíðum.Þóri and his companions rode out along the slopes.
> They, Thorir (and others), rode out by the mountain side.
> Thorir and his companions rode out along the gate.
> They, Þórir (and co) rode out along (the) slopes (plural).
> Þá sáu þeir sex menn vera fyrir múlanum, vopnaðir.Then they saw six armed men in front of the promontory.
> Then they saw 6 men (who) are before the cape, with
> weapons.
> Then they saw six armed men staying before the projecting
> mountain.
> Then they saw six men to be in-front-of the-mull, weaponed
> (armed).
> Litlu síðar sáu þeir hvar þeir fóru, Kjallakur ogA little later they saw where Kjallak and Steinólf were
> Steinólfur, neðan frá skipi og voru skjaldaðir.
> A little later they saw where they went, Kjalkr and
> Steinolfr, below from the ship, and they were covered with
> shields.
> A little later they saw where they went, Kjallakr and
> Steinolfr, down from the ship and were equipped with
> shields.
> A little later they saw where they, Kjallakr and
> Steinólfr, journeyed, from-below (up) from (their) ship
> and were furnished-with-shields.
> Þórir bað sína menn af baki stíga og dró á sig glófanaÞóri asked his men to dismount and drew on the gloves
> Agnarsnauta og vill nú fara höndum um þá.
> Thorir bade his men to dismount and drew to himself the
> gloves Agnar's-gift and now give them a healing touch. (Z.
> fara 12: fara e-t höndum, to touch with the hands, esp. of
> a healing touch, = f. höndum um e-t)
> Thorir bade his men dismount and drew on the gloves, gifts
> of Agnar, and wanted now to touch them with his hands.
> Þórir bade his people (men) to dismount (lit: step off
> (horse) back) and drew (slipped) on the-gloves Agnarsnaut
> (Agnarr’s-gift) and wants now to travel with (ie run)
> (his) hands over them (ie the gloves) (as in a “magic
> healing touch”).
> En Vöflu-Gunnar keyrir hestinn sporum fram frá þeim ogBut Vöflu-Gunnar spurs his horse forward away from them and
> reið hina neðri leið.
> And Voflu-Gunnar puts spurs to his horse forward away from
> then and rode the lower path. (Z. keyra 1: keyra hest
> sporum = to put spurs to a horse)
> But Voflu-Gunnar puts spurs to his horse forward away from
> them and rides the lower way.
> But (And) Vöflu (Roamer?)-Gunnarr drives the-horse with
> spurs forward from them and rode the lower road.
> Hann sá sex menn fyrir sér.He saw six men in front of him.
> He saw six man in front of him.
> He saw six men before him.
> He saw six men in-front-of him.
> Þar voru þeir Blígur og Árni og þeirra félagar.Blíg and Árni and their comrades were there.
> There were Bligr and Arni and their comrades.
> They were Bligr and Arni and their comrades.
> There were they, Blígr and Árni and their comrades.
> Þeir réðu þegar í mót honum.They attacked him immediately.
> They rode at once against him.
> They attack him immediately.
> They rode at-once towards (lit: to a meeting/confrontation
> with) him.
> Gunnar skaut spjóti til Árna áður hann hljóp af baki ogGunnar hurled a spear at Árni before he leaped from his
> kom spjótið í fang honum og þegar í gegnum hann.
> Gunnar shot a spear Arni before he dismounted and the
> spear pierced his breast and at once through him. (Z. fang
> 3: kom spjótit í fang honum = the spear pierced his
> breast)
> Gunnar shot at Arni with a spear before he leaped off his
> horse’s back and the spear pierced his breast and through
> him immediately.
> Gunnarr shot with a spear at Árni before he leapt off
> (horse) back and the-spear came into (ie pierced) his
> breast (see fang, Z3) and at-once through him.
> Eftir það hlaupa þeir að Gunnari er eftir voru og sækirAfter that those who remained attacked Gunnar, and Gunnar
> Gunnar þá fimm.
> After that they ran at Gunnar that after there were also
> Gunnar seeks the five. (???)
> After that they ran to Gunnar, those who were in back and
> then five attack Gunnar.
> After that they, who were behind (Árni), run at Gunnarr
> and Gunnarr seeks (pursues) those five (5 + Árni = 6).
> Er þeir sáu þá hvar þeir Ólafur og Þorgeir fóru neðan íAnd they saw then where Ólaf and Þorgeir were travelling up
> brekkuna milli þeirra Þóris, og hlupu þá fjórir förunautar
> Blígs í lið með þeim en Blígur tók undan með rás og fékk
> Gunnar tekið hann í mýri einni og drap hann þar og heitir
> þar Blígsmýr og Blígsteinn þar sem hann var kasaður.
> When they saw then where they, Olafr and Thoreir, went
> down into the slope between them, Thoris (and his gang),
> and then four of Bligr's company ran in assistance to
> them, and/but Bligr escaped by running and Gunnar was able
> to reach him in a bog and slew him there, and there it is
> called Bligr's-bog and Bligr's-stone, seeing that he was
> buried there. (Z. þar 1: þar sem hann hefir drepit Njál
> föðurbróður minn = seeing that he has killed N.) [I guess
> run on sentences didn't bother this saga author too much!]
> When they saw then where Olaf and Thorgeir went down to
> the slope between them, Thorir and his men, and then four
> of Bligr’s comrades ran in company with them, but Bligr
> escaped at a run, but Gunnar was able to catch him in a
> moor and kill him there and it is called there Bligr’s
> moor and Bligr’s stone there where he was buried.
> When they saw then where they, Ólafr and Þorgeir,
> journeyed from-below (up) to the slope between them, Þórir
> (and co), and then four travelling-companions of Blígr ran
> into support (lið, Z4) with them (to safety, presumably?)
> (4 + Blígr = 5) but (and) Blígr ran away by running (ie
> took to his heels) and Gunnarr managed to catch him in a
> certain swamp and killed him there and there (ie that
> place) is called Blígsmyrr (Blígr’s-Swamp) and Blígsteinn
> (Blígr’s-Stone) there (ie that place) where he was buried.
> Í þann tíma finnast þeir Þórir og Þorgeir og eru þarAt that time Þóri and Þorgeir met up with each other, and
> nítján hvorir.
> In that time Thorir and Thorgeir met up and they were then
> each nineteen.
> In that time they, Thorir and Thorgeir, met and there were
> nineteen each?
> At that moment they, Þórir and Þorgeirr meet-one-another
> and nineteen are there, each-of-the-two (sides). (Not sure
> if this means 19 on each side or nineteen all up)
> Slær þar þegar í bardaga og snýr Þórir að Þorgeiri ogA fight at once began there, and Þóri turns on Þorgeir and
> höggur til hans með Hornhjalta og kemur á öxlina og sníður
> af höndina fyrir utan geirvörtuna.
> It came to a fight and Thorir turns on Thorgeir and hacks
> at him with Hornhjaltr (Horn-knob) and it lands on his
> shoulder and cuts off his arm above his nipple. (Z. slá 7:
> slær þegar í bardaga = it came to a fight)
> They struck at once in battle and Thorir turns toward
> Thorgeir and hews at him with Hornhild and (the blow)
> comes in the shoulder and cuts off the arm outwards of the
> nipples.
> There at-once (it) descends (slá, impers, Z7) into battle
> (it came to a fight) and Þórir turns to Þorgeirr and hews
> towards him with Hornhjalti and (it) comes onto
> the-shoulders and cuts off the-arm outside the nipple
> (that´s more than just the arm according to my anatomy)
> Ólafur faðir hans stóð að baki honum og kom blóðrefillinnHis father Ólaf stood behind him, and the point of the sword
> í brjóst honum og renndi ofan í kviðinn svo að út féllu
> iðrin og létust þeir þar báðir feðgar af þessu höggvi.
> His father Olafr stood behind him and the point of the
> sword landed on the front of his (Olafr's) chest and slid
> down in his belly so that his bowels fell out and both
> father and son perished there from this blow.
> Olaf, his father, stood on his back and the point of the
> sword pierce his breast and ran down in the abdomen so
> that the entrails fell out and they died there both father
> and son from this blow.
> Ólafr his father, stood at his back and the
> point-of-the-sword came into his breast and ran down into
> the-abdomen so that the-bowells fell out and they, both
> father-and-son died from this blow.
> Ketilbjörn varð þegar manns bani er þeir fundust.Ketilbjörn became the cause of a man’s death as soon as they
> Ketilbjorn became at once a manslayer when they were
> discovered.
> Ketilbjorn became at once a man’s bane when they met.
> Ketilbjörn became at-once slayer of a person (man) when
> they-met-each-other.
> Og í þessu komu þeir Kjallakur og Steinólfur með þrjá tiguAnd just at this moment Kjallak and Steinólf arrived with
> manna.
> And at this moment Kjallakr and Steinolfr arrived with 30
> men. (Z. þessi: í þessu = in this moment)
> And in this (moment?) they, Kjallakr and Steinolfr,
> arrived with thirty men.
> And at this (instant) came they, Kjallakr and Steinólfr,
> with three tens of (ie thirty) persons (men).
> Þá kom Gunnar að og barðist alldjarflega.Then Gunnar arrived and fought most boldly.
> Then Gunnar arrived and fought most boldly.
> Then Gunnar came to (the scene) and it was fought very
> boldly.
> Then came Gunnarr to (ie attacked) (them) and
> defended-himself very-boldly.