From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 13555
Date: 2015-11-17
> Hallsteinn son Þórólfs Mostrarskeggja nam allanHallstein son of Þórólf Mostrarskeggi took all [land] west
> Þorskafjörð fyrir vestan og bjó á Hallsteinsnesi.
> Hallstein, son of Thoralf Mosterbeard claimed all west of
> Thorskfiord (Codfish-fiord) and lived at Hallstein-ness.
> (CV Mostr)
> Hallstein, sone of Thorolf ? beard took all land west of
> Thorskafjord and lived at Hallstein's ness.
> Hallstein son of Þórólf Mostrarskeggi (Man (skeggi rather
> than skegg) of Mostr) took (possession of) all (land) west
> of Þorskafjörðr (Cod-fjord) and lived at Hallsteinsnes
> (Hallstein’s-Ness).
> Hann átti Ósku dóttur Þorsteins rauðs.He married Óska, daughter of Þorstein rauð [‘red’].
> He married Osku, Thorstein Red's daughter.
> He married Osku, Thorstein the red's daughter.
> He had (in marriage) Óska, daughter of Þorsteinn (the)
> Red.
> Börn þeirra voru þau Þorsteinn surtur, Þórarinn ogTheir children were Þorstein surtr [‘swart, black’],
> Þuríður.
> Their children were Thorstein "Black," Thorarinn and
> Thuridr.
> Their children were they Thorsteinn the unpleasant?,
> Thorarinn and Thurid.
> Those were their children: Þorsteinn (the) Black, Þórarinn
> and Þuríðr.
> Grímkell hét frilluson hans er bjó á Grímkelsstöðum út fráHis illegitimate son, who dwelt at Grímkelsstaðir out from
> Gröf.
> The name of his concubien's son was Grimkell, who lived at
> Grimkel's-place out beyond Graf.
> Grimkell was the name of his illegitimate son who lived at
> Grimkel's steads out from Grof.
> His illegitimate-son (‘love’-son) was-called Grímkell who
> lived at Grímkelsstaðir (Grímkell’s-steads) out beyond
> Gröf (Grave).
> Þessir menn fóru til Íslands með Hallsteini.These people travelled to Iceland with Hallstein:
> These men went to Iceland with Hallstein.
> These men went to Iceland with Hallstein.
> These people journeyed to Iceland with Hallsteinn:
> Hrómundur er síðan bjó í Gröf, Valgerður hét kona hans enHrómund, who later lived at Gröf; his wife was called
> Þorsteinn son.
> Hromundr who after lived in Grof, his wife was named
> Valgerdur, and (his) son Thorstein.
> Hromund who later lived in Grof, Valgerd was his wife's
> name and Thorstein (his) son.
> Hrómundr who afterwards lived in Gröf (Grave), His wife
> was-called Valgerðr and son Þorsteinn.
> Eyjólfur hinn auðgi kom til Íslands með Hrómundi og bjó íEyjólf hinn audgi [‘the wealthy’] came to Iceland with
> Múla í Þorskafirði, Hallgerður hét kona hans en Valgerður
> dóttir, hún var fríð kona.
> Eyjolfr The Wealthy arrived in Iceland with Hromundr and
> lived in Mula in Thorska-firth; hiw wife was named
> Hallgerdur, and a daughter Valgerdur, she was a beautiful
> woman.
> Eyjolf the wealthy came to Iceland with Hromund and lived
> in Muli in Thorskafirth, Hallgerd was the name of his wife
> and Valgerd (his) daughter, she was a beautiful woman.
> Eyjólf the ‘Wealthy’ came to Iceland with Hrómundr and
> lived in Múli (Mull) in Þorskafjörðr (Cod-fjord), His wife
> was-called Hallgerðr but (and) daughter Valgerðr, she was
> a beautiful woman.
> Þorgeir hét maður er bjó í Þorgeirsdal.A man who dwelt in Þorgeirsdal was called Þorgeir.
> A man named Thorgeir lived in Thorgeirs-dale.
> Thorgeir was the name of a man who lived in Thorgeir's
> dale.
> (There) was a person (man) called Þorgeirr who lived in
> Þorgeirsdalr (Þorgeirr’s-Dale).
> Þessir voru allir vinir Hallsteins.These were all Hallstein’s friends.
> These were all Hallstein's friends.
> These were all friends of Hallsteinn.
> These were all friends of Hallsteinn.
> Böðmóður í Skut var víkingur mikill og óeirinn mjög.Böðmóð of Skut was a great viking and very ruthless.
> Bodmodr in Skut was a large Viking and very bellicose.
> Bodmod in Skut was a great (one for going a-) viking and
> very unruly.
> Böðmóðr (probably ‘Battle-Wrath’ but could be
> ‘Battle-Weary’?) in Skutr was a viking tall and very
> unruly.
> Hann var son Þorbjarnar loka Eysteinssonar GrímkelssonarHe was son of Þorbjörn loki Eysteinsson, son of Grímkel, son
> Önundarsonar fylsennis.
> He was a son of Thorbjarn The Deficient, son of Eystein,
> son of Grimkel, son of Onundar Fylsenni.
> He was a son of Thorbjorn loki ? son of Eystein, son of
> Grimkel, sone of Onund foalwhinny???.
> He was (the) son of Þorbjörn ‘door-bolt’ son of Eysteinn,
> son-of-Grímkell, son-of-Önundr ‘foal or
> filly’s-forehead?’ (fyl(s) +-enni).
> Þeir voru synir Böðmóðs Þorbjörn loki er nam allanThe sons of Böðmóð were Þorbjörn loki, who took all of
> Djúpafjörð og Grónes og Vígbjóður faðir Steins
> mjögsiglanda er Hítdælir og Skógnesingar eru frá komnir.
> The sons were Bodmodr Thorbjorn The Deficient who settled
> all Deep-fiord, and Grones and Vigbjodr, father of Stein
> "Most Sailing," from whom were descended Hitdaelir and
> Skokgneising.
> They were sons of Bodmod: Thorbjorn loki who took all of
> Deepfjord and Grones and Vigbjod, father of Stein a great
> sailer? who the Hitdale's people and the Forestnessfolk
> are descended from.
> Those were sons of Böðmóðr: Þorbjörn ‘door-bolt?’ who took
> (possession of) Djúpafjörðr (Deep-Fjord) and Grónes
> (‘Fertile’-Ness) and Vígbjóðr father of Steinn
> ‘much-sailing’ from whom (the) Hít (Skin-bag)-dalers and
> Skógness (Forest-Ness)-folk are come (ie descended).
> Með Þorbirni loka komu út Styrkár er hann gaf land í BarmiOut [to Iceland] with Þorbjörn loki came Styrkár, to whom he
> til móts við Hallstein.
> Styrkar arrived with Thorbirn The Deficient, whom he have
> land in Barmi adjacent to Hallstein.
> With Thorbjorn loki came out Styrkar when he gave land in
> Barmi in exchange with Hallstein.
> With Þorbjörn ‘door-bolt’ came out Styrkár whom he gave
> land in Barmr (Brim) in-common-with (ie jointly) with
> Hallsteinn.
> Dóttir Styrkárs hét Kerling og heldur margkunnig.Styrkár’s daughter was called Kerling and [was] rather
> Styrkar's daughter was named Kerling and (she was) rather
> knowledgeable.
> A daughter of Styrkar was named Kerling and rather
> learned.
> (The) daughter of Styrkár was called Kerling and rather
> much-knowing (learned in many things, = margfróðr)
> Helgi hét bróðir Styrkárs er land keypti að Hjöllum íStyrkár’s brother, who bought land at Hjallar [‘ledges’] in
> Þorskafirði.
> Helgi was Styrkar's brother who bought land at Hjollum in
> Thorska-firth.
> Helgi was the name of Styrkar's brother who bought land at
> Hjollum in Thorskafirth.
> (The) brother of Styrkár was-called Helgi who bought land
> at Hjalli (Ledge in Mountain Side) in Þorskafjörðr
> (Cod-Fjord).
> Hans synir voru þeir Þórarinn ákafi og Þrándur hinn mikli.His sons were Þórarin ákafi [‘fiery’] and Þránd hinn mikli
> His sons were Thorarinn "The Zealous" and Thrandr "The
> Strong."
> His sons were they; Thorarinn the fierce and Thrand the
> great.
> Those were his sons: Þórarinn (the) ‘Impetuous’ and Þrándr
> the ‘Tall’
> Helgi var virðingamaður og þó ekki dæll við alþýðu.Helgi was a man of distinction and yet not easy for most
> Helgi was a man of distinction and yet not gentle with
> people.
> Helgi was a man of distinction and yet not gentle with all
> the people.
> Helgi was a person (man)-of-distinction and yet not
> easy-to-deal-with with people-in-general.
> Þorgils hét son Þorbjarnar loka.A son of Þorbjörn loki was called Þorgils.
> Thorfils was the name of Thorbjarn "Loka." (Loka? Door
> bolt?)
> Thorgils was the name of a son of Thorbjorn loki.
> (The) son of Þorbjörn ‘door-bolt’ was-called Þorgils.
> Hann bjó á Þorgilsstöðum í Djúpafirði.He dwelt at Þorgilsstaðir in Djúpafjörð.
> He lived at Thorgil's-place in Deep-firth.
> He lived at Thorgils's steads in Deepfirth.
> He lived in Þorgilsstaðir (Þorgill’s-steads) in
> Djúpafjörðr (Deep-Fjord).
> Þeir feðgar voru miklir fyrir sér og ættstórir.Father and son were great men and highborn.
> They, father and son, were strong for themselves and
> high-born.
> They, father and son, were very self confidant? and high
> born.
> They father-and-son were great-of-themselves (ie powerful,
> see fyrir sér, Z13) and high-born.
> Úlfur hinn skjálgi son Högna hins hvíta nam Reykjanes alltÚlf hinn skjálgi [‘the squinting’], son of Högni hinn hvíti
> milli Þorskafjarðar og Hafrafells.
> Ulfr the Squinting's son Hogna the White settled all
> Reykjanes between Thorskafjard and Hafrafell.
> Ulf the squinting sone of Hogni the white took all of
> Reykjaness between Thorskafjord and Hrafrafells.
> Úlfr the ´squint-eyed’ son of Högni the White took
> (possession of) all Reykjanes (Ness-of Steam (Smoke))
> between Þorskafjörðr (Cod-Fjord) and Hafrafell
> (He-goats’-Fell).
> Hann bjó á Miðjanesi.He dwelt at Miðjanes.
> He lived at Midjaness.
> He lived and Middleness.
> He lived at Miðjanes (Middle-Ness).
> Hans synir voru þeir Jörundur og Atli hinn rauði.His sons were Jörund and Atli hinn rauði [‘the red’].
> His sons were Jorundr and Atli the Red.
> His sons were they: Jorund and Atli the red.
> Those were his sons: Jörundr and Atli the Red.
> Með Úlfi kom út sá maður er Hallur hét, ættstór ogOut [to Iceland] with Úlf came the man who is called Hall,
> mikilhæfur.
> The man who was named Hallr, highborn and eminent, came
> out to Iceland with Ulfr.
> With Ulf came out that man who was named Hall, well born
> and stately.
> With Úlfr came out that person (man) who was-called Hallr,
> high-born and stately (lit:very-fit).
> Hann bjó á Hofstöðum við Þorskafjörð og reisti þar hofHe dwelt at Hofstaðir by Þorskafjörð and erected a large
> mikið því að Úlfur var engi blótmaður.
> He lived at Hof's-place bt Thorsk's-fiord and he erected a
> large temple because Ulfr was no heathen worshipper.
> He lived at Hofstead by Thorskafjord and built there a
> great temple because Ulf was no heathen.
> He lived at Hofstaðir (Temple-Steads) close-by
> Þorskafjörðr (Cod-Fjord) and raised their a great Temple
> because Úlfr was no heathen-worshipper.
> Hallur var mikill höfðingi og hnigu því margir til hans.Hall was a great chieftain, and therefore many turned to
> Hallr was a great leader and many turned to him.
> Hall was a great chieftain and many turned towards him.
> Hallr was a great chief and for-that (reason) many
> (people) turned towards him.
> Rauður hét son hans og bjó í Rauðsdal milli Hofstaða ogA son of his was called Rauð and dwelt in Rauðsdal between
> Berufjarðar.
> His son's name was Red and he lived in Red's-dale between
> Hof's-place and Berufjard.
> Raud was the name of his son and lived at Raud's dale
> between Hofstead and Berufirth.
> His son was-called Rauðr (Red) and lived in Rauðsdalr
> (Rauðr’s-Dale) between Hofstaðir (Temple-Steads) and
> Berufjörðr (She-bear’s-Fjord).
> Annar hét Hyrningur, sá var yngri.Another was called Hyrning; he was younger.
> Another was named Hyringr, who was younger.
> Another was named Hyrning, that one was younger.
> (The) second (son) was-called Hyrningr, who was younger.
> Þuríður drikkinn bjó á Kinnarstöðum og átti land inn tilÞuríð drikkinn dwelt at Kinnarstaðir and owned land inward
> Músarár.
> Thuridr Drikkin lived at Kinnar's-place and owned land
> inward to Musar-river.
> Thurid ? lived at Kinar's steads and had land in towards
> Musa River.
> Þuríðr (the) drikkinn (?) lived in Kinnarstaðir
> (Cheek´s-Steads) and had land in towards Músará
> (Mouse´s-River).
> Hún var mörgu slegin og gerði manna mun mikinn.She was touchy [‘struck by many things’] and made great
> She was often struck (can't be right!) and made a big
> distinction.
> She was very skillful? in many respects and got on the
> nerves of people a lot???
> She was whimsical (pp of slá, see slá, CV.iii, ‘smitten by
> many?’) and begot a great difference of people (men)
> (divided opinion?)
> Synir hennar voru þeir Þorsteinn og Þórhallur, efnilegirHer sons were Þorstein and Þórhall, promising men.
> menn.
> Her sons were Thorstein and Thorhallr, promising men.
> Her sons were they: Thorsteinn and Thorhall, promising
> men.
> Those were her sons: Þorsteinn and Þórhallr, promising
> persons (men).