From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 13550
Date: 2015-11-10
> Þat er at segja nm [I assume this should be "um"] Hrana,It is to be said of Hrani that Signý loved him the more as
> at Signý elskaði hann því meir sem hún sá, at hann var
> öðrum frægri.
> It is to tell concerning Hrani, that Signy loved him the
> more as she saw that he was one of the two famous
> (people).
> That is to say about Hrani, that Signý loved him the more
> as she saw, that he was more-famous than others.
> Hafði hann þat í ráði við hana at sigla til fleiri landaHe brought it up in consultation with her to sail to more
> ok verða víðar kunnugr, en hún latti hann þess ok kveðst
> eigi mega sjá af honum.
> He had it in mind with her to sail to more countries and
> become widely known, but she dissuaded him from that and
> said for herself (that she) couldn't do without him.
> He had that in counsel (ie he proposed) with her to sail
> to more lands and become (ie be) more-widely known
> (kunnigr), but she dissuaded (letja) him from that, and
> declared-of-herself not to be able to do without him (sja
> af e-m, Z6).
> "Er ok annat tvennt," segir hún, "at hvorki vinnr þú meir‘[There] is also another pair of things,’ she says, ‘that
> annars staðar til frægðar en hér, ok líka þarf þín við í
> þessu takmarki."
> "It is also two things," she says, "that either you work
> more else a place to fame than here, and also it is
> necessary your with in this boundary. (??)
> “(There) is also another two-things(?),” says she, “that
> you (will) neither do (vinna e-t til e-s, Z12) more
> elsewhere to achieve fame than here, and also (one) stands
> in need of you (purfa e-s við, Z1) within this boundary
> (ie you are needed within these borders).”
> Féllst hann þá á ráð hennar ok gekk hann þá at eiga hanaHe was pleased then with her counsel, and then he married
> þetta sumar.
> Her advice then pleased him, and he then went to marry her
> this summer.
> He was-pleased (falla, Z11) then by her advice, and he
> prevailed (succeeded) then to have her (as his wife) (or
> simply, he married her, ganga at eiga konu, under ganga,
> Z2) this summer.
> Samvist þeirra varð góð ok löng.Their wedded life was good and long.
> Their wedded life was long and good.
> Their wedded-life became (ie was) good and long.
> Hann var mjök vinsæll maðr ok stórauðigr, því framar semHe was a very popular person and very wealthy, all the more
> honum jókst þar aldr ok hann vann meir ok meir til
> hvorstveggja, því ætíð, þegar at víkinnar kómu, var hann
> fremstr í flokki til at afstýra þeim ok eyða, hvar til
> hann hafði ok stóran styrk of þeim tveimr skipbrotsmönnum,
> er hann eitt sinn hjálpaði þar við eyjarnar, sem nefndir
> eru Björn breiðskeggr ok Þórir fimi, báðir íslenzkir.
> He was a very popular man and very wealthy, all the more
> as he increased there (in) age and he deserved more and
> more both, that always, as soon as the Vikings arrived, he
> was foremost in preventing them and doing away with
> (them), until he had also great force about the two
> shipwrecked people, when he one time helped there with the
> islanders, who were named Bjorn "The Broad-bearded" and
> Thorir "The Agile," both Icelanders. (Z. framarr 2: því
> framarr sem, all the more as)
> He was a very popular person (man) and very-wealthy, the
> more pronounced (ie all the more) as age was increased
> with him (ie as he grew older) there and he did (vinna e-t
> til e-s, Z12) more and more to obtain both, so that
> every-time, as soon as Vikings (typo for víkingar ?) came,
> he was most-prominent in the body-of-men to steer them
> away and destroy (them), where-by (?) he had also great
> strength from those two shipwrecked-persons, whom he on
> one occasion helped there near the-islands, who are named
> Björn broad-bearded and Þórir (the) nimble (?), both
> Icelandic (men).
> Þeir fylgdu Hrana ævilangt eftir þat.They took Hrani’s part their whole lives after that.
> They followed Hrani all-their-lives after that.
> They followed (sided with) Hrani
> for-the-length-of-their-lives after that.
> Hann hafði tekit þá af skipbroti þeirra.He had rescued [‘taken’] them from the pieces of their
> He had then taken pieces of their shipwreck. (?)
> He had taken them off (rescued them from?) their shipwreck
> Hrani kom eigi til Íslands aftr, svo sem faðir hans hafðiHrani did not come back to Iceland, just as his father had
> spát.
> Hrani didn't later return to Iceland, so as his father had
> foretold.
> Hrani came not back to Iceland , just as his father had
> prophesied.
> Þau Signý áttu eina dóttur.[He and] Signý had one daughter, ...
> They, Signy (and he), had a daughter.
> They (he and) Signý) had one daughter, ...
> Hallveigu at heiti.... Hallveiga by name.
> She was named Hallveig.
> ... Hallveiga by name.
> Fleiri barna getr eigi, sem menn viti upp á víst.More children are not mentioned that folks know for sure.
> She doesn't get more children, as (far as) people knew
> (how does "upp" fit here?) for sure.
> (It, ie the record) mentions (geta, Z.ii.2) not more
> children, which persons (men) (could) look up (?) for
> certain.
> Hrani andaðist á sóttarsæng, þá gamall var orðinn.Hrani died in his sickbed; [he] had then grown old.
> Hrani breathed his last on his sickbed; he then had become
> old.
> Hrani died on (his) sick-bed, then was (had) become old.
> Hafði hann átt sjö bardaga í Eyjum fyrir utan þann, semHe had had seven battles in the Islands besides [‘beyond’]
> hann felldi Galta ok þræla hans, áðr hann sigldi.
> He had had seven battles in the Islands before except that
> (one) where he killed Galt and his thrall, before he
> sailed.
> He had had seven battles in (the) Island beyond (ie after,
> or perhaps not counting?) that-one when he felled (in
> battle) Galti and his slave, before he sailed.
> Ok endar hér þann veg sögu af Hrana hring Egilssyni.And thus [‘that way’] ends the saga of Hrani hringr
> And here ends that road of the story of Hrani "Ring,"
> Egil's son.
> And here (one) ends (concludes) in that way (the) story
> (saga) of Hrani ‘Ring’ Egill’s-son.