From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 13467
Date: 2015-04-25
> En hina tvo tóku þeir, ok hét Galti þeim fé, ef þeirAnd they seized the two [i.e., the two surviving servants],
> vísuðu þeim trúliga leið til Lundarbrekku, en þrælarnir
> lofuðu því, ok lét Galti annan þeirra fara undan ok
> njósna, hvort Hrani væri þar.
> But/and they caught the two, and Galti promised them
> money, if they faithfully showed them the way to
> Lundarbrekku, and the thralls promised it, and Galti had
> the second of them excuse himself and spy, if (?) Hrani
> were there.
> But they took (ie took into thralldom) the-other two, and
> ‘Hog’ promised them money, if they showed them faithfully
> (the) way to Lundarbrekka (Grove’s-slope), but (and)
> the-thralls promised that, and ‘Hog’ caused one-of-the-two
> of them (annarr, Z1) to go away and to spy, whether
> (hvárt) Hrani was there.
> Þrællinn fór ok varð varr við, at Hrani var eigi heima.The thrall went and became aware that Hrani was not at home.
> The thrall went and learned that Hrani was not at home.
> The-thrall went and became aware with (that), that Hrani
> was not at home.
> Hafði hann verit með Helga krók um tíma.He had been with Helgi krók for a while.
> He had been with Helgi "Hook" a while.
> He had been (stayed) with Helgi ‘Hook’ for a while.
> Lét nú þrællinn Galta vita þetta, ok ríða þeir nú leiðarThe thrall now let Galti know this, and they now ride their
> sinnar níu saman, ok vísuðu þrælarnir honum veg allt at
> Skjálfandafljóti ok yfir þat á Hrafnabjörgum.
> The thrall now let Galti know this, and they, nine
> together, now ride through brush and forest, and the
> thralls showed him all at Skjalfandafljot
> (Trembling-river) and over it at Hrafnabjorgum
> (Raven's-provisions). (Z. ríða 1)
> The-thrall caused now Galti to know this, and they ride
> now their-ways nine together, and the-thralls showed him
> (the) way completely to Skjálfandafljót (Shaking-River)
> and over that to Hrafnabjörg (Ravens’-Cliffs, see –bjarg,
> Z2).
> Ríða þeir fram Króksdal, þar til þeir litu, hvarThey ride forward along Króksdal until they saw where there
> viðarhlöss mörg vóru.
> They ride in front of Kroksdale, thereto they saw where
> (there) was much load of wood.
> They ride along (?) Króksdalr (Crook/Hook’s-Dale), until
> they saw, where many loads-of-wood were.
> Þar sjá þeir ok þrjá menn.There they also see three men.
> They also saw three men there.
> There they see also three persons (men).
> Einn þeirra leizt þeim vaskligr.One of them seemed to them of gallant bearing.
> One of them seemed to them of brave or gallant bearing.
> One of them seemed to them of-gallant-bearing.
> Hann gengr til Hróalds, heilsar honum ok spyrr at nafni,He walks towards Hróald, greets him, and asks his name, and
> en Galti sagði it sanna ok spyrr, hvat hann heiti.
> He goes to Hroaldr, greets him and asks him his name, and
> Galti said (it?) truely and asks what he was named. (Z.
> spyrja 3)
> He walks towards Hróaldr, greets him and asks for (his)
> name), but (and) ‘Hog’ said that (MnI spelling of hitt)
> truly and asks, what he was-called.
> En maðr sá, er fyrir var, kvaðst Hrani heita ok vera sonrAnd the man who was at the front said that he was called
> Egils á Lundarbrekku.
> And (the) man said, which previously was, said for himself
> (he is) named Hranni and is Egil from Lundarbrek's son.
> But (And) that person (man), who was in-front (ie to the
> fore), declared-of-himself to-be-called Hrani and to be
> (the) son of Egill in Lundarbrekka (Grove’s-slope).
> Galti mælti: "Vel berr nú í veiði, at vit hittumst hér, okGalti said: ‘It goes well now with the hunting, since we
> er ek bróðir Sigfúsar, er þú drapst í fyrra sumar, ok kom
> ek nú at hefna hans á þér.
> Galti said: "(game) now falls to my lot, that we met here,
> and it is I, Sigfusar's brother, whom you killed last
> summer, and I now came to take vengeance on you for him.
> (Z. bera II 2 - veiði (acc.) berr í hendr e-m, game falls
> to one’s lot)
> ‘Hog’ spoke: “(It) happens well (bera, Z.ii.3) now in
> (the) hunting (veiðr) (ie my quest has not been in vain),
> that we-two meet-each-other here, and I am (the) brother
> of Sigfúss, whom you killed in the summer before last, and
> I came now to avenge him on you.
> Hefi ek nú drepit Gauta á Gautlandi ok einn þræl hans, enI have now killed Gauti of Götaland and one of his thralls,
> tveir fylgja mér til þín hingat, ok muntu nú fá sömu laun
> sem hann."
> I have now killed Gauti in Gautland and one of his
> thralls, and two lead me here to you, and you will now get
> the same payback as he."
> I have now slain Gauti in Gautland and one thrall of his,
> but (and) two guide me to you hither, and you-will now get
> (the) same reward as he.”
> Hrani svarar: "Eftir áttu at afgreiða mér þau, ok þessligaHrani replies: ‘After they were under obligation to serve
> lízt mér þú sjálfr sem feigð kalli at þér, þar þú hefir
> mik heim sóttan í þeim hug, ok muntu segja mér viðskipti
> ykkar Gauta, áðr þú leggr mik at velli."
> Hrani answers: "After you deserved to dispatch me (??),
> and on this wise it seems to me you yourself as a sign of
> death a shout (??) at you, when you have pursued me home
> in the temper (??), and you will tell me your hostile
> dealings to Gauti, before you kill me." (Z. völlr 1)
> Hrani answers: “(It is) according to (eptir, Z.i.4) family
> (átt ?) that they compensate (reward) me, and on-this-wise
> you yourself appear to me like a foreboding-of-death calls
> to you, where you have sought me at home in that
> foreboding, and you will tell me (the) dealings (quarrels)
> of you-two (you and) Gauti, before you lay me to earth (ie
> kill me).”
> Galti segir frá it sanna þar um ok mælti síðan: "Sé núGalti says tells the truth about it and then said: ‘[If
> framar dugr í þér en merbikkju roskinni, þá hefndu hans
> nú."
> Galti tells the (?) truth about that and then said: "I now
> know (or "see"?) fully doughtiness in you than a mature
> mare-bitch (?), then his revenge now." (???)
> ‘Hog’ says about that truly about that and spoke
> after-that: “Be (guess: some form of imperative of vera?)
> now more (greater, framarr, comparative) strength-of-body
> (or soul) in you than in a full-grown bitch-of-a-mare (?),
> receive (guess: some form of imperative of þiggja?) his
> vengeance now.”
> Hrani mælti: "Vit skulum báðir reyna með okkr, en mennHrani said: ‘We two shall both make trial of each other, and
> vorir sitji sjá, því ójafnt er liðit."
> Hrani said: "We should both make a trial of each other,
> and/but our men sit (?) to see, that the sides are
> unequal." (Z. reyna 1)
> Hrani spoke: We-two shall both make-trial between us-two,
> but (and) our men should-sit to see, because unequal is
> the-(size of our) troops.”
> Galti svarar: "Njóta mun ek liðs míns, ok bleyðist þúGalti replies: ‘I will have the benefit of my host, and you
> mjök, ok finnst mér sem þú sért nú feigr"
> Galti answers: "I will have the benefit of my people, and
> you lost much courage, and I am pleased as you are now
> fated to die."
> ‘Hog’ answers:”I will have-the-use of my troops, and you
> much lose-courage, and (it) seems to me like you are now
> fey (fated-to die).”
> "Svo ferr sem auðnar," segir Hrani.‘[It] goes as fate determines,’ says Hrani.
> "So it went as luck decides," says Hrani. (Z. auðna)
> “(It) goes thus as is-fated,” says Hrani.
> "Lízt mér þú duglauss, þar þú vill níðast á mér, ok mun ek‘You seem to me good for nothing, seeing that you want to
> eigi undan renna."
> "It seems to me you (are) good for nothing, there you want
> to act basely to me, and I will not run away."
> “You seem to me good-for-nothing, where you want
> behave-in-a-dastardly-way towards me, and I will not run
> away.”