From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 13346
Date: 2014-07-16
> Þeir sækja fast eftir og segja nú að fé þeirra muni deyjaThey press hard and say now that their animals will die if
> ef þeir fá enga hjálp af honum.
> They insist firmly and now say that their animals will die
> if the get no help from him.
> They pursue (press) hard and say now that their cattle
> will die if they get no help from him.
> Hann sagði það af sjálfdáðum orðið "en sagt er mér aðHe said that that was of their own doing, ‘but I am told
> Hænsna-Þórir muni hafa hey til sölu."
> He said that of his self-deeded report “and it is said to
> me that Haensna Thorir will have hay for sale.”
> He said that happened from self-deeds (that they brought
> it upon themselves?) “but (it) is said to me (ie I am
> told) that Hænsa (Hen)-Þórir will have hay for sale.”
> Þeir svöruðu: "Af honum munum vér eigi fá nema þú farirThey replied: ‘From him we will get nothing unless you go
> með oss og mun hann þá þegar selja ef þú gengur í vörslu
> fyrir oss um kaupin."
> They answered: “From him we will not get (anything) except
> you go in support of us concerning the purchase.
> They answered: “We will not get (it) from him unless you
> go with us and he will then at-once sell if you become
> surety (varzla) for us concerning the bargains.”
> Hann svarar: "Það má eg gera að fara með yður en það erHe replies: ‘I can do that, to go with you, and it is proper
> sannlegt að þeir selji sem til hafa."
> He answers: “I am able to do that, to go with you, and it
> is true that they would sell as (they) have.”
> He answers: “I may do that, to travel with you but that is
> probable that they sell who have at-hand.”
> Þeir fara snemma um morguninn og var á norðan strykur sáThey go early in the morning, and from the north there was a
> og heldur kaldur.
> They go first thing in the morning and it was a strong
> north (wind) and rather cold.
> They journey early the next morning and gusts-of-wind blew
> (were) from-the-north (cf vindr var á northan, under
> norðan, Z1) and (were) rather cold.
> Þórir bóndi var úti staddur í það mund, sér mennina faraMaster Þóri was outside the house at that time, sees the men
> að garði, gengur inn síðan og rekur aftur hurð og lætur
> fyrir loku, fer til dagverðar.
> Farmer Thorir was outside (his) house at that moment, sees
> the men going to (his) yard, then goes inside and shuts
> (the) door and closes the bolt (?), went to his meal.
> Farmer Þórir was positioned outside (outside the house) at
> that time, sees the-men (people) go to (the) yard, goes
> inside after-that and flings the door to (lit: drives back
> (the) door) before (?) (the) bolt, goes (present tense) to
> breakfast.
> Nú er drepið á dyr.Now there is a knocking on the door.
> Now there is knocking at the door (”it is knocked at the
> door”).
> Now there is a knock on the door (lit: (it) is knocked on
> (the) door).
> Sveinninn Helgi tekur til orða: "Gakktu út fóstri minn þvíThe lad Helgi begins to speak: ‘Go out, my foster father,
> að menn munu vilja hitta þig."
> The boy Helgi begins to speak: “Go out my foster father
> because mem will want to meet with you.”
> The-boy Helgi takes to words (starts speaking): “Go-you
> out my foster-father because men (people) will want to
> meet you.”
> Þórir kveðst mundu matast fyrst en sveinninn hleypur undanÞóri said that he would finish eating first, and the lad
> borðum og gengur til hurðar og heilsar þeim vel er komnir
> voru.
> Thorir said for himself (that he) would take his meal
> first, but the boy ran from the table and goes to the door
> and greets those who had arrived.
> Þórir declares-of-himself (that he) would take a meal (ie
> have his breakfast) first but (and) the boy runs away from
> (the) table and goes to (the) door and great well those
> who were (had) come.
> Blund-Ketill spurði hvort Þórir væri heima.Blund-Ketil asked whether Þóri was at home.
> Blund-Ketill asked whether Thoris were at home.
> Blund (Dozy)-Ketull asked whether Þórir was at-home.
> Hann sagði svo væri.He said that it was so.
> He said it would so be.
> He said (it) was so.
> "Bið þú hann útgöngu," sagði hann.‘Ask him to come out,’ he said.
> “Ask for him to go out (”útgöngu” is a noun in Old
> Icelandic),” he said.
> “Ask (you) him for a going-out (ie to come outside),” he
> said.
> Sveinninn gekk inn og sagði að Blund-Ketill var kominn útiThe lad went inside and said that Blund-Ketil had arrived
> og vildi hitta hann.
> The boy went inside and said that Blund-Ketill had come
> out and wanted to meet with him.
> The-boy went inside and said that Blund (Dozy)-Ketill was
> (had) come outside and wanted to meet (see) him.
> Þórir svaraði: "Af hverju mun Blund-Ketill draga nasirnar?Þóri replied: ‘What will Blund-Ketil be sniffing at?
> Thorir answered: “why will Blund-Ketill be sniffing
> around?
> Þórir answered: “From what will Blund (Dozy)-Ketill
> be-drawing the-nostrils (sniffing around(?)?
> Kynlegt ef hann fer að góðu.Strange, if he’s about anything good.
> Surprisingly if he went in pursuit of good.
> (It would be) strange if he journeys from good
> (intentions).
> Ekki erindi á eg við hann."I have no business with him.’
> I don't have any business with him.”
> I have no business with him.”
> Sveinninn fer og sagði þeim að Þórir vildi eigi út ganga.The lad goes and told them that Þóri did not want to go
> The boy goes and told them that Thorir didn't want to go
> out.
> The-boy goes and said to them (or that-one, ie him,
> Blund-Ketill?) that Þórir wanted not to go outside.
> "Já," sagði Blund-Ketill, "þá skulum vér inn ganga."‘Okay,’ said Blund-Ketil, ‘then we shall go inside.’
> “Yes,” said Blund-Ketill, “then we should go inside.”
> “Yes (OK),” said Blund (Dozy)-Ketill, “then we shall go
> inside.”
> Þeir ganga til stofu og var þeim heilsað en Þórir þagði.They go into the living room, and they were greeted, but
> They go to the living room and they were greeted, but
> Thorir remained silent.
> They go to (the) sitting-room and (it) was greeted by them
> (ie they greeted Þórir) but Þórir was (kept)-silent
> (þegja)
> "Svo er varið," sagði Blund-Ketill, "að vér viljum kaupa‘Matters are such,’ said Blund-Ketil, ‘that we want to buy
> hey að þér Þórir."
> “So it stands,” said Blund-Ketill, “that we wanted to buy
> hay from you, Thorir.”
> “(It) is so constituted (see verja Z(2).5),” said Blund
> (Dozy)-Ketill, “that we want to buy hay from you, Þórir.”
> Þórir svarar: "Eigi er mér þitt fé betra en mitt."Þóri replies: ‘Your animals are worth no more to me [‘no
> Thorir answers: “It doesn't happen to me your animals
> (are) better than mine.”
> Þórir answers: “To me your wealth is not better than
> mine.” (I´m not sure what this means)
> Blund-Ketill mælti: "Ýmist veitir það."Blund-Ketil said: ‘That depends [‘happens variously’].’
> Blund-Ketill said: “It is sometimes granted.” (?)
> Blund (Dozy)-Ketill said: “That happens now-this-now-that
> (circumstances can change from time to time?)
> Þórir svarar: "Hví ertu í heyþroti, auðigur maður?"Þóri replies: ‘Why are you in need of hay, rich man?’
> Thorir answers: “Why are you, a rich man, in need of hay?”
> Thorir answers: “Why are you in hay-shortage, rich man?”
> Blund-Ketill segir: "Eigi er eg greiðlega í heyþroti ogBlund-Ketil said: ‘I am not actually short of hay, and I am
> fala eg fyrir landseta mína er þurfa þykjast úrlausna.
> Blind-Ketill says: “I am not plainly in need of hay and I
> demand for purchase for my tenants who need it seems free.
> (??)
> Blund (Dozy)-Ketill says: “I am plainly not in a
> hay-shortage and I am-demandin for purchase on-behalf-of
> my tenants who bethink-themselves to be in need of help
> (release from difficulty).
> Vildi eg gjarna fá þeim ef til væri."I would gladly give it them, if it were available.’
> I willingly wanted (to) obtain for them if (they) were to
> exist.”
> I would-want willingly to get (it) for them if (it)
> existed.”
> "Það muntu eiga allra heimilast að veita öðrum þitt en‘You surely have the greatest right of all to give others
> eigi mitt."
> “You will have that, all the most right to give to your
> others but not to mine.”
> “You will have that most of all (at your disposal), to
> grant to others (that which is) yours but not mine.”