From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 13301
Date: 2014-05-23
> Bolli tók upp bú Sigríðar á Skeiði því að hún vildi faraHere I think that it just means that he took up her
> vestur með honum.
> Bolli picked up Sigridar at Skeidi because she wanted to
> go west with him.
> Bolli took up (took possession/control of?) (the) farm (or
> its stock?) of Sigríðr at Skeið because she wanted to
> travel west with him.
> Arnór mælti: "Mikla heill hefir þú til borið um ferð þessaI think that <þar er> probably links to <slíkan mann>.
> við slíkan mann sem þú áttir þar er Þorsteinn var.
> Arnor said: "You have carried much luck on this journey
> with such a man as you have there, who is Thorstein.
> Arnórr spoke: “You have born to (it) (ie been blessed
> with) great luck concerning this journey with such a man
> (person) as you had-to deal with (eiga við e-n, Z10) there
> where (or as? if linked back to slíkan mann) Þorsteinn
> was.