From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 13272
Date: 2014-04-28
> Þorleifur kimbi mælti þá er hann sá að Steinþór bráÞorleif kimbi said, when he saw that Steinþór drew his
> sverðinu: "Hvítum ræður þú enn hjöltunum Steinþór," sagði
> hann, "en eigi veit eg hvort þú ræður enn deigum brandinum
> sem á hausti í Álftafirði."
> Thorleifr Kimbi said then when he saw that Steinthor drew
> his sword: “White (ræður? Intends?) you still the hilt,
> Steinthor,” he said, “and I don’t know if you still intend
> cowardly the sword as in the fall in Alftafrith.”
> Steinþór svarar: "Það vildi eg að þú reyndir áður viðSteinþór answers: ‘I wanted you to experience before we part
> skildum hvort eg hefði deigan brandinn eða eigi."
> Steinthor answers: “I wanted that, that you previously try
> with we separate or if I have fear of the sword or not.”
> Sóttist þeim seint skerið.Their attack on the skerry went slowly.
> They fought slowly (on) the skerry.
> Og er þeir höfðu langa hríð við ást gerði Þórður blígurAnd when they had fought for a long while, Þórð blígr made a
> skeið að skerinu og vildi leggja spjóti til Þorleifs kimba
> því að hann var jafnan fremstur sinna manna.
> And when they had dealt with each other for a long time,
> Thordr Bligr gets time on the skerry and wanted to thrust
> a spear at Thorleifr Kimbi because he was always most in
> front of his men.
> Lagið kom í skjöld Þorleifs.The thrust hit Þorleif’s shield.
> The thrust landed on Thorleif’s shield.
> En með því að hann varði sér mjög til spruttu honum fæturBut because he put so much into it, his feet slipped on the
> á jakanum þeim hinum halla og féll hann á bak aftur og
> renndi öfugur ofan af skerinu.
> And as he exerted himself greatly, his feet slipped on the
> ice (glossed under Z. “verja” 3), the (ice) that inclines,
> and he fell backwards and slipped backwards from the
> skerry.
> Þorleifur kimbi hljóp eftir honum og vildi drepa hann áðurÞorleif kimbi ran after him and wanted to kill him before he
> hann kæmist á fætur.
> Thorleifr Kimbi ran after him and wanted to kill him
> before he got to (his) feet.
> Freysteinn bófi hljóp eftir Þorleifi.Freystein bófi ran after Þorleif.
> Freysteinn Bofi ran after Thorleifr.
> Hann var á skóbroddum.He was on ice-spurs.
> He was on the ice spur.
> Steinþór hljóp til og brá skildi yfir Þórð, er ÞorleifurSteinþór ran over and thrust [his] shield over Þórð when
> vildi höggva hann, en annarri hendi hjó hann til Þorleifs
> kimba og undan honum fótinn fyrir neðan kné.
> Steinthor ran to (there) and thrust a shield over Thord,
> when Thorleifr wanted to strike him, and (with the) other
> hand he cut Thorleifr Kimbi’s leg off below the knee. (Z.
> undan 1)
> En er þetta var tíðinda þá lagði Freysteinn bófi tilBut while this was happening, Freystein bófi thrust at
> Steinþórs og stefndi á hann miðjan.
> When this happened, then Frestein Bofi stabbed Steinthor
> and aimed at him in the middle. (Z. tíðindi)
> En er hann sá það þá hljóp hann í loft upp og kom lagiðBut when he [= S.] saw that, he leaped up into the air, and
> milli fóta honum.
> But when he saw that, he then jumped up in the air and the
> blow landed between his feet.
> Og þessa þrjá hluti lék hann senn sem nú voru taldir.And these three feats that were [just] now recounted he
> And these three things, he performed as now were told.
> Eftir þetta hjó hann til Freysteins með sverðinu og kom áAfter that he struck at Freystein with the sword and [it]
> hálsinn og brast við hátt.
> After this he struck at Freystein with his sword and it
> landed on his neck and it hit with a loud noise.
> Steinþór mælti: "Ball þér nú Bófi?" sagði hann.Steinþór said: ‘Did [it] hit you now, Bófi?’ he said.
> Steinthor said: “Did it hit you now, Bofi?” he said.
> "Ball víst," sagði Freysteinn, "og ball hvergi meir en þú‘Indeed [it] hit,’ said Freystein, ‘and by no means hit more
> hugðir því að eg er eigi sár."
> “It certainly hit,” said Freystein, “and it didn’t hurt
> more than you intended because I am not wounded.”
> Hann hafði verið í flókahettu og saumað í horn um hálsinnHe had worn [‘been in’] a felt hood, with [‘and’] horn sewn
> og kom þar í höggið.
> He had been in a cloak hood and a cattle horn sewn in
> around the neck, and the blow landed there.
> Síðan snerist Freysteinn aftur upp í skerið.Then Freystein turned back up to the skerry.
> Then Freystein turned back up to the skerry.
> Steinþór bað hann eigi renna ef hann væri eigi sár.Steinþór told him not run [away] if he was not wounded.
> Steinthor told him not to run away if he were not wounded.
> Snerist Freysteinn þá við í skerinu og sóttust þá allfastThen Freystein turned around on the skerry, and they
> og varð Steinþóri fallhætt, er jakarnir voru bæði hálir og
> hallir, en Freysteinn stóð fast á skóbroddunum og hjó bæði
> hart og tíðum.
> Freystein then turned upon him in the skerry and (they)
> fought then very hard and Steinthor staggers, when
> ice-floes were both slippery and sloping, but Freystein
> stood fast on the ice-spur and struck both hard and often.
> (Z. fallhætt,, e-m verðr fallhætt,one staggers, is in
> great danger of falling)