From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 13238
Date: 2014-03-24
> Björn svarar: "Eigi mun eg keppast til fylgdar við þigBjörn answers: ‘I would not strive to accompany you more
> meir en þér þykir hæfilegt en eigi hefi eg þar fyrr verið
> að eg hafi liðrækur verið ger.
> Bjorn answers: “I will not strive after support against
> you more, but it seems to you due that I not have been
> there previously that I have been rejected from the body
> of troops.
> En það hygg eg," segir hann, "að yður verði Snorri goðiBut I think,’ he says, ‘that to you Snorri goði will be
> djúpsær í ráðunum en eigi er eg framsýnn," sagði Björn,
> "en það er hugboð mitt að þar komi í þessi ferð að þér
> þyki þínir menn eigi of margir áður við finnumst næst."
> “But I believe that,” he says, “that you become chieftain
> Snorri penetrating in advice that I have not foreseen,”
> said Bjorn, “but that is my anticipation that comes there
> in this journey and that it seems to you your men also
> fight with (each other) before we next meet.”
> Steinþór svarar: "Eg skal gera ráð fyrir oss meðan eg erSteinþór answers: ‘I shall decide for us as long as I am
> hjá þó að eg sé eigi svo djúpsær sem Snorri goði."
> Steinthor answers: “I will make advice for us while I am
> beside although I not be so penetrating as chieftain
> Snorri.
> "Mega skaltu það frændi fyrir mér," segir Björn.‘You shall be able to do that as far as I’m concerned,
> “You will be able (to do) that, kinsman, for me,” says
> Bjorn.
> Eftir þetta riðu þeir Steinþór brott af Bakka, nær sexAfter that Steinþór rode away from Bakki with almost sixty
> tigir manna, inn eftir Skeiðum til Drápuhlíðar og inn yfir
> Vatnsháls og um þveran Svelgsárdal og stefndu þaðan inná
> Úlfarsfellsháls.
> Afterthis they, Steinthor (and the others), rode away from
> Bakka, almost 60 men, inwards along Skeidum to Drapuhlidar
> and inward across Vatnshals and round transverse
> Svelgsardale and went in the direction inn to
> Ulfarsfellshal.
> Snorri goði hafði sent nábúum sínum orð að þeir skylduSnorri goði had sent word to his neighbors that they should
> flytja skip sín undir Rauðavíkurhöfða.
> Chieftain Snorri had sent his neighbors word that they
> should move his ship below Raudavikrhofd.
> Fór hann þegar þangað með heimamenn sína er sendimaðurWhen Steinþór’s messenger had gone away, he at once went
> Steinþórs var farinn brott.
> He went immediately there with his house servants when
> Steinthor's messenger had gone away.
> En því fór hann eigi fyrr að hann þóttist vita að maðurinnBut he did not go earlier, for he thought that he knew that
> mundi sendur vera að njósna um athafnir hans.
> But yet he did not go before that he seemed to know that
> the man would send to be busy at spying around his
> activites.
> Snorri fór inn eftir Álftafirði þrennum skipum og hafðiSnorri went in along Álptafjörð in three ships and had
> nær fimm tigu manna og kom hann fyrr á Kársstaði en þeir
> Steinþór.
> Snorri went to fetch in Alftafirth three ships and head
> nearly 50 men and he came before to Karsstad and the
> Steinthors.
> En er menn sáu ferð þeirra Steinþórs af Kársstöðum, þáAnd when people saw Steinþór of Kársstað and his men coming,
> mæltu Þorbrandssynir að þeir skyldu fara í móti þeim og
> láta þá eigi ná að komast í túnið "því að vér höfum lið
> mikið og frítt."
> But when men saw their, Steinthor's (and the others),
> journey from Karsstad, then Thorbran's sons said that they
> should go against them and not let them be able to arrive
> at the hayfield “because we have many free troops,”
> Það voru átta tigir manna.That was eighty men.
> That was 80 men.
> Þá svarar Snorri goði: "Eigi skal þeim verja bæinn og skalThen Snorri goði answers: ‘The farm shall not be defended
> Steinþór ná lögum því að hann mun viturlega og spaklega
> fara með sínu máli.
> Then Chieftain Snorri answers: “They shall not guard the
> farm, and Steinthor shall have a lawful trial because he
> will wisely and peacefully go forward with his case.
> Vil eg að allir menn séu inni og kastist engum orðum á svoI want everyone to be inside and to exchange no words in
> að af því aukist vandræði manna."
> I want that all men be inside and no words be exchanged
> (Z. kasta1) so that therefore (Z. af 9) people's
> difficulties are increased.
> Eftir það gengu allir inn í stofu og settust í bekki enAfter that they all went into [the] sitting-room and seated
> Þorbrandssynir gengu um gólf.
> After this they all went inside, into (the) sitting room
> and sat on a bench, but Thorbrand's sons walked up and
> down the floor. (not sure if this is the correct
> interpretation or if I need something other than Z 5 ganga
> um golf = to cross the floor (but also to walk up and down
> the floor))