From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 12419
Date: 2012-07-13
> Þar sem Þór hafði á land komið, á tanganum nessins, létThere where Þór had come to land, at the tip of the ness, he
> hann hafa dóma alla og setti þar héraðsþing.
> There where Thor had washed up on land, at the point of
> the ness, he caused to have all judgment decisions and set
> up the district assembly there.
> There where Thor had come ashore at the tongue of the
> ness, he had all courts and arranged there (the) district
> Thing.
> Þar var og svo mikill helgistaður að hann vildi með enguThat was also so great a holy place that he wanted by no
> móti láta saurga völlinn, hvorki í heiftarblóði og eigi
> skyldi þar álfrek ganga og var haft til þess sker eitt er
> Dritsker var kallað.
> It was such a holy place there that he didn't want
> anything against to despoil the field, neither in
> hot-blood and dirt/excrement should not go there and add
> to that a skerry which was called bird-poop skerry.
> There was also a great holy place that he wanted by no
> means to allow the plain defiled neither by staining a
> holy place with blood and nor should excrement go there
> and for this was one skerry had which was called Dirt
> Skerry.
> Þórólfur gerðist rausnarmaður mikill í búi og hafðiÞórólf became a magnificent man, great in household, and had
> fjölmennt með sér því að þá var gott matar að afla af
> eyjum og öðru sæfangi.
> Thorolfr became a great magnificent man in a neighbor
> acting as a juror and had many people with him because
> then there was good food for catching in the islands and
> other stores from the sea.
> Thorolf became a very magnificent inhabitant and had a
> great crowd with him because then was good provisions to
> obtain from the island and other things caught from the
> sea.
> Nú skal segja frá Birni Ketilssyni flatnefs að hann sigldiNow it is to be told of Björn Ketilsson flatnefs that he
> vestur um haf þá er þeir Þórólfur Mostrarskegg skildu sem
> fyrr segir.
> Now it shall be told concerning Birni Ketilssyn flat-nose
> that he sailed west across the sea where they, Thorolf
> Mostrarskegg (and others), departed as was previously
> told.
> Now we shall tell of Bjorn son of Ketill flat nose that he
> sailed west over the sea then when they, Thorolf Huge
> beard (and he) parted as was previously mentioned.
> Hann hélt til Suðureyja.He steered for the Hebrides.
> He steered to the Hebrides.
> He steered to the Hebrides.
> En er hann kom vestur um haf þá var andaður Ketill faðirAnd when he arrived west over the sea, Ketil, his father,
> hans en hann fann þar Helga bróður sinn og systur sínar og
> buðuy þau honum góða kosti með sér.
> When he came west across the ocean then his father Ketill
> was dead but he met there his brother Helga and his sister
> and they offered him good provisions for himself.
> And when he came west over the sea then Ketill his father
> had died, but he met Helgi, his brother, there and his
> sister and they offered him a good opportunity with them.
> Björn varð þess vís að þau höfðu annan átrúnað og þóttiBjörn became aware that they had another faith, and it
> honum það lítilmannlegt er þau höfðu hafnað fornum sið,
> þeim er frændur þeirra höfðu haft og nam hann þar eigi
> yndi og enga staðfestu vildi hann þar taka.
> Bjorn became certain of that, that one of the two of them
> had believed and that seemed to him unmanly that they had
> had the old (heathen) customs, them which their relative
> had had, and he didn't get any joy there, and he didn't
> want to take up any residence there.
> Bjorn became aware of this that they had a different faith
> and it seemed to him a paltry thing when they had
> abandoned (the) old religion, that which their kinsmen had
> had and he took there no happiness and no permanent abode
> would he take there.
> Var hann þó um veturinn með Auði systur sinni og ÞorsteiniNevertheless he stayed the winter with Auð, his sister, and
> syni hennar.
> Yet he stayed during the winter with his sister Aud and
> her son Thorstein.
> Yet he stayed during the winter with Aud, his sister, and
> Thorstein her son.
> En er þau fundu að hann vildi eigi áhlýðast við frændurBut when they found that he would not agree with his
> sína þá kölluðu þau hann Björn hinn austræna og þótti þeim
> illa er hann vildi þar ekki staðfestast.
> When they discovered that he didn't want to agree with his
> relative, then they called him Bjorn the Easterner, and it
> seemed to them poor that he didn't want to take up
> residence there.
> And when they learned that he would not give ear to their
> kinsmen then they called him Bjorn, the easterner and it
> seemed bad to them when he would not take a permanent
> abode there.
> Björn var tvo vetur í Suðureyjum áður hann bjó ferð sínaBjörn stayed two winters in the Hebrides before he made
> til Íslands.
> Bjorn stayed two years in the Hebrides before he prepared
> his journey to Iceland.
> Bjorn stayed two winters in the Hebrides before he
> prepared for his journey to Iceland.
> Með honum var í ferð Hallsteinn Þórólfsson.With him on the journey was Hallstein Þórólfsson.
> With him on the journey was Hallsteinn Thorolfsson.
> With him on the journey was Hallsteinn Thorolf’s son.
> Þeir tóku land í Breiðafirði og nam Björn land út fráThey landed in Breiðafjörð, and Björn took land out from
> Stafá, milli og Hraunsfjarðar, með ráði Þórólfs.
> They arrived at Broad-fiord, and Bjorn settled out from
> Stafa, also between Hraunsfiord with Thorolf's advice.
> They landed in Breidafjord and Bjorn took land out from
> Staf River, between (there) and Lava field firth, at
> Thorolf’s advice.
> Björn bjó í Borgarholti í Bjarnarhöfn.Björn settled at Borgarholt in Bjarnarhöfn [‘Björn’s
> Bjorn lived in Borgarholt in Bjarnarhofn.
> Bjorn lived in Borgarholt in Bjorn’s Haven.
> Hann var hið mesta göfugmenni.He was the most noble/worshipful man.
> He was the most noble man.
> He was the greatest magnificent man.
> Hallsteini Þórólfssyni þótti lítilmannlegt að þiggja landIt seemed to Hallstein Þórólfsson unmanly to accept land
> að föður sínum og fór hann vestur yfir Breiðafjörð og nam
> þar land og bjó á Hallsteinsnesi.
> It seemed to Hallsteinn Thorolfsson unmanly to accept land
> from his father and went west over Breidafiorf and settled
> there and lived at Hallsteinn's ness.
> Hallstein Thorolf’s son thought it paltry to accept land
> (next to?) his father and he went west over Breidafjord
> and took land there and lived at Hallstein’s Ness.