Eyrbyggja Saga 4 end + 5 + 6 part 1 - - Grace's translation
From: Fred & Grace Hatton Message: 12418 Date: 2012-07-13
Þar sem Þór hafði á land komið, á tanganum nessins, lét hann hafa dóma alla
og setti þar
There where Thor had come ashore at the tongue of the ness, he had all
courts and arranged there
héraðsþing. Þar var og svo mikill helgistaður að hann vildi með engu móti
láta saurga völlinn,
(the) district Thing. There was also a great holy place that he wanted by
no means to allow the plain defiled
hvorki í heiftarblóði og eigi skyldi þar álfrek ganga og var haft til þess
sker eitt er Dritsker var kallað.
neither by staining a holy place with blood and nor should excrement go
there and for this was one skerry had which was called Dirt Skerry.
Þórólfur gerðist rausnarmaður mikill í búi og hafði fjölmennt með sér því að
þá var gott matar að
Thorolf became a very magnificent inhabitant and had a great crowd with him
because then was good provisions to
afla af eyjum og öðru sæfangi.
obtain from the island and other things caught from the sea.
5. kafli
Nú skal segja frá Birni Ketilssyni flatnefs að hann sigldi vestur um haf þá
er þeir Þórólfur
Now we shall tell of Bjorn son of Ketill flat nose that he sailed west over
the sea then when they, Thorolf
Mostrarskegg skildu sem fyrr segir. Hann hélt til Suðureyja.
Huge beard (and he) parted as was previously mentioned. He steered to the
En er hann kom vestur um haf þá var andaður Ketill faðir hans en hann fann
þar Helga bróður
And when he came west over the sea then Ketill his father had died, but he
met Helgi, his brother, there
sinn og systur sínar og buðu þau honum góða kosti með sér.
and his sister and they offered him a good opportunity with them.
Björn varð þess vís að þau höfðu annan átrúnað og þótti honum það
lítilmannlegt er þau höfðu
Bjorn became aware of this that they had a different faith and it seemed to
him a paltry thing when they had
hafnað fornum sið, þeim er frændur þeirra höfðu haft og nam hann þar eigi
yndi og enga
abandoned (the) old religion, that which their kinsmen had had and he took
there no happiness and
staðfestu vildi hann þar taka. Var hann þó um veturinn með Auði systur sinni
og Þorsteini syni hennar.
no permanent abode would he take there. Yet he stayed during the winter
with Aud, his sister, and Thorstein her son.
En er þau fundu að hann vildi eigi áhlýðast við frændur sína þá kölluðu þau
hann Björn hinn
And when they learned that he would not give ear to their kinsmen then they
called him Bjorn, the
austræna og þótti þeim illa er hann vildi þar ekki staðfestast.
easterner and it seemed bad to them when he would not take a permanent abode
6. kafli
Björn var tvo vetur í Suðureyjum áður hann bjó ferð sína til Íslands. Með
honum var í ferð
Bjorn stayed two winters in the Hebrides before he prepared for his journey
to Iceland. With him on the journey was
Hallsteinn Þórólfsson. Þeir tóku land í Breiðafirði og nam Björn land út frá
Stafá, milli og
Hallsteinn Thorolf’s son. They landed in Breidafjord and Bjorn took land
out from Staf River, between (there) and
Hraunsfjarðar, með ráði Þórólfs. Björn bjó í Borgarholti í Bjarnarhöfn. Hann
var hið mesta göfugmenni.
Lava field firth, at Thorolf’s advice. Bjorn lived in Borgarholt in Bjorn’s
Haven. He was the greatest magnificent man.
Hallsteini Þórólfssyni þótti lítilmannlegt að þiggja land að föður sínum og
fór hann vestur yfir
Hallstein Thorolf’s son thought it paltry to accept land (next to?) his
father and he went west over
Breiðafjörð og nam þar land og bjó á Hallsteinsnesi.
Breidafjord and took land there and lived at Hallstein’s Ness.