Laxdaela Saga 48 part 2 / Alan's Translation

From: Alan Thompson
Message: 12319
Date: 2012-05-15

Here´s my translation


Due to other commitments I will only be able to contribute translations once a week once we finish Kjalnesingasaga, so I would prefer that we continued with Laxdælasaga just once a week. Also, be aware that I will be out of action for a week in early June and for all of July.




Kjartan býst snemma fimmtadag í páskaviku og Þorkell hvelpur og Knútur
Kjartan readies-himself early on Thursday in Easter-week and Þorkell (the) Whelp and Knútr

bróðir hans að ráði Auðar. Þeir riðu með Kjartani á leið alls tólf saman.
his brother by the advice of Auðr. They rode with Kjartan on (his) way in all twelve together.

Kjartan kemur fyrir Hvítadal og heimti vaðmál Þórhöllu málgu sem hann hét.
Kjartan comes before Hvítadalr and recovers (the) Wadmal (woollen cloth)of Þórhalla (the) talkative as he had-promised.

Síðan reið hann suður Svínadal.
After-that he rode south along Svínadalr.

Það var tíðinda að Laugum í Sælingsdal að Guðrún var snemma á fótum þegar er
That was of tidings (ie Events were such) at Laugar in Sælingsdalr that Guðrún was early a-foot (up and about) as soon as

sólu var ofrað. Hún gekk þangað til er bræður hennar sváfu. Hún tók á
(the) sun was (had) risen. She walked thither to where her brothers slept. She touched (prodded)

Óspaki. Hann vaknaði skjótt við og svo þeir fleiri bræður. Og er Óspakur
Óspakr. He awoke like-a-shot with (that) and also they more brothers. And when Óspakr

kenndi þar systur sína þá spurði hann hvað hún vildi er hún var svo snemma á fótum.
recognised there his sister then he asked what she would-want that she was so early a-foot (up and about).

Guðrún kvaðst vildu vita hvað þeir vildu að hafast um daginn. Óspakur
Guðrún declared-of-herself (that she) wanted to know what they would do during the-day. Óspakr

kvaðst mundu kyrru fyrir halda "og er nú fátt til verknaðar."
declared-of-himself (that he) would not stir “and (there) is now little in the way of work (ie not much to do).”

Guðrún mælti: "Gott skaplyndi hefðuð þér fengið ef þér væruð dætur einshvers bónda
Guðrún spoke: “You (plural) would-have received good (commendable) disposition if you (plural) had-been daughters of some farmer

og láta hvorki að yður verða gagn né mein en slíka svívirðing og skömm
and (they) let neither to be of use to you nor harm, but such dishonour and shame

sem Kjartan hefir yður gert þá sofið þér eigi að minna að hann ríði hér hjá
as Kjartan has rendered you, then you sleep not less that he rides here by

garði við annan mann og hafa slíkir menn mikið svínsminni. Þykir mér og
(the) yard with another person (man) and such men have swine’s-memory. (It) seems to me also

rekin von að þér þorið Kjartan heim að sækja ef þér þorið eigi að finna hann
a driven-off (futile) hope that you would-dare to seek (attack) Kjartan at home if you would-dare not meet him

nú er hann fer við annan mann eða þriðja en þér sitjið heima og látið
now when he travels with a second person (man) or a third, but you sit (stay) at home and behave

vænlega og eruð æ helsti margir."
promisingly and (but) you are always far too many. (there are too many of your type)”

Óspakur kvað hana mikið af taka en vera illt til mótmæla og spratt hann upp
Óspakr declared her to make (say) much of (it) but (and) (it) to be ill in the way of contradiction (ie hard to gainsay her) and he sprang up

þegar og klæddist og hver þeirra bræðra að öðrum. Síðan bjuggust þeir að
at once and dressed-himself and each of those brothers one after another. After-that they readied-themselves to

sitja fyrir Kjartani. Þá bað Guðrún Bolla til ferðar með þeim. Bolli kvað
lie-in-wait for Kjartan. Then Guðrún bade Bolli (to go) on (the) journey with them. Bolli declared

sér eigi sama fyrir frændsemis sakir við Kjartan og tjáði hversu ástsamlega
(it) not to-befit him for reasons of kinship with Kjartan and related how affectionately

Ólafur hafði hann upp fæddan.
Ólafr had him brought up.

Guðrún svarar: "Satt segir þú það en eigi muntu bera giftu til að gera svo
Guðrún answers: “You say that truly but you-will not bring to (it) (the) good-luck to do such

að öllum þyki vel og mun lokið okkrum samförum ef þú skerst undan förinni."
that (it) should-seem well to everyone (you can´t please everyone) and (it) will conclude our travelling-together (as man and wife) (ie our marriage will be over) if you refuse the-journey.

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