Hi Haukur,

Thanks for pointing out the corrections to both Bugge's quote here and to Thorpe's translation on your site. This kind of help is invaluable for researchers.

I see your "BA-thing" at: https://notendur.hi.is/haukurth/utgafa/Gunnarsslagur_og_Valagaldur.pdf

However, it's in Icelandic. I am seeking an English translation of that passage. If you or anyone here would translate the passage on page 22 of your work (see link above), I'll happily post it on my Gunnarsslagr page with their name. It's a relatively short passage.

You'll see, I used Thorpe's translation from 1865, including your corrections of 2008 and also provided a link to your work on my page.


Again, I am looking for an English translation of that piece of the letter that pertains to Gunnarsslagr. I'll also be happy to post translation of other works, such as sagas and fornaldarsagas. If anyone would like to submit their work, please contact me and I'll create and host the webpages at no charge. My site is an online library of Old Icelandic and Germanic  literature related to the pre-Christian culture and religion of Northern Europe. It's designed as a Resource for Researchers.


Wassail, William






--- In norse_course@yahoogroups.com, Haukur Þorgeirsson <haukurth@...> wrote:
> The quote is more complete on page 22 of my BA thing:
> "eg sendi þettad nísmídat þeim nafnkenda manni Sr. Eyolfi á Vòllum, er vel
> lét yfer, oc lagdi þetta til sídast. Jubeo te macte esse tanto in
> Antiqvitatis nostris profectu oc ætla ec þetta hafi verit 1745–46. Sveini
> lögmanni sendi eg oc Exemplar uppá occar cuNugleica iNannlands oc utann,
> er mitt litla verc vel approberadi, framar moni ec ei af at seigia, enda
> máscé tortyndr se sá verci, þar mag. H. E. S. hans ei gétr í sinni
> sciagraph. hist. litt., en nefner þó adra mína smáqvedlínga. G.P.S. (Add.
> 11192, 9r; sbr. Bugge 1867:xlix)"
> He's actually slightly misquoting Eyjólfur as you'll see on page 24. He
> said "in antiqvis monumentis" rather than "in Antiqvitatis nostris". But
> the praise obviously hit home since he's quoting this sentence from memory
> so many years later :)
> Kveðja,
> Haukur
> > Hi,
> >
> > Would anyone be willing to translate this short passage from Icelandic?
> > I'd
> > like to post it on my website, and will be happy to give you credit as the
> > translator.
> >
> > The passage is by Gunnar Palsson in regard to his poem Gunnarsslagr, it
> > reads:
> >
> > "Eg sendi þetta nýsmiðað þeim nafnkenda manni séra Eyjólfi à Völlum, er
> > lét
> > vel yfir og lagði þetta til siðast: jubeo te macto esse tanto in
> > antiquitalibus nostris profectu; og ætla eg þetta hafi verið 1745—46.
> > Stein
> > lögmanni sends eg og exemplar, .... er mitt litla verk vel approberaói.
> > Framar man eg eigi af að segja, enda máské tortýndr sé sá verki, þar mag.
> > Hálfdan Einarsson hans eigi getr i sinni sciagraphia hist, lit., en nefner
> > þó aðra mina smákveðlinga."
> >
> > You'll find the original text in Sophus Bugge's Norroen Fornkavadi, in the
> > Fortale p. XLVIII
> >
> > The passage appears at the bottom of this page of my site:
> >
> > http://www.germanicmythology.com/PoeticEdda/gunnarsslagr.html
> >
> > Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated! I have recently
> > redesigned
> > the page to make it easier to read and would like this passage to be
> > accessible to my readers.
> >
> > Thank you,
> >
> > William
> >
> >
> > William P. Reaves
> > Translator of "Our Fathers' Godsaga" by Viktor Rydberg
> > www.germanicmythology.com
> >
> >
> >
> >