From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 12268
Date: 2012-04-05
> Kjartan lét þar taka dyr allar á húsum og bannaði öllumIt has at least two: see also <skíta>, cognate with <shit>
> mönnum útgöngu og dreitti þau inni þrjár nætur.
> Kjartan caused there to take all doorways to the houses
> and prohibited all people's going out and shut them up so
> as to force them to relieve themselves inside the house
> for three days (literally, 3 nights). (Z. dreita - d. en
> inni, to shut one up so as to force him to ease himself
> (drita) within doors)
> Kjartan had all doors on the houses taken (over) and
> forbade all people to go out and they were shut in and
> forced to ease themselves indoors (Z) for three nights.
> Kjartan caused there to take (seize) all doorways to the
> farm-buildings (pl, see hus, Z1) and banned (prohibited)
> outgoing (exit) to all persons (men) and shut them (men
> and women) inside for three nights (so that they had to
> relieve themselves inside - great to know that this act
> has its own word)
> Hann svarar: "Lítið var bragð að því."I'll go with Rob on this one: I think that he found the
> He answers: "It was very little." (Z. bragð 2 - lítit b.
> mun þá at (it must be very slight))
> He answers, “Little was changed? by it.”
> He answers: Little was (the) time (? cf skömmu bragði,
> Z1) for that.
> Þá mælti Hrefna og brosti við: ...Adverbial <við> -- making it more or less the equivalent of
> Then Hrefna spoke and smiled in reply: ...
> Then Hrefna spoke and grinned, ...
> Then Hrefna spoke and smiled with (it, ie in doing so, at
> the same time, I note Z but will go with my gut feel): ...
> Var mönnum auðfynt að hann reiddist við er hún hafði þettaI'd just go for the sense, I think, and make it something
> í fleymingi.
> It was clear to people that he had gotten angry with this
> which she had made sport of. (Z. fleymingr - hafa e-t í
> fleymingi, to make sport of)
> It was easy to find that he became angry with (that) and
> she had made sport of this.
> (It) was for persons (men) easily-found (clear) that he
> became-angry with (it) when (or that?) she had this jest
> (ie made sport of this).
> "Ekki bar mér það fyrir augu er þú segir frá Hrefna," ...Since this is impersonal <bera>, I'd go with something like
> "Don't let that come before my eyes that you tell,
> Hrefna," ...
> “Nothing comes now before my eyes which you speak of,
> Hrefna,” ...
> That, which you speak about, Hrefna, carried (happened,
> bera, simple past tense, 3rd pers sg) not before my eyes
> (ie it did not happen), ...
> Þeim Laugamönnum líkar illa og þótti þetta miklu meiriI think that this <fyrir> probably comes under the heading
> svívirðing og verri en þótt Kjartan hefði drepið mann eða
> tvo fyrir þeim.
> The people of Lauga don't like (it) and thought this much
> more a disgrace and worse than although (meaning "as if"?)
> Kjartan had slain a man or two in front of them.
> (It) seemed bad to those Laugar men and that seemed a much
> more shameful thing and worse even than had Kjartan slain
> a man or two before them.
> (It) ill-pleases those persons-(men)-of-Laugar and this
> seemed a much greater dishonour and worse than even-if
> Kjartan had killed a person (man) or two against (?) them.
> Guðrún talaði hér fæst um en þó fundu menn það á orðumI shouldn't be surprised if this were another example of ON
> hennar að eigi væri víst hvort öðrum lægi í meira rúmi en
> henni.
> Gudrun said the least as regards this although people
> found that, at her words that would not be certain if the
> words were of great concern to her. (I don't see how "en"
> is used in this sentence.) (Z. hér - h. um, in this, as
> regards this.) ( (Z. rúm 1 - e-m liggr e-t í miklu rúmi,
> it is of great concern, importance to one)
> Gudrun spoke least here about (it) but still people
> thought it of her words that (it) was not certain whether
> to others it was of greater concern than to her.
> Guðrún talked here least about (it) but nevertheless men
> found (noticed) that in her words that (it) were not
> certain whether (it) was of greater concern to others (see
> e-m liggr e-t í miklu rúmi, rúm, Z1) than to her.