Þann vetur öndverðan andaðist Ásgeir æðikollur.
At the beginning of that winter Asgeir the hothead breathed his last.

Tóku synir hans þar við búi og fé.
His sons received, there, land and money.

Kjartan fór til Lauga
Kjartan went to Lauga

Eftir jól um veturinn safnar Kjartan að sér mönnum.
After Yule during the winter Kjartan gathers men to himself.

Urðu þeir saman sex tigir manna.
They became together six tens (60) of men.

Ekki sagði Kjartan föður sínum hversu af stóðst um ferð þessa.
Kjartan didn't tell his father how (things) stood concerning this journey.

Spurði Ólafur og lítt að.
Olaf also asked little about (it).

Kjartan hafði með sér tjöld og vistir.
Kjartan had with him tents and provisions.

Ríður Kjartan nú leið sína þar til er hann kemur til Lauga.
Kjartan rides now (on) his way until he comes to Lauga.

Hann biður menn stíga af baki og mælti að sumir skyldu geyma hesta þeirra en suma biður hann reisa tjöld.
He asks men to dismount and said that some should mind their horses and some he asked to put up tents.

Í þann tíma var það mikil tíska að úti var salerni og eigi allskammt frá bænum og svo var að Laugum.
At that time it was a large (i.e., common) custom that outside was the outhouse and not a short distance from the houses; it also was so at Lauga.

Kjartan lét þar taka dyr allar á húsum og bannaði öllum mönnum útgöngu og dreitti þau inni þrjár nætur.
Kjartan caused there to take all doorways to the houses and prohibited all people's going out and shut them up so as to force them to relieve themselves inside the house for three days (literally, 3 nights). (Z. dreita - d. en inni, to shut one up so as to force him to ease himself (drita) within doors)

Eftir það ríður Kjartan heim í Hjarðarholt og hver hans förunauta til síns heimilis.
After that Kjartan rides home to Hjardarholt and each of his companions to his home.

Ólafur lætur illa yfir þessi ferð.
Olaf expresses disapproval of this journey.

Þorgerður kvað eigi lasta þurfa og sagði Laugamenn til slíks gert hafa eða meiri svívirðingar.
Thorgerd said not to blame (the) need and said the men of Lauga to such has done or more disgrace. (??)

Þá mælti Hrefna: "Áttir þú Kjartan við nokkura menn tal að Laugum?"
Then Hrefna said: "Kjartan, have you talked with some people at Lauga?"

Hann svarar: "Lítið var bragð að því."
He answers: "It was very little." (Z. bragð 2 - lítit b. mun þá at (it must be very slight))

Segir hann að þeir Bolli skiptust við nokkurum orðum.
He says that they, (he and) Bolli, exchanged some words. (Z. skipta 7 - skiptast e-u við, to make an exchange)

Þá mælti Hrefna og brosti við: "Það er mér sannlega sagt að þið Guðrún munuð hafa við talast og svo hefi eg spurt hversu hún var búin að hún hefði nú faldið sig við motrinum og semdi einkar vel."
Then Hrefna spoke and smiled in reply: "That is more truly said Gudrun would have spoken to you and I have so learned how she was dressed that she had now hooded herself with the headgear and arranged (it) exceedingly well. (Z. brosa - b. við, to smile in reply)

Kjartan svarar og roðnaði mjög við.
Kjratan answers and became very red with (hearing this).

Var mönnum auðfynt að hann reiddist við er hún hafði þetta í fleymingi.
It was clear to people that he had gotten angry with this which she had made sport of. (Z. fleymingr - hafa e-t í fleymingi, to make sport of)

"Ekki bar mér það fyrir augu er þú segir frá Hrefna," segir Kjartan, "mundi Guðrún ekki þurfa að falda sér motri til þess að sama betur en allar konur aðrar."
"Don't let that come before my eyes that you tell, Hrefna," says Kjartan, "Gudrun would not need to array herself with a woman's hood to that that better befits than all other women." (Z. bera II 2 - berr nú fyrir augu mér, many things come now before my eyes)

Þá hætti Hrefna þessu tali.
Then Hrefna ventured this conversation. (?)

Þeim Laugamönnum líkar illa og þótti þetta miklu meiri svívirðing og verri en þótt Kjartan hefði drepið mann eða tvo fyrir þeim.
The people of Lauga don't like (it) and thought this much more a disgrace and worse than although (meaning "as if"?) Kjartan had slain a man or two in front of them.

Voru þeir synir Ósvífurs óðastir á þetta mál en Bolli svafði heldur.
The sons of Osvifur were the most furious at this matter, but Bolli assuaged rather.

Guðrún talaði hér fæst um en þó fundu menn það á orðum hennar að eigi væri víst hvort öðrum lægi í meira rúmi en henni.
Gudrun said the least as regards this although people found that, at her words that would not be certain if the words were of great concern to her. (I don't see how "en" is used in this sentence.) (Z. hér - h. um, in this, as regards this.) ( (Z. rúm 1 - e-m liggr e-t í miklu rúmi, it is of great concern, importance to one)

Gerist nú fullkominn fjandskapur milli Laugamanna og Hjarðhyltinga.
Full scale enmity (fjand = enemy, not friend!) now arises between the people of Lauga and Hjardhltinga.

Og er á leið veturinn fæddi Hrefna barn.
And it is at the beginning of winter Hrefna gives birth to a child.

Það var sveinn og var nefndur Ásgeir.
It was a boy and (he) was named Asgeir.