From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 12232
Date: 2012-03-09
> Hann er langt fyrir alla.That's how I understand it.
> He is far above all.
> He is way surpassing all.
> He is far in-front-of (superior to?) all (men).
> En á kveldum skuluð þið Fríður dóttir mín skemmta ykkur íI really like this sentence!
> stofu hennar því að þér mun þá þykja húskarlar mínir
> heldur leikmiklir.
> And in the evenings, you two, Fridur my daughter (and you)
> will enjoy yourselves in her sitting room because you will
> then think my house servants to be rather playful.
> But in the evening you shall amuse my daughter, Frid, in
> her sitting room because you will then think my house
> servants rather playful.”
> But in (the) evenings you-two, Fríðr my daughter (and
> yourself) shall amuse yourselves in her sitting-room
> because my house-servants will then seem to you rather
> playful (rambunctious and rumbustious or perhaps
> mead-bustious J).
> "Hverja ætlan hefir þú á að verða skuli mitt erindi?As you read it, I think: the conjunction.
> "What thought do you have (as to how) my mission would
> come to pass?
> “How have you anticipated that my errand should come
> about?
> What thought (plan) do you have on (it) that (ie about
> what, cf at, conj, Z7 or does at belong with verða?) my
> errand should become? (what do you reckon I should do
> now?)