Kjalnesinga Saga 14 part 2 / Alan's Translation

From: Alan Thompson
Message: 12231
Date: 2012-03-09

Here’s my translation




Þóttist Búi nú vita að það mundi vera Dofri. Gekk hann þá fyrir hann og
Búi now bethought-himself (þykkjast, Z3, reflexive) to know (verb) that that would be Dofri. He walked then before him and

mælti svo: "Sit heill Dofri konungur með hirð glaða."
spoke thus: „Remain (lit: sit) blessed (hale), King Dofri, with cheerful court.“

Dofri tók vel orðum hans og mælti til dóttur sinnar: "Er þetta það skeggbarn
Dofri received his words well and spoke to his daughter: „Is this that bearded-child

er þú sagðir mér frá í gær?"
that you told me about yesterday?“

"Svo er faðir," sagði Fríður.
“So (it) is, father,” said Fríðr.

Dofri mælti: "Fáir koma slíkir úr Mannheimum nema Haraldur konungur fóstri minn.
Dofri spoke: “Few such come out-of Mannheimr (World of Man) besides King Haraldr my foster-son.

Hann er langt fyrir alla. Eða hvert er þitt erindi til vor?"
He is far in-front-of (superior to?) all (men). But what is your errand to us?”

Búi mælti: "Því er eg hér kominn að biðja yður jólavistar. Er eg útlenskur maður
Búi spoke: “For that am (have) I here come, to ask you for a Yule-stay. I am a foreign person (men)

en heyrt margt sagt af frægð yðvarri. Nú þótti mér ófróðlegt
but (have) heard much (neut sg) said (past part) of your renown. Now (it) seemed to me foolish (not sensible)

að sjá eigi svo tígulegan höfðingja."
not to see such a lordly (tiguligr) chief.”

Dofri segir: "Vel mælist þér. Vil eg að þú sért með oss. Skaltu drekka inni
Dofri says: “(It) is well spoken by you (note: impers construction). I want that you be (stay) with us. You-shall drink inside

með oss um daga. Viljum vér þá eiga tal við þig. Skaltu skipa öndugi hið óæðra.
with us during (the) days. We want (present indicative I think) then to have conversation with you. You-shall occupy (skipa, Z2) the lower bench (lit: the non-higher high-seat)

En á kveldum skuluð þið Fríður dóttir mín skemmta ykkur í stofu hennar
But in (the) evenings you-two, Fríðr my daughter (and yourself) shall amuse yourselves in her sitting-room

því að þér mun þá þykja húskarlar mínir heldur leikmiklir."
because my house-servants will then seem to you rather playful (rambunctious and rumbustious or perhaps mead-bustious J).”

Búi þakkaði með fögrum orðum höfðinglegt boð og fagra tilskipan.
Búi thanked (him) with fine (fair) words for the lordly offer (acc, dir object of þakka) and fine (fair) arrangement.

Gekk hann þá um þvert gólf og Fríður með honum. Hún bað þá upp standa þrjá er þar sátu áður.
He walked then across the floor and Fríðr with him. She asked those to stand up, three who set there already.

Og svo var. Síðan lét hún taka undir þau fögur hægindi og settust þau þar á,
And (it) was so. After-that she caused to lay hold of those fair pillows (all neut acc pl) and they set-themselves there-on

sátu þar um daginn. Dofri spurði Búa margra hluta en hann leysti úr öllum vel.
sat there during the-day. Dofri asked Búi many things but (and) he answered (leysa ór e-u, Z11) all well.

En er aftna tók gengu þau fyrir Dofra og heilsuðu á hann.
But (and) when (it) started (taka, Z7) to become evening (aptna), they walked before Dofri and said-hail to (ie greeted) him.

Hann bað þau vel fara. Gengu þau þá til herbergis hennar og voru þar um nóttina.
He bade them fare well. The walked then to her room and were (stayed) there during the night.

Með þeim hætti liðu jól úr garði.
In that manner (dat sg) (lit: with that mode of doing things) Yule passed by (see garðr, Z3).

Affaradag jóla gekk Búi fyrir Dofra og mælti: "Þér hafið veitt mér
On Twelfth-Night (lit: departure of Yule), Búi went before Dofri and spoke: “You (formal) have treated (veita, Z5) me

höfðinglega sem von (ván) var að. Nú þó að mér þyki hér gott þá skal eg þó
in-a-lordly-manner as was(the) expectation (ie as was to be expected). Now, although (=þótt) it seems to me good here, then shall I nevertheless

eigi ásætni við yður hafa."
not have a tarrying-long (lit: a sitting on) with you (ie I shall not outstay my welcome).”

Dofri mælti: "Þú Búi skalt vera hér velkominn í allan vetur ef þér þykir það betra."
Dofri spoke: “You, Búi, shall be welcome here for the whole winter (masc acc sg) if that seems to you better.”

Búi þakkar honum nú af nýju sinn velgerning.
Búi thanks him now a-new for his goodness.

Héldu þau Fríður nú sínum háttum sem fyrr var sagt.
They, (Búi and) Fríðr, maintained now their mode-of-living (it seems a life of leisure and pleasure) as before was related.

Leið nú á veturinn og er fár nætur voru til sumars mælti Búi til Fríðar:
(It) passes now on the-winter (ie winter draws to a close) and when few nights were (left) to summer Búi spoke to Fríðr:

"Hverja ætlan hefir þú á verða skuli mitt erindi? Eg vil biðja þig að þú
“What thought (plan) do you have on (it) that (ie about what, cf at, conj, Z7 or does at belong with verða?) my errand should become? (what do you reckon I should do now?) I want to ask you that you

leggir til nokkur orð við föður þinn."
place towards (it) (ie speak) some words (all neut acc pl) with your father.”


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