From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 12211
Date: 2012-03-01
> Búi struch then with his sword-hilt-knobs on the-hammerI'm pretty sure that Dofri really is from the same tradition
> (crag) and spoke: You, Dofri, said he, open upp (you)
> your hall (as in the hall of the mountain king)
> En er Búi hafði þetta mælt þrem sinnum þá lét í hamrinumI'm inclined to think that it's elliptical for <í því bili>
> sem er gengur reið og í því spratt í sundur hamarinn og
> urðu á dyr og því næst gekk kona í dyrnar.
> When Bui had spoken this three times then (he) put in the
> precipice as if going riding and in that the precipice
> sprang asunder and became a door and next to that a woman
> walked in the doors.
> And when Bui had spoken this three times then the in the
> crag (was) a sound as when (one) walks and with that the
> crag sprang asunder and turned into a door and thereupon a
> woman walked to the door.
> But when Búi had spoken this three times, then (it)
> resounded (láta, Z11) in the-hammer (crag, precipice) as
> when a clap-of-thunder (reið, Z3) goes (claps) and in that
> (instant? way?) the-hammer (crag, precipice) burst
> a-sunder and a doorway materialised (lit: came on, verða
> á, Z8) and in that next (instant) a woman walked into
> the-doorway.
> Hún var fögur að áliti og vel búin, í rauðum kyrtli og<Allur> is nom. sing. masc., presumably referring to the
> allur hlöðum búinn, og digurt silfurbelti um sig.
> She was beautiful in appearance and well dressed, in a red
> tunic and all laced, and a thick silver belt around her.
> She was fair in appearance and well dressed, in a red
> kyrtle and all in a lacey cloak, and (with) a wide silver
> belt about her.
> She was fair of countenance and well-dressed, in a red
> tunic and all (things, neut pl) adorned with lace-work,
> and a thick silver-belt about her.
> Hún segir: "Eg heiti Fríður dóttir Dofra konungs eða þvíThis one really is a bit of a puzzle. According to CV, the
> berð þú maður um herbergi vor?" sagði hún.
> She says: "My name is Fridr, daughter of Dofra of the
> King; do you, man, give a verdict for our lodgings?" she
> said. (??)
> She says, “I am named Frid, daughter of King Dofri, what
> brings you, man, about our quarters?” said she.
> She says: I am-called Fríðr (Beautiful), daughter of King
> Dofri, but for what concerning our lodgings do you, a
> human, endure (bera, Z6?)? she said (what is it about our
> abode that drew you hither?).
> Kalla eg ráð að þú gangir inn með mér."'Consent' is my interpretation as well, though I'd use 'say'
> I say a plan that you go in with me."
> I say a plan that you go in with me.”
> I call agreement (I affirm my consent, say it´s OK, ráð,
> Z5?) that you should-walk inside with me.
> Fríður bað þá aftur lúkast hellinn og svo var.Another accusative and infinitive construction.
> Fridr asked then after for the cave to be shut up and it
> was so.
> Frid bade then close the cave behind (them) and so (it)
> was.
> Fríðr bade then the-cave to be-closed shut (lúkast, Z6 but
> cf lúka aptur, Z5) and (it) was so.
> Hún sneri þá út að bjarginu í einum stað.'At a certain place', I think. My guess is simply that she
> She turned then out at the bolder in one place.
> She turns then out to the rock in one place.
> She turned then out towards the-rock (precipice = hamarr?,
> Z1 or Z2?) in one spot.