From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 12193
Date: 2012-02-20
> Og er þeir komu fyrir konung mælti hann: "Kennið þiðI take <þenna hinn mikla mann> to be functionally 'this tall
> nokkuð þenna hinn mikla mann?
> And when they came before the king, he said: "Do you at
> all know the big man?
> And when they came before (the) king, he spoke, “Do you
> know something of this tall man?”
> And when they came before (the) king he spoke: Do you
> recognise at all this-one, the tall person (man)?
> En nú skaltu leysa höfuð þitt með einni sendiferð.(Must not be screwed on straight!)
> But now you shall set free your head with one errand.
> Þú skalt sækja tafl til Dofra fóstra míns og færa mér.Convey it, not him.
> You shall go fetch a tafl-game from (?) my foster relative
> Dofra and bring me.
> You shall fetch a tablet from Dofri, my foster, and bring
> (it) to me.”
> You shall go-fetch a tables-set (akin to a chess set)
> (by going) to Dofri my foster-father (according to various
> web-sites) and convey (him) to me.
> Vil eg þá að þér festið mér grið þar til er eg kann afturI'm not sure that it's either one, exactly: I've a feeling
> að koma.
> I want then that you grant me a pardon when I can come
> back.
> I wish then that you stipulate to pardon me until I am
> able to come back.”
> I want then that you fasten (guarantee, pledge) domicile
> (a safe haven or a pardon, I couldn´t really decide
> but inclined to the former) for me until I am-able-to come
> back.
> Hann fréttist þá fyrir um örnefni.It could be either singular or plural, but since he had only
> He enquired about the local name. (Z. frétta 3 - fréttast
> fyrir, to enquire.)
> He enquires then about an old name.
> He enquired (fréttast fyrir, Z3) concerning local-names.
> Búi spurði Rauð ef hann kynni nokkuð ráð til að leggja meðThis looks to me like <kunna> + inf. (Z10): 'B. asked R. if
> honum að hann kæmi fram ferðinni.
> Bui asked Red if he knew some means to put with him that
> he came from the journey. (?)
> Bui asked Raud if he knew some plan to help him, that he
> might effect (the purpose) in the journey.
> Búi asked Rauðr if he should-know some advice to put
> towards (contribute, give, offer up, leggja til e-t, Z14)
> to him (so) that he should carry out(effect, lit:
> bring-forward, koma fram e-u, Z4) the-journey.
> En öngra manna veit eg þeirra von að viti hvar Dofri ræðurI agree that <viti> can't be a form of the verb <vita>, but
> fyrir nema Haraldur konungur.
> I know no man they expect that knows where Dofri commands
> except King Harald.
> But I know none of those men accustomed to know where
> Dofri speaks?? except for King Harald. (totally lost in
> the previous sentence)
> But I know of no persons (men) their (ie the no men´s)
> expectation of a mark (sign, viti, noun) where Dofri
> would-have-authority over (commands, ráða fyrir, Z16)
> except King Haraldr.