From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 12145
Date: 2012-01-21
> Eigi skyldi Ólöf svo farið hafa enda skal eg þegar leita áThat's my understanding.
> fund Búa er sár mitt er gróið."
> Olof should not so have left and yet I shall at once visit
> Bua when my wound is healed."
> Olof should not have behaved so and I shall immediately
> seek a meeting with Bui when my wound is healed.”
> Ólöf should not have gone (fared) so (if it was behaved
> I think it would need the impersonal construction as per
> fara, Z10) and-of-course I shall at-once attempt-to-get a
> meeting with Búi when my wound is healed.
> Var þar einstig bratt.I think that it's probably a typo; the Icelandic Online
> (There) was a steep path there.
> There was a narrow path.
> A steep narrow-path (Modern form of einstigi?) was there.
> Höfðu þeir og nógt grjót.Rob: Probably for throwing at/dropping on people.
> They also had sufficient stones. (??)
> They also had plenty of stones.
> They had also ample stones.
> Kolfinnur kallar þá og mælti: "Ef Búi má heyra mál mitt þáIt's 'animal that bears [young]', hence 'she-animal'.
> gangi hann úr einstiginu ef hann hefir heldur manns hug en
> berkykvendis."
> Kolfunnur calls them and said: "If Bui is able to hear my
> speech, then he should go out of the steep path if he has
> a man's mind rather than a bare animal."
> Kolfinn calls then and spoke, “If Bui can hear my words
> then he should go out of the narrow path if he has rather
> a man’s mind than (that of ) a she beast.”
> Kolfinnr calls-out then (or perhaps, summoned them,
> kalla, Z2,I´m not sure which) and spoke: If Búi can hear
> my speech, then he should-walk out-of the-narrow-path if
> he has more the courage of a man (person) than of a
> she-beast. (this is the meaning given by CV, but I´m not
> sure where the she element comes from. I would have
> thought it literally meant Bare-living-creature ie
> unclothed creature as distinct from man who is a clothed
> creature. Are you a man or a mouse?)
> Hljóp hann þá upp og greip vopn sín og kveðst aldreiI think that the actual sense is 'K.'s calling him a
> skyldu þola klækisorð Kolfinns.
> He then leapt up and seized his weapon and said for
> himself (he) should never endure Kolfinn's name for
> cowardice.
> He ran then up and seized his weapon and said never should
> (he) endure Kolfinn’s disgraceful words.
> He leaped then up and grabbed his weapons (neut plural)
> and declared-of-himself (that he) should never endure
> Kolfinnrs words (taunts?)-of-cowardice.