Kjalnesinga Saga 9 end + 10 - Alan's Translation

From: Alan Thompson
Message: 12144
Date: 2012-01-20

Here´s my translation




Kolfinnur spurði brotttöku Ólafar.
Kolfinnr heard of Ólafr‘s removal (lit: away-taking).

Hann mælti þá við Korpúlf frænda sinn: "Til fjarri var eg nú.
He spoke then with Korpúlfr his kinsman: “I was now too (til, Z9) far-off. (ie I was nowhere to be found when I was needed)

Eigi skyldi Ólöf svo farið hafa enda skal eg þegar leita á fund Búa er sár mitt er gróið."
Ólöf should not have gone (fared) so (if it was “behaved” I think it would need the impersonal construction as per fara, Z10) and-of-course I shall at-once attempt-to-get a meeting with Búi when my wound is healed.”

Korpúlfur segir: "Illa gerir þú það," sagði hann, "er þú leggur eftir Ólöfu hug þinn.
Korpúlfr says: “You do that badly,” said he, “when you set your heart (mind, the direct object of leggja) after (ie in pursuit if) Ólöf (the indirect object).

Skaltu og eigi að mínu ráði leita á fund Búa nema þú hafir menn marga."
Also you-shall not by my advice attempt-to-get a meeting with Búi unless you have many men (persons)

10. kafli
Chapter 10

Nú líður á veturinn og gerast gróin sár Kolfinns og þá mælti hann:
Now (it) draws to a close in  the-winter (ie winter draws to a close, see líða á e-t, Z6) and Kolfinnr’s wound became-healed and then he spoke:

"Nú mun eg fara að finna móður mína og fá mér þaðan menn en Grímur son þinn skal
“Now I will go to meet my mother and get for me from-there men (persons), but Grímr your son shall

vera á morgun fyrir mér við Leiruvogsá og þeir menn sem þú sendir til liðs við mig."
be tomorrow before (waiting for) me by Leiruvogsá (Muddy-Creek-River) and those men (persons) whom you send as support for me.”

Korpúlfur kvað svo vera skyldu.
Korpúlfr declared (it) should be so.

Um morguninn fundust þeir frændur þar sem Kolfinnur hafði ákveðið
The-next-morning, those kinsmen met-each-other there where Kolfinnr had stipulated

og urðu þeir saman fimmtán. Fóru þeir síðan alla þá leið þar til er þeir komu undir
and they became fifteen together (in all). They journeyed after-that all that way until they came under

fjallið hjá helli Búa. Var þar einstig bratt. Þar voru uppi tveir varðmenn,
the-mountain near Búi’s cave. A steep narrow-path (Modern form of einstigi?) was there. Up-above (I don´t think the sense of vera uppi, under uppi, Z2 is intended here) there were two watchmen,

vel vopnaðir. Höfðu þeir og nógt grjót. Sá Kolfinnur að þeir máttu með öngu móti vinna einstigið.
well armed. They had also ample stones. Kolfinnr saw that they could by no means (see með engu móti, mót, Z4) win (take, gain access to, reach) the-narrow path

Kolfinnur kallar þá og mælti: "Ef Búi má heyra mál mitt þá gangi hann úr
Kolfinnr calls-out then (or perhaps, ‘summoned them’, kalla, Z2,I´m not sure which) and spoke: “If Búi can hear my speech, then he should-walk out-of

einstiginu ef hann hefir heldur manns hug en berkykvendis."
the-narrow-path if he has more the courage of a man (person) than of a she-beast.” (this is the meaning given by CV, but I´m not sure where the “she” element comes from. I would have thought it literally meant ‘Bare-living-creature’ ie unclothed creature as distinct from man who is a clothed creature. Are you a man or a mouse?)

Búi heyrði gjörla orð Kolfinns. Hljóp hann þá upp og greip vopn sín og
Búi heard fully (görla, adv) Kolfinnr’s words. He leaped then up and grabbed his weapons (neut plural) and

kveðst aldrei skyldu þola klækisorð Kolfinns. Ólöf kvað óráðlegt út að ganga
declared-of-himself (that he) should never endure Kolfinnr’s words (taunts?)-of-cowardice. Ólöf declared (it) unadvisable to go out

við þann liðsmun sem vera mundi. Búi kveðst eigi það hirða. Og er Búi var
with that difference-in-numbers (ie against those odds) which would be (exist). Búi declared-of-himself not to care for (hirða, Z4) that. And when Búi was

vopnaður þá laust þeim verk í augu hans bæði að hann varð þar báðum höndum tilgrípa.
armed then (there) struck (ljósta, Z1 in the impersonal sense of Z4) a pain (accusative) in his eye to them (dative) both (so) that he needed (verða + inf (grípa), Z7) to seize (grípa, til e-s, Z3) there (ie where his eyes were) with both hands.

Ólöf spurði hvað honum væri.
Ólöf asked what was the matter with him (see vera, Z2).

Búi kvað þá mundu seinkast um útgönguna: "Get eg," sagði hann, "að fóstra mín hlutist nú til."
Búi declared then (it) would be-delayed concerning the-going-out. “I guess (geta, Z.ii.1),” said he, “that my foster-mother (nominative) now is-meddling in (matters).”

Ólöf kvað það vel vera. Þá er Kolfinnur þóttist vita að ekki mundi verða útgangan Búa
Ólöf declared that to be well (a good thing). Then when Kolfinnr bethought-himself to know that the out-going of Búi would not be (ie happen)

sneri hann þá á braut og hans menn. Létti hann þá eigi fyrr en
he turns then away and his men. He stopped then not before

hann kom heim og undi illa við sína ferð. Þegar er Kolfinnur sneri braut frá
he came home and was ill-content (una, Z3)with his journey. As soon as Kolfinnr turned away from

einstiginu bætist Búa augnaverkjarins.
the-narrow-path (there) was-restoration for Búi (dative) from (his) pain-in-the-eye (genitive).

Leið nú af veturinn.
Now the-winter passed away.

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