From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 11981
Date: 2011-10-02
> Dreif þá fólkit til skipanna og rǭku af tjǫldin.'Dispersed': past tense. I think that it means that they
> The people dispersed to the ships and took down the
> awnings. (An Icelandic Primer gives: reka af tjǫld = take
> down awning.)
> Then the people disperse to the ships and drew off tents.
> En þau in stóru skip, es áðr hǫfðu siglt ok þeir hugðu at<Þau in stóru skip> is simply 'those large ships'. <Væri>
> Dauðastjarna væri, þat vas it fyrra Tæfætr inn skammi en
> it síðara Tæfætr inn skammi.
> But they the big ships, which had sailed in front and they
> believed was the Death Star, that was the former Taefaetr
> the short but later Taefaetr the short. (???)
> And these, the great ships which previously had sailed and
> they thought was Death Star, it was the previous Taefaetr
> the short and the later one Taefaeter the (long) typo.
> Vǭru þat einkamál þeira tveggja hǫfðingja at sá þeira es<Hryði> is the 3rd sing. past subjunctive of <hrjóða>, here
> fyrst gingi á Dauðastjǫrnu skyldi eignask allt þat
> hlutskipti es þar fekksk ok hver þeira þau skip es sjálfr
> hryði.
> That was a special agreement, they the two leaders that
> that they who first went to the Death Star should become
> the owner of all that booty there obtained and they each
> the ships which himself (hryði?).
> It was a special agreement (between) those two chieftains
> that that one who first should go on Death Star should be
> entitled to all that share which there is seized and each
> of them those ships (he) himself disabled.
> Villarðr jarl hafði barða einn geysimikinn es hann vas<Barða> is the direct object of <hafði>, so it must be in
> vanr at hafa í víking, ok gaf hann Lúki þetta skip.
> Earl Willard had one very large axe which he was commonly
> to have in viking, and he gave Luke this ship.
> Earl Villard had a very great prow (figurehead or ram?)
> which he was accustomed to have a-harrying, and he gave to
> Luke this ship.
> Heitir þetta skipit Eksvængr, ...<Eksvængr> is of course 'X-wing'; since <vængr> really is
> This ship is named Eksvaengr, ...
> This ship was named Eksvaenger, ...
> En es Lúkr gekk á borði skips þess, heyrði hann raustLike Rob, I make it 'voice'.
> Víga-Óbívans, ...
> And when Luke went aboard this ship, he heard the voice of
> Slayer Obiwan, ...
> But when Luke went aboard this ship, he heard Slayer
> Obiwan’s shout, ...
> Vas Dauðastjarna í miðju liði en þar á annat borð TæfætrThis <en> looks to me like narrative 'and' rather than
> inn skammi en annat borð Tæfætr inn langi.
> The Death Star was in the middle of the troops and there
> on one side of the ship Taefaetr the disgraced and one one
> side Taefaetr the long.
> Death Star was in the middle of the fleet, but there on
> one side Taefaeter the short and on (the) other side
> Taefaeter the tall.
> En þá es þeir tóku at tengja stafnana þá bundu þeir samanRob: Not just 'ends', but specifically 'stems, prows' (i.e.,
> stafnana á Tæfæti langa og Dauðastjǫrnu.
> And when they began to tie together the ends then the tied
> together the ends of Taefaet the long and the Death Star.
> And then when they began to tie the prows then they bound
> together the prows of Taefaetr the long and Death Star.
> En es Veiðr sá þat, kallaði hann hátt, bað þá leggja fram'Navy' is preferable to 'troops' in this context, but
> betr it mikla skipit ok láta þat eigi aftast vesa allra
> skipa í herinum.
> When Vader saw that, he called loudly, asked them to place
> from better the large ship and not cause that to be
> furthest back of all the ships in the troops.
> But when Vader saw that, he called loudly, bade them
> better thrust forward the great ship and let it not be
> last of all the ships in the navy.
> Þá svarar Tarkinn Stórmofsjarl: “Ef Dauðastjarna skal þvíRob almost has it: 'If [the] Deathstar shall lie as far out
> lengra fram leggja sem hann es lengri an ǫnnur skip, þá
> mun ávinnt verða um sǫxin.”
> Then Earl Tarkin of Stormof says: “If the Death Star shall
> thus longer from sail as it is longer than another ship,
> then those in the bow will be hard put to it. (not sure
> how “ verða” fits here) (Z. ávinnt - þa mun á. um söxin,
> then those in the bow will be hard put to it.
> Then Tarkinn Earl of Stormof answers, “If Death Star shall
> lie the further forward as it is longer than (the) other
> ship, then will become profit? concerning the hand axe?.”
> Veiðr segir: “Eigi vissik at ek ætta stafnbúann bæði háran<Ætta> is the 1st sing. past subjunctive of <eiga>: 'I
> ok ragan.”
> Vader says: “I don't know that (ætta ?) I the
> forecastle-man both high and cowardly.”
> Vader says, “I didn’t know that I have a forecastleman
> both hairy and cowardly.”
> Tarkinn segir: “Ves þú eigi meir baki lyptingina en ek munThis drove me nuts until I realized that Jackson slipped up.
> verja stafninn.”
> Tarkin says: “You are not more back the raised decks but I
> will defend the stern.”
> Tarkinn says, “You stay not? more in back on the raised
> deck and I will defend the prow.”
> Veiðr helt á boga ok lagði ǫr á streng ok sneri at Tarkni.See <snúa> (Z7): 'and turned on Tarkin'.
> Vader held a bow and placed an arrow to string and turned
> to Tarkin.
> Vader held a bow and laid an arrow in (the) bowstring and
> turns to Tarkinn.
> Tarkinn mælti: “Skjót annan veg Veiðr, þannig sem meiri er<Þannig> is indeed 'thither', but I think that the sense is
> þǫrfin.
> Tarkin said: “Shoot another direction Vader, so as more is
> the need.
> Tarkinn spoke, “Shoot another direction Vader, thither
> where more is needed.
> Þér vinn ek þat es ek vinn.”'I win for you that which I win.' Remember that <es/er> is
> Your gain I that is I gain.”
> I win for you that when I win.”
> Veiðr stóð í lyptingu á Dauðastjǫrnu.Specifically the raised afterdeck, the raised deck towards
> Vader stood on the raised deck of the Death Star.
> Vader stood on the raised deck on Death Star.
> Bar hann hátt mjǫk.I think that this is a continuation of the ideas in the
> He bore very much high. (Z bera - b. hátt (lágt) höfuðit,
> to bear the head high (low))
> He bore (himself) very proudly (He was in high spirits?).
> ... hann vas auðkenndr frá ǫðrum mǫnnum.'Easy to distinguish/easily distinguished'.
> ... he was of distinguished appearance from other men.
> ... he was easy to distinguish from other men.
> En es Veiðr sá at riðluðusk flokkarnir fjándmanna ok upp<Riðlask> here is 'to cluster': 'And when V. saw that the
> vǭru sett merki fyr hǫfðingjum þá spurði hann: “Hver er
> hǫfðingi fyr liði því er gegnt øss es, með in gylltu
> merkin?”
> When Vader saw ranks of enemy troops and were set up
> banners over the leaders then he asked: “Who is leader
> over this band who is opposite us, with the gold banner?”
> And when Vader saw that throngs of enemies moved and the
> standards were set up for chieftains then he asked, “Who
> is (the) chieftain before these troops who is across from
> us, with the gilt standard?”
> Engi es hugr í Hjaltlendingum.'In Shetlanders'.
> There is no courage in the Shetlanders.
> No courage is in Shetland.
> En hver hǫfðingi fylgir þeim merkjum es þar eru út í fráHere <hǿgra> is 'right' as opposed to 'left'; see <til hœgra
> hǿgra veg, með in rauðu merkin?”
> And which leader follows the banners is there are out in
> from the right way, with the red banner?”
> But which chieftain follows those standards which are out
> in advantageous? position, with the red standard?”
> Þá svarar Veiðr: “Hann mun þykjask eiga við øss skaplegan<Eiga> here is simply 'to have'. <Er> is the verb. <Ón> is
> fund ok øss er ón snarprar orustu af því liði.
> Then Vader answers: “He will not think himself with us a
> suitable battle and is hope of a keen battle of that body
> of men.
> Then Vader answers, “He will think himself entitled to a
> suitable meeting with us and to us ? a sharper battle from
> the troops.
> ... ok sék at ...Grace's 'I see' is right.
> ... and I know (?) that ...
> ... and I see that ...