From: Fred & Grace Hatton Message: 11980 Date: 2011-09-30
Dreif þá fólkit til skipanna og rǭku af tjǫldin. En es hǫfðingjar ræddu
þetta milli sín sem nú es
Then the people disperse to the ships and drew off tents. And when the
chieftains discussed this among themselves as now is said
sagt þá sǭ þeir hvar sigldu þrjú skip allmikil ok it fjórða síðast ok vas
þat Dauðastjarna. En þau in
then they saw where three very large ships sailed and the fourth last and it
was Death Star. And these, the
stóru skip, es áðr hǫfðu siglt ok þeir hugðu at Dauðastjarna væri, þat vas
it fyrra Tæfætr inn
great ships which previously had sailed and they thought was Death Star, it
was the previous Taefaetr the
skammi en it síðara Tæfætr inn skammi. En þá es þeir sǭ Dauðastjǫrnu kenndu
allir, mælti þá
short and the later one Taefaeter the (long) typo. And then when they saw
Death Star, all recognized (her), then none spoke
engi í mót at þar mundi sigla Veiðr, gingu þá til skipanna ok skipuðu til
against (it) that there sailed Vader, they went to the ships and arranged
(them) for battle.
Vǭru þat einkamál þeira tveggja hǫfðingja at sá þeira es fyrst gingi á
Dauðastjǫrnu skyldi
It was a special agreement (between) those two chieftains that that one who
first should go on Death Star should
eignask allt þat hlutskipti es þar fekksk ok hver þeira þau skip es sjálfr
be entitled to all that share which there is seized and each of them those
ships (he) himself disabled.
Villarðr jarl hafði barða einn geysimikinn es hann vas vanr at hafa í
víking, ok gaf hann Lúki
Earl Villard had a very great prow (figurehead or ram?) which he was
accustomed to have a-harrying, and he gave to Luke
þetta skip. Vas Artú Dítússon á því skipi með hann. Heitir þetta skipit
Eksvængr, ok Artú
this ship. R2 D2’s son was on the ship with him. This ship was named
Eksvaenger, and R2
Dítússon gekk á því skipi með Lúk. En es Lúkr gekk á borði skips þess,
heyrði hann raust Víga-
D2’s son went on the ship with Luke. But when Luke went aboard this ship,
he heard Slayer Obiwan’s shout,
Óbívans, ok hann sagði, “Lúkr, hefn mín, ok fǫðr þíns. Heppni ættar þinnar
mun fara ávallt með þik.”
and he said, “Luke, avenge me, and your father. Luck of your ancestors will
always go with you.”
Veiðr lét blása til samlǫgu ǫllum skipum sínum. Vas Dauðastjarna í miðju
liði en þar á annat
Vader had (a signal) blown to assemble all his ships. Death Star was in the
middle of the fleet, but there on one
borð Tæfætr inn skammi en annat borð Tæfætr inn langi. En þá es þeir tóku at
tengja stafnana þá
side Taefaeter the short and on (the) other side Taefaeter the tall. And
then when they began to tie the prows
bundu þeir saman stafnana á Tæfæti langa og Dauðastjǫrnu. En es Veiðr sá
þat, kallaði hann
then they bound together the prows of Taefaetr the long and Death Star. But
when Vader saw that, he called
hátt, bað þá leggja fram betr it mikla skipit ok láta þat eigi aftast vesa
allra skipa í herinum.
loudly, bade them better thrust forward the great ship and let it not be
last of all the ships in the navy.
Þá svarar Tarkinn Stórmofsjarl: “Ef Dauðastjarna skal því lengra fram leggja
sem hann es lengri
Then Tarkinn Earl of Stormof answers, “If Death Star shall lie the further
forward as it is longer
an ǫnnur skip, þá mun ávinnt verða um sǫxin.”
than (the) other ship, then will become profit? concerning the hand axe?.”
Veiðr segir: “Eigi vissik at ek ætta stafnbúann bæði háran ok ragan.”
Vader says, “I didn’t know that I have a forecastleman both hairy and
Tarkinn segir: “Ves þú eigi meir baki lyptingina en ek mun verja stafninn.”
Tarkinn says, “You stay not? more in back on the raised deck and I will
defend the prow.”
Veiðr helt á boga ok lagði ǫr á streng ok sneri at Tarkni.
Vader held a bow and laid an arrow in (the) bowstring and turns to Tarkinn.
Tarkinn mælti: “Skjót annan veg Veiðr, þannig sem meiri er þǫrfin. Þér vinn
ek þat es ek vinn.”
Tarkinn spoke, “Shoot another direction Vader, thither where more is needed.
I win for you that when I win.”
Veiðr stóð í lyptingu á Dauðastjǫrnu. Bar hann hátt mjǫk. Hann hafði bláan
skjǫld ok hrafnbláan
Vader stood on the raised deck on Death Star. He bore (himself) very
proudly (He was in high spirits?). He had a black shield and raven-black
hjálm; hann vas auðkenndr frá ǫðrum mǫnnum. Hann hafði bláan kyrtil stuttan
utan um brynju.
helmet, he was easy to distinguish from other men. He had a short, black
kyrtle outside of chain mail.
En es Veiðr sá at riðluðusk flokkarnir fjándmanna ok upp vǭru sett merki fyr
hǫfðingjum þá
And when Vader saw that throngs of enemies moved and the standards were set
up for chieftains then
spurði hann: “Hver er hǫfðingi fyr liði því er gegnt øss es, með in gylltu
he asked, “Who is (the) chieftain before these troops who is across from us,
with the gilt standard?”
Hónum vas sagt at þar væri Villarðr jarl Hjaltlands.
To him was said that it was Earl Villard of Shetland.
Veiðr svarar: “Eigi hræðumsk vér bleyður þær. Engi es hugr í Hjaltlendingum.
En hver hǫfðingi
Vader answers, “We fear not those cowards. No courage is in Shetland. But
which chieftain
fylgir þeim merkjum es þar eru út í frá hǿgra veg, með in rauðu merkin?”
follows those standards which are out in advantageous? position, with the
red standard?”
“Þar es,” segja þeir, “Lúkr Anakinsson, íslenzkr maðr.”
“There is,” they say, “Luke Anakinn’s son, an Icelandic man.”
Þá svarar Veiðr: “Hann mun þykjask eiga við øss skaplegan fund ok øss er ón
snarprar orustu af
Then Vader answers, “He will think himself entitled to a suitable meeting
with us and to us ? a sharper battle from
því liði. Hann es Íslendingr sem em ek, ok sék at hann es heppnismaðr af
góðri ætt.”
the troops. He is an Icelander as I am, and I see that he is a lucky man of
good ancestry.”