From: Fred & Grace Hatton Message: 11966 Date: 2011-09-22
We will resume Laxdaela Saga on Monday. Alan is back in business.
Þá mælti Villarðr jarl: “Þetta es mikit skip ok ákafa fagrt. Þetta mun vesa
Then Earl Villard spoke, “This is a great ship and very beautiful (Z). This
must be Death Star.”
Lúkr svarar ok segir at eigi sé þetta Dauðastjarna. Ok svá vas sem hann
sagði: Þetta skip átti
Luke answers and says that this is not Death Star. And so (it?) was as he
said: Danett of Pitt owned this ship.
Danettr af Pittum. Litlu síðar sǭ þeir hvar annat skip sigldi miklu meira an
it fyrra.
A little later they saw where another ship sailed, much larger than the
previous (one).
Þá mælti Villarðr jarl: “Hræddir eru Veiði-Anakinn ok Tarkinn Stórmofsjarl
nú. Eigi þora þeir at sigla með hǫfuðin á skipi sínu.”
Then Earl Villard spoke, “You are afraid now, Vader Anakinn and Tarkinn Earl
of Stormof. They do not dare to sail with their ornamental prow on their
Þá segir Lúkr: “Eigi es þetta Dauðastjarna. Kennik þetta skip, ok seglit því
at stafat er seglit.
Then Luke says, “This is not Death Star. I recognize this ship and the sail
because the sail is striped.
Þetta es Ásvaldr Tesjiksson. Lǭtum sigla þá. Betra es okkr skarð ok missa í
flota Veiði-Anakins an þetta skip þar svá búit.”
This is Asvald Tesjik’s son. Let them sail. Better is for us an empty
space and (one?) missing in Vader Anakinn’s fleet than this ship there as
matters stand.”
Þá sǭ þeir hvar sigldu þrjú skip ok var eitt mikit skip. Mælti þá Villarðr
jarl, biðr þá ganga til skipa sinna, segir at þá ferr Dauðastjarna.
Then they saw where three ships sailed and one was a great ship. Then Earl
Villard spoke, then bids them to go to his ship; says that then goes Death
Lúkr segir: “Mǫrg hafa þeir ǫnnur stór skip ok glæsileg an Dauðastjǫrnu.
Bíðum enn.”
Luke says, “They have many other great ships and showy than Death Star.
(We) still wait.”
Þá mæltu mjǫk margir menn: “Eigi vill Lúkr nú berjask ok hefna fǫður síns
Anakins. Þetta es
Then many more men spoke, “Luke will not fight and avenge his father,
Anakinn. This is a
skǫmm mikil svá að spyrjask mun um ǫll lǫnd ef vér liggjum hér með jafnmiklu
liði en Veiðr
great shame such that will be learned of about all (the) land if we lie here
with an equally great crowd and
sigli á hafit út hér hjá øss sjǭlfum.”
Vader sails on the sea out here near us ourselves.”
En es þeir hǫfðu þetta talat um hríð þá sǭ þeir hvar sigldu fjǫgur skip ok
eitt af þeim vas dreki allmikill ok mjǫk gullbúinn.
But when they had spoken that for a while, then they say where four ships
sailed and one of them was an enormous dragon and heavily worked with gold.
Þá stóð upp Lúkr Anakinsson ok mælti: “Hátt mun Dauðastjarna bera mik í
kveld. Því skipi skal ek stýra.”
Then Luke Anakinn’s son stood up and spoke, “Gloriously will Death Star
carry me in (the) evening. I shall steer the ship.”
Þá mæltu margir at Dauðastjarna væri furðu mikit skip ok frítt, rausn mikil
at láta gøra slíkt skip.
Then many said that Death Star was a wonderful great ship and beautiful,
very splendid to have such a ship made