Ok svá vas sem hann sagði: Ãetta skip átti Danettr af Pittum.
And (it) was so as he said: This ship was named Danettr of Pittum.
Litlu sÃðar sÇ Ã¾eir hvar annat skip sigldi miklu meira an it fyrra.
A little later they saw where another, much larger, ship than the previous.
Ãá mælti Villarðr jarl: âHræddir eru Veiði-Anakinn ok Tarkinn Stórmofsjarl nú.
Then Earl Willard said: âVader-Anakin and Tarkin Stormofearl are now afraid.
Eigi þora þeir at sigla með hÇ«fuðin á skipi sÃnu.â
They don't dare to sail with the ornamental prows on their ship.â
Ãá segir Lúkr: âEigi es þetta Dauðastjarna.
Then Luke says: âThis is not the Death Star.
Kennik þetta skip, ok seglit þvà at stafat er seglit.
I know this ship, and the sail because the sail is striped.
Ãetta es Ãsvaldr Tesjiksson.
This is Asvald Tesyikson.
LÇtum sigla þá.
Let them sail.
Betra es okkr skarð ok missa à flota Veiði-Anakins an þetta skip þar svá búit.â
A gap is better (for) us and a loss in Vader-Ankin's fleet than this ship there so made ready.â
Ãá sÇ Ã¾eir hvar sigldu þrjú skip ok var eitt mikit skip.
Then they saw where three ships sailed and it was a great ship.
Mælti þá Villarðr jarl, biðr þá ganga til skipa sinna, segir at þá ferr Dauðastjarna.
Earl Willard spoke to them, asked them to go to his ship, tells them the Death Star was going.
Lúkr segir: âMÇ«rg hafa þeir Ç«nnur stór skip ok glæsileg an DauðastjÇ«rnu. BÃðum enn.â
Luke says: âThey have many other large and splendid ships than the Death Star. Wait still.â
Ãá mæltu mjÇ«k margir menn: âEigi vill Lúkr nú berjask ok hefna fǫður sÃns Anakins.
Then very many men said: âLuke will not fight now and avenge his father Anakin.
En es þeir hÇ«fðu þetta talat um hrÃð þá sÇ Ã¾eir hvar sigldu fjÇ«gur skip ok eitt af þeim vas dreki allmikill ok mjÇ«k gullbúinn.
And when they had spoken about (that) a while, then they saw where four ships sailed and one of them was a very great dragon and very ornamented with gold.
Ãá stóð upp Lúkr Anakinsson ok mælti: âHátt mun Dauðastjarna bera mik à kveld.
Then Luke Anakinson stood up and said: â(I) will arrange for the Death Star to transport me this evening.
Ãvà skipi skal ek stýra.â
I will captain that ship.â
Ãá mæltu margir at Dauðastjarna væri furðu mikit skip ok frÃtt, rausn mikil at láta gøra slÃkt skip.
Then many said that the Death Star would be forboden a large and free ship, a magnificent forecastle to cause to build such a ship.
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