Star Wars 35 end + 36 beginning - Rob's Translation

From: rob13567
Message: 11963
Date: 2011-09-15

Þá drukku þau saman umb kveldit ok vǭru allkǭt.
Then they drank together durning the evening and were very merry.

Vas þar veizla in bezta ok svá umb daginn eptir.
There was the best feast and so during the next day.

En þá sagði Leia konungsdóttir jarli Villarði, “Ér hlýtið at leggja af veizlu þessa, herra, ok tala saman með Artú, þenna mann írska, sá es veit hvé vér mættum eyða Dauðastjǫrnu.
And then Princess Leia said to Earl Willard, “You got to desist from this feast, lord, and talk with R2, this Irish man, the one who knows how we are able to destroy the Death Star.

Þat es mér grunr á, at þetta skip hefir øss fylgdum higat.”
I have a suspicion that this ship has followed us here.”

Veiðr stóð í durum úti á víðu es Tarkinn Stórmofsjarl kom til hans.
Vader stood outdoors at a ? where Tarkinn Stormofs-earl came to him.

“Ertu víss, Veiðr” segir Tarkinn Stórmofsjarl, “At þú hefir fylgdargaldr kveðinn rétt yfir skipi þeira?
“Do you know, Vader” says Tarkinn Stormofs-earl, “That you have an accompanying magic song this evening right over their ship?

Ella es sigling sjá ábyrgðarráð.”

Otherwise so is sailing not-closed.”

“Já víst hefik rétt kveðinn galdrinn,” segir Veiðr, “Ok hefik lært nú þegar at fjándmenn órir felask  fyr handan Meginland á Hjaltlandi, á smǭ eyju þeiri es heitir Hvalsey.
“Certainly I have correctly uttered the spell,” says Vader, “And I have now learned when the enemies wrangle to hide themselves over beyond Meginland in the Shetlands, on the small island which is called Whale's island.

Vér búm nú ferð sína þagat, eptir þat at vér sǫmnum her stóran á Falfaðins konungs lǫndum á Írlandi.”
We immediately make ready now for a journey, after that, that we summon a large army to King Palpatine's lands in Ireland.”

“Svá es gørt sem mér líkar,” mælti Tarkinn.
“(It) is so done as I like,” said Tarkin.

“Sjá es góð vika víst,” segir Veiðr, “Víga-Ã"bívan Kvægansson es dauðr, ok snart monu deyja Ç«ll þau es bregða sverði í mót Falfaðni konungi.”
“Certainly this is a good week,” says Vader, “Slayer Obiwan, son of Kvaegan is dead, and will die all they who raised a sword against King Palpatine.”

Á séttu viku sumars nálgask inn norrǿni floti Hvalsey.
At the sixth week of summer the Norwegian fleet approached Whale's island.

Hólmgǫngu-Hani vas þá farinn með Tsiubakka, því at hann vildi gjalda Jabba Danakonungi hǫfuðlausn sína.
Dueler Han was then travelling with Chewbacca, because he wanted to repay Jabba the Danish king's his head-ransom.

Lúkr Anakinsson ok Villarðr jarl vǭru þar þá með allan her sinn; Villarðr jarl hafði Lúk nefndan hǫfðingja, ok vildi gipta dóttur sinn hónum.
Luke Anakinson and Earl Willard were then with all his army; Earl Willard had Luke named a leader, and wanted to give away in marriage his daughter to him.

Þá vas fagrt veðr ok bjart sólskin.
Then it was fair weather and bright sunshine.

Gingu þeir nú á hólminn báðir hǫfðingjar ok sveitir með þeim ok sǭ es skipin sigldu út á hafit mjǫk mǫrg saman ok nú sjá þeir hvar siglir eitt mikit skip ok glæsilegt.
Both leaders, they and their detachment with them, now go to the island and saw the very many ships put to sea and now they saw where a great and splendid ship sailed.

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