Star Wars 35 part 2 - Rob's Translation

From: rob13567
Message: 11949
Date: 2011-09-08

A number of difficulties for me in this passage....

Svá sagði hlutr til, at Lúkr skyldi sitja hjá jarlsdóttur um kveldit.
So said an additional thing, that Luke should sit near the Earl's daughter during the evening.

Hon gekk umb gólf ok skemmti sér.
She went across (the) floor and amused herself.

Lúkr stóð upp ok gekk til rúms þess, es dóttir jarlsins hafði setit umb daginn.
Luke stood up and went to that seat, which the earl's daughter had sat during the day.

En es menn skipuðusk í sæti sín, þá gekk jarlsdóttir at rúmi sínu.
And when the men took their seats, then the earl's daughter went to her seat. (Z. skipa 7 - skipuðust menn þar í sæti, the men took their seats)

Hon kvað:
She said:

Hvat skaltu, sveinn, í sess minn?
What shall you, child, in my seat?

þvít þú sjaldan hefr gefnar
Because you seldom have given

vargi varmar bráðir,
a wolf corpses of the newly slain, (Z. bráð - varmar bráðir, the corpses of the newly slain)

vesa vilk ein of mína ;
be one (vilk?) of mine;

sátt-a-þú hrafn í hausti
sat on you a raven in the fall

of hræsolli gjalla,
often screams fear,

vast-a-þú at, þars eggjar
were you that, there which eggs on

á skelþunnar runnusk.
At thin-shell began a fight.

Lúkr tók til hennar ok setti hana niðr hjá sér.
Luke took to her and sat her down by him.

Hann kvað:
He said:

Farit hefk blóðgum brandi,
I have gone made bloody a sword blade,

svát mér benþiðurr fylgði,
so that to me ben(?) wood-grouse followed,

ok gjallanda geiri;
and screaming gore;

gangr vas harðr af víkingum;
going was hard of the Vikings;

gørðum reiðir róstu,
We make ride a riot,

rann eldr of sjot manna,
a fire ran of man's (sjot?)

létum blóðga búka
We let (búka) get bloody

í borghliði sǿfask.
In a gate of a fort are killed.

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